Super Finding App

Chapter 2074: Ghana City (3)

Walking in the wild is actually a very difficult thing, or for some people, as long as they know the correct route, walking in the wild should not be very difficult. To many people, it looks like With a navigation system, as long as you have a navigation system, you can easily find the way to your goal.

Actually this is true, but the same is totally wrong.

If it is in a city, the navigation system can be used to reach the destination clearly and simply, but it is only the length of time. This sentence is completely correct.

But in the sea of ​​clouds in the wild countryside, it is completely different. After all, in this territorial sea, the half-height bushes are full of various dangers and the existence of traps. It is possible to be inattentive. It will fall into the cliff of thousands of feet, which can be said to be quite dangerous, so even if you know that the road ahead can be safely reached, this is a very dangerous thing.

As the authority of the Super Hidden App, a bottle is known more clearly than anyone who knows the role of the Super Hidden App, and also knows that various things will happen in the way of the Super Hidden App. Such a danger, after all, reality is not like playing a game, you only need to do coordinates, and then click an automatic input to reach the place.

Many times in the real world, all kinds of accidents occur in the road of finding objects, and it is these accidents that create the reality.

Fortunately, this is Chen Yiping's use of the bottom copy pp. Thank you Fang for taking the road as the soul. He can pass through any object. It can also eliminate all dangers to the souls walking in front of them, even if they encounter In case of various dangers, it can be predicted and prevented in advance.

And the danger encountered by the soul clone has passed. Chen Yiping's double perception came to Chen Yiping's mind, allowing him to make advance preparations.

The soul clone is more like a spy for Chen Yiping, which can ensure that Chen Yiping's road is safe and smooth.

"Be careful, there is a swamp ahead"

"Everyone pay attention, there is a cliff in front of you, you must go to the right, be careful and be careful."

"Everyone pay attention, there must be a cliff in front of you"

"Everyone must be careful and pay attention. The ground in front is relatively soft."

Chen Yiping took the road in the front while talking, and carefully informed that what would happen to the front of the TV crew.

Everyone was reminded by Qian Yiping, and they marched slowly in the bushes without any fear.

"Great, this Mr. Chen is really amazing, it ’s really strange, how do you say he knows where there will be in front of it, honestly capture other companies in this bush, this Swamp, if we did n’t notice, it would be a deadly event to fall, would n’t it? A cliff just over a metre away would have appeared on the road just now, if one stepped into the air That ’s all. Yes, yes, that ’s it, and the road ahead is not clear at all, but this Mr. Chen can easily see it, which is really amazing, is n’t it Is this Super Hidden App really so amazing? Definitely sure, this Super Hidden App is definitely so amazing. If he or he is magical, how can Mr. Chen be as flat as the ground in this territorial sea? People are surprised "

Walking in the wild is actually a very difficult thing, or for some people, as long as they know the correct route, walking in the wild should not be very difficult. To many people, it looks like With a navigation system, as long as you have a navigation system, you can easily find the way to your goal.

Actually this is true, but the same is totally wrong.

If it is in a city, the navigation system can be used to reach the destination clearly and simply, but it is only the length of time. This sentence is completely correct.

But in the sea of ​​clouds in the wild countryside, it is completely different. After all, in this territorial sea, the half-height bushes are full of various dangers and the existence of traps. It is possible to be inattentive. It will fall into the cliff of thousands of feet, which can be said to be quite dangerous, so even if you know that the road ahead can be safely reached, this is a very dangerous thing.

As the authority of the Super Hidden App, a bottle is known more clearly than anyone who knows the role of the Super Hidden App, and also knows that various things will happen in the way of the Super Hidden App. Such a danger, after all, reality is not like playing a game, you only need to do coordinates, and then click an automatic input to reach the place.

Many times in the real world, all kinds of accidents occur in the road of finding objects, and it is these accidents that create the reality.

Fortunately, this is Chen Yiping's use of the bottom copy pp. Thank you Fang for taking the road as the soul. He can pass through any object. It can also eliminate all dangers to the souls walking in front of them, even if they encounter In case of various dangers, it can be predicted and prevented in advance.

And the danger encountered by the soul clone has passed. Chen Yiping's double perception came to Chen Yiping's mind, allowing him to make advance preparations.

The soul clone is more like a spy for Chen Yiping, which can ensure that Chen Yiping's road is safe and smooth.

"Be careful, there is a swamp ahead"

"Everyone pay attention, there is a cliff in front of you, you must go to the right, be careful and be careful."

"Everyone pay attention, there must be a cliff in front of you"

"Everyone must be careful and pay attention. The ground in front is relatively soft."

Chen Yiping took the road in the front while talking, and carefully informed that what would happen to the front of the TV crew.

Everyone was reminded by Qian Yiping, and they marched slowly in the bushes without any fear.

"Great, this Mr. Chen is really amazing, it ’s really strange, how do you say he knows where there will be in front of it, honestly capture other companies in this bush, this Swamp, if we did n’t notice, it would be a deadly event to fall, would n’t it? A cliff just over a metre away would have appeared on the road just now, if one stepped into the air That ’s all. Yes, yes, that ’s it, and the road ahead is not clear at all, but this Mr. Chen can easily see it, which is really amazing, is n’t it Is this Super Hidden App really so amazing? Definitely sure, this Super Hidden App is definitely so amazing. If he or he is magical, how can Mr. Chen be as flat as the ground in this territorial sea? People are surprised "

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