Super Finding App

Chapter 2051: Departure (2)

"Ready, ready, everyone, if everyone is ready, we will start tomorrow and we will start to Ghana City according to the map tomorrow"

The brightly lit bonfires in the camp of the ruins of Ghana are constantly burning, reflecting the surroundings very clearly.

Although Cheng Yiping sometimes does not want to admit it, it is undeniable that he lit a bunch of bonfires in the depths of the forest, and everyone ate and drank together. Talking about the world, there really was a very relaxed feeling.

Zhang Zhen's face on Jiangzhen TV became very excited. He stood at a high place and raised a glass of wine.

"Dear members of the film crew of Jiangzhen TV Station, I would like to thank you here for your hard work in joining this archeological reality show shooting. We also met a lot on the way. Difficulties and dangers, but everyone has overcome them. The next thing we are going to is Ghana. Perhaps the road will be more rugged, but I believe that when the shooting is successful, this will become our important distance and become our precious. Resources, our program will definitely be more heated "

Along with Jiang Zhen's stimulating words from the TV station, people around the film crew shouted, cheering and raising their wine glasses.

Although their cheers are more about being able to get double pay and remuneration, they may even get a share

Mr. Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station nodded with satisfaction, and once again set his eyes on Yang Juaner, Wang Yaner and Shen Xiangrui.

"Of course, these three stars are indispensable for our show. Although two of these three stars are women, they also show us their perseverance and they will follow us. Going to find Ghana City together, I believe that the three stars will be the focus of this shooting, which will definitely make our show completely popular. "

Shen Xiangrui, Yang Juaner and Wang Yaner nodded slightly, glanced at each other with some inexplicable meanings, but smiled.

They all know that shooting is still in progress

The camera is still watching them closely

"Of course, everyone, the most important of these is Professor Lu Renzhang. We all know that the absolute main force of archeology this time is Professor Lu Renzhang, and it is also Professor Lu Renzhang who found the map to Ghana City. The map of the six mural portfolios will find the real way to Ghana. Here we are very grateful to Professor Lu Renzhang. We believe that under the leadership of Professor Lu Renzhang, we will be able to reach Ghana City safely!

"It is worthy of the show. When talking, it really is one set after another, and Hu Youren really doesn't blink his eyes."

Cheng Yiping sat aside and drank gently with a glass of water in his hand.

He doesn't like drinking, he always feels that his head will become very painful on the second day after drinking. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Isn't this a good thing, since he can flirt with other people to accompany us to find Ghana, he should be able to take care of him on the road. If I can, I would like to start now, but now It seems that some are unlikely "

Li An stood beside Cheng Yiping and frowned slightly.

He felt that some time was really too slow

"Mr. Cheng can rely on you next. If Professor Lu Renzhang can really find Ghana City safely, then it is foolproof. If he really gets lost in the forest, then he will be yours."

"Rest assured, Mr. Li An, this is completely okay. Since I promised to go to Ghana together, if everyone really got lost in the depths of the forest and lost their way, it would not be a good thing for me. Thing, after all we are not primitive people "

Cheng Yiping said with a smile

He knows that it is not the time to turn his face with Li An and not to confess his account. The main thing is that he must also go to this city of Ghana.

Cheng Yiping said as he looked at Yang Yangjuan, one of the three stars aside, and stunned his temples with some headache.

"I didn't expect these three stars to accompany me together. I was surprised that there was a Yang Juan who said I was going. I didn't expect the other two to follow suit. They really are not afraid. Is it dangerous? "

Li An shook her head gently

Carelessly said

"It's not clear whether there is any danger. Maybe they have their own ideas. It doesn't matter much to us. We just need to go to Ghana tomorrow and find Ghana!"


When the morning of the second day comes

The people in the Jiangzhen filming team were ready, and began to hike forward to the depths of the forest.

Walking in the forefront is Professor Lu Renzhang

Professor Lu Renzhang took three students with a map and compass in their hands, and kept gesturing towards the place marked on the map.

The rest of the crew members walked cautiously along the way. When they encountered some wild countryside, they would take out the wood and clean it a few times, and scared away the insects and snakes inside.

This will ensure their safety.

After all, no one knows what kind of animal is hidden in the bushes!

"Yang Juaner, I told you all, let you go back to Canghai City, why do you have to follow it all the time, now you know how hard it is?"

Cheng Yiping followed the army and slowly walked around the belt. After turning over a mountain forest, he turned his head and looked at the gasping Yang Juan behind him, frowned, and held out his hand.

"It's okay, okay, uncle, I believe you will protect me, uncle"

Yang Juaner showed a bright smile, stretched out her hand, and climbed up the hillside with the help of Cheng Yiping's hand

"It's different. You should know that Yang Juan's is the most important thing to protect yourself. This is one of them. Second, even I don't know what will happen in front of me, so be careful, like you It ’s so hard to be a star here, it ’s important to return to the sea to ensure your own safety. ”

Cheng Yiping shook his head to persuade again, but then half swallowed again

He knew that he had already started and started now. It would not be useful to continue to say so.

Looking at the smiling Yang Juaner, Cheng Yiping shook his head with a bitter smile.

He feels that he really needs to find a chance to make a clear statement with Yang Juaner. There are some things that can't be confused, otherwise the more it gets, the more trouble.

"Exhausted, exhausted, really exhausted. I had thought that if I walked next, I would be very exhausted, but I didn't expect to be so exhausted."

Shenxiangrui followed the big army panting, frowning, and his face had already been spent.

"Hold on, hold on, Shen Xiangrui, if we don't want Yang Juaner's conspiracy to succeed, we must stick to it. After watching this program, we will all become front-line stars. worth it"

Wang Yaner raised his head and gritted his teeth and said

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