Super Finding App

Chapter 2060: Cliff (1)

Li An's grim face can almost drip water, he exhausted so much psychology, and even willing to pay a large price will be Cheng Yiping stay here for him to find Ghana City

Everything is to be able to find the city of Ghana, and now Cheng Yiping took him to the cliff and to the dead end.

This is basically hitting his face

And he hit his face very hard, almost hitting the wall.

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation. If there is no reasonable explanation, then I have to think about whether what you say is true or false, and whether you can really use Super The finder app finds Ghana city. If you do n’t have it, you not only owe me, but you also owe everyone an explanation. "

"Yes, yes, what exactly is going on? What is going on with Mr. Cheng? Originally, Professor Lu Renzhang led the team. Although we said that we have been in the forest for three days, we can at least be in the forest. In the meantime, Professor Lu Renzhang was able to find the correct position through the map. We just listened to what you said, knowing where Ghana is. As a result, now you have taken us to the cliff. Does n’t it mean that we have gone afterwards? The roads are all useless, and we are lost, we are completely lost. "

There was some madness and even some anger in Zhang Zhen of TV station in Jiangzhen City

Originally, he didn't believe in Cheng Yiping. After all, in his opinion, very professional things like archeology, it was natural that a professional such as Professor Lu Renzhang should do it.

And this so-called Cheng Yiping even somehow said that he can find Ghana City with a super finder app, which is simply an unrealistic thing.

Now it turns out that this so-called super-hunting app is simply impractical.

"This is not true, this is incorrect. I am afraid this is somewhat impossible. Although we do act as a super-seeking app for Cheng Yiping, according to my map, it seems that the path we should take is correct, but this is not possible. If it is correct, why is it on this cliff? What is going on? "

Professor Lu Renzhang held the map in his hand, constantly comparing and drawing, frowning tightly. As a professor of archeology, he had another map in his hand, although he said that he obeyed Cheng Yiping's words and followed Cheng Yiping's advance. But in fact, he is constantly drawing according to this map.

But now I find that the road is still leading to the cliff.

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, this may not necessarily be the case. After all, the paintings we pieced together were made from six murals in Ghana's historic sites. In fact, are they really effective, have they not appeared, and other issues. Know nothing at all "

"It's true. Just like we lost three days in the Lin Hai some time ago, we don't know what direction we want to go forward in the same way. After all, the route on this map is not 100% correct. Therefore, there will be deviations, and there is a slight deviation in the forest, and the consequences are absolutely unimaginable. "

"It ’s true, Professor Lu, you do n’t need to worry about it. It has nothing to do with you, but whether the path taken by Mr. Cheng is correct or incorrect. If not, why is this happening? Thing, why should it be correct according to the display on the map, but why do you get to the cliff again? "

"This is indeed very strange. It can only be said that we are in the forest today, and Lin Hai has estimated that the topography and landscape have changed in some way hundreds of years ago. Perhaps it is changing the landscape. We are basically I do n’t know what happened. I was walking on the correct road, but I was unknowingly off. After all, according to the map, it may be a millimeter or a thousand miles. ”

"It is true. It is true that it is possible to visit a dead horse in the mountains, but the problem is that we think it is too strange now. If the road really goes wrong, it is not here, then what should we do next? Yes, now that we are in Lin Hai, even if we want to go back, we are not sure whether we can return to the same way. "

Professor Lu Renzhang's three students, you talked with me

The original three people still had some self-confidence, but now they all have some uneasiness and uneasiness.

After all, the place where they belong is in the depths of Lin Hai, the phone is not available, the signal is not available, and even the satellite positioning is not there.

"No, cliffs, cliffs, cliffs, and cliffs. What the **** is going on? Why does this leveling bring us to this cliff? This is simply an unrealistic thing."

"That's true. What's going on? What we are looking for is Ghana, but it's not a cliff. Why does this happen? It's not right at all. It's all wrong at all."

"It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over and over, it's not even knowing the way to Ghana, so he just took us around and took us to the cliff All gone for nothing "

"Yes, that's exactly the right thing to say. Have you written a signpost along the way, if there is a signpost, it may be a lot better, we can return to the original road according to the signpost"

"How could I write such a signpost, where do I know it would be, I didn't write a signpost at all, okay?"

"No, you didn't write at all, what should we do next? Can we still return the same way? If we can't return the same way, we will be completely trapped in this forest."

"Do n’t scare me, do n’t scare me, you ca n’t scare me. How could this happen? This is simply not true. This is simply not true. I knew that this should not come from looking for Ghana. Should not attend this event "

"Okay, do you think it ’s still useful to say these things now? It ’s useless to say these things now. What should we do next? I do n’t have hope for Ghana. When we leave here, I can walk out of the forest safely, and I'm fortunate. "

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with it, what should we do next? I want to go home, I want to go home, I really want to go home"

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