Super Finding App

Chapter 2045: Join

Li An is 100% wanting to go to Ghana City, which is already very clear by Cheng Yiping

The appearance of this so-called Professor Lu Renzhang seems that he really wants to enter the city of Ghana, after all, he has a very strong desire for archeology.

In contrast, for the crowd of the Jiangzhen TV station crew and Yang Juaner, Shen Xiangrui and Wang Yaner, Cheng Ziping hopes that they can obediently return to Canghai City, or continue to stay at this Ghana historic site to complete their so-called archeology Shooting of reality show and don't follow them to Ghana

After all, this city of Ghana has no idea what kind of city it is.

What a terrible place it will be.

Although Cheng Yiping really doesn't know whether the horrible danger of Ghana City is, but the one-eyed temple can tell that this Ghana City may not be as simple as others think.

"What? Guide Zhang actually asked us to go to Ghana, to where the map inscribed on the mural by Professor Lu Renzhang was a joke, but it was very dangerous to go into the depths of the forest. Don't go "

"Fake, it must be fake, this is too weird. I thought this was the ancient monument in Ghana. I didn't expect to be able to piece together another six murals and put together a map. It really feels like a treasure. "

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about, what is the feeling of treasure? Now there is only one thing we want to think about, do you know? There is only one thing, which is whether we go or not "

"Director Zhang asked all of our film crews to follow me. I think this is a very bad thing at all. God knows what creepy things will happen in the depths of this forest. This is really too dangerous."

"Dangerous? What ’s so dangerous? I do n’t think it ’s anything at all dangerous. Think about what ’s so dangerous. We still have a minority Sun Boyuan in him. He is quite fair to Lin Hai. Familiar, I believe that under such circumstances, security should be a matter of no problem at all "

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way, I think you guys are taking it too seriously and thinking too dangerously, I don't think it is too dangerous, although we will go to Deep in the sea of ​​forests, but we have ethnic minorities as guides, and they should be foolproof. This is one of them. "

"The second most important point is that once the city of Ghana is really found, this is an important cultural relic. At that time, Professor Lu Renzhang will be able to show his strength, but we can also make a name that belongs to us. Career has important benefits "

"That's right, that's right, and I believe that although there is a map in this forest, there should not be too much danger. Everyone should be careful, isn't Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV station Would you make fun of your own life, I think this is impossible "

The staff of the TV station in Jiangzhen City started talking arrogantly. Some people agreed, and some people refused.

After all, not everyone has the courage to risk the future and venture into the depths of Ninghai.

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV naturally knew all this. He looked up and looked around, took a deep breath, and said word by word.

"I naturally understand your thoughts and your worries, so this time, not all choices are compulsory, but you can choose by yourself. If you are afraid of danger, you can leave. I will not say anything. , But if you are willing to stay and continue, then I can tell you that this time your salary is doubled, and if you go back after the show is really hot, each of you will have a dividend. "

What does it cost to work?

Of course to make money

As long as the money is in place, there is no problem

If the money is n’t in place, it ’s nothing

With the last word of Zhang Zhen, the TV station of Jiangzhen City, all the people's eyes light up.

"Director Zhang, are you saying true or false? Can we really have a dividend? Wouldn't it be teasing us?"

"That is, if Zhang Dao can get a bonus, we are all foolproof, and we have already felt very lucky and envious. Now you simply say that there is a dividend, it is still fake, and it will not be a joke. ? "

Mr. Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV station laughed loudly and said

"Just, no, no, I never joke with you on this matter. Everyone can think about it. There are three places where we make money for the shows we shoot. The first is sponsors, and the second is advertising. The third is the sales and clicks of the Internet. That is to say, as long as any block that can appear is explosive, the show will be very hot. In the next season, a lot of money will naturally flow in. I I know that doing the first season will put you at risk for some lives. In this case, as long as you can shoot successfully this time, all the profits you get after the show will be able to get dividends. What I want is the show To be popular "

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station is very clear. Money is something outside of him. As long as his program is red, money will flow in from behind.

After all, this is an archeological reality show that he did after exhausting all his strength, and this is also his only chance.

Can only succeed but not fail

"Dividends, dividends, there are dividends, there are dividends. If there are dividends, I will participate this time."

"Yes, yes, if there is a dividend, then I will also participate"

"If you all participate, that counts as one of me."

"Isn't that just going to Linhai? What's so amazing, I don't think there is any danger at all"

"There is no problem, there is absolutely no problem, as long as everyone is careful, but if we are really successful, that would be a very good thing."

"In this case, let's join"

"We also join, we also join"

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station saw the members of the Jiangzhen City TV Station camera team one by one, and they all expressed that they wanted to join them, showing a bright smile

One way is that money is moving, and he knows he will be 100% successful this time.

Thinking of this, he raised his head, took a deep breath, said with gritted teeth.

"The archaeological reality show will definitely succeed, it will succeed, it will never fail, absolutely, it will never fail!"

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