Super Finding App

Chapter 2087: Yasha and Shura

"Well, passerby Zhang, what exactly is the inscription that continues to write? Why did the two tribes of Yasha and Shura fight against each other and are also called dead enemies? Can it be said that Ghana only competed with these two? What kind of reason and marriage would there be for each tribe? "

Li An couldn't wait to ask, he wondered what secrets were hidden in this Canadian city?

"It's true. This is really weird, but I think it should be understandable. After all, for the tribe hundreds of years ago, if there were two tribes, they should fight each other. After all, they survived. The space is so large. In order to compete for food and water, certain things should be fought. It is not like South-North Water Diversion as we are now. Even poems can have enough food to use, even in the distance. In ancient times, The scope of their activities should be within an area of ​​the tribe. If the two parties intersect, they should fight for the same food. They can become enemies over time. I think this should be understandable, after all. It was a tribe hundreds of years ago, not modern society today. "

Shen Xiangrui frowned and said that he also said such a very philosophical and justified word for the first time.

"Is this really the case? If this is the case, then why did they finally build this home together and it would be too strange to be inside it?"

Yang Yuner crooked his head and asked puzzledly that he always felt that things were not so simple

"Yes, you are right. If it is only because of the sharing of food, you cannot become an enemy. According to the inscription on this inscription, the two major tribes of Yasha and Shura have always called each other the most important battle for Fight for an artifact! "

The passerby Professor Zhang said that his face became abnormally dignified, and even some sweat dripped from his forehead. He was listening to something weird, and his words were strange.

"No, how well did the artifact come out again? Did you pass the wrong translation, Professor Zhang, a passerby? How could this gossip appear magical, not playing games, or some feudal superstition, How can artifacts appear? Is it a translation or misunderstanding? "

Zhang Dao, who was on the official TV station, was still staring with his eyes wide open. After a moment, I opened my mouth full of doubts. He didn't expect that the words "magic" would appear simply. This is indeed something beyond him. Unexpected.

"Yes, yes, I think it should be possible with artifacts. After all, in ancient times, people might use artifacts that were unknown to some people, or worship some inexplicable things as totems. The name of the artifact should be a confirmation that it does not mean that it is the true owner of the magical object that truly possesses this magical power. "

Wang Yaner hesitated a moment, raised his head and said it word by word, frowning while talking, the most reasonable explanation came out.

"No, no, you are wrong. According to the inscription, it seems that this thing is not a so-called totem, but a real artifact, which is too strange."

Lu Ban ’s walking, talking and looking up, looked carefully at this humble word.

"According to the inscription on the inscription on this grain line, it is said that the so-called contention between the Yasha and Shura tribe is an artifact. It is said that the owner of this artifact can see through your ability of thousands of miles. As long as you have this artifact, you can reach anything you want. The place to go can fulfill all your wishes, this artifact is called the Eye of God! "

Eye of God!

The short three-character words came out from the passerby's mouth in an instant, and fell into the minds of Chen Yiping and Li An like a thunderbolt. Both men's bodies shook slightly.

"I ca n’t see the eyes of the god, passerby Zhang, is there any problem with your translation? The inscription on this one is even out of consciousness. Do you know this is a very old-fashioned thing, how is it possible? There will be the so-called God's Eye. Is the translation wrong or not? Is there any problem with Professor Luneng's translation? Is it really God's Eye? Are you really writing a science fiction novel? Speaking of passers-by, Professor Zhang should pass by the text on the scandal. The so-called sages may also be ancient people talking about mobile phones or making something. Maybe they do n’t I do n’t know what role this thing has, so it ’s called the Eye of God.

"This is quite correct. After all, ancient people did not understand some of the climate of the heavens and the earth. They even thought that there were gods in the sky, and they put God on unknown things, so it ’s wise to go far. But it ’s weird. It ’s too weird to say that as long as you have an artifact, it ’s too strange. Was this Aladdin ’s magic lamp at the time? Is it possible? If it ’s really With Aladdin ’s magic lamp, that ’s all, but we should believe that in the ancient times, there should not be a creature like the so-called God, so what is this eye of God? Is this too abstract? It is not clear, according to the words of the inscription, I can only know that it should be said that this rope is also a treasure and caused the dispute between the two Bommen of Raksha and Shura. As for the so-called realization of all wishes, according to my If it ’s an idea, it should be passed on to others. ”

After listening to the staff of the official TV set-up group, they chatted in the back. Obviously, everyone didn't take this consciousness as one thing, but Chen Yiping's heart was beating fiercely. Turning fast

In his mind, I remembered the deep and long-distance reading that appeared when Super PP was used.

"Eye of God, Eye of God, is this really just a coincidence? The icon of my super service app is one eye and enters into the super object seeking app. The screen appears in addition to the bright and gorgeous starry sky. The distant one-eyed pupil. Now, if you think about it, every part of the fragment of faith called Super Hidden App seems to be part of the eye. Could it be that the Shura and Yasha tribe of pure gold in Ghana hundreds of years ago? The God's Eye mentioned is that the Super Xuanwu APP failed. Could it be that this Super Hidden Object App already existed hundreds of years ago? "

When thinking of this possibility, Chen Yiping couldn't help but took a sigh of cold air, a creepy fear, rushed from the back to the brain, he was quite shocked, thinking that this super basalt APP could be loaded to In the mobile phone, it should be the latest type of inherited objects. Although it is not known how it was formed, it should belong to a golden finger. But now it seems that this super finder app appears in this world. Time is far beyond my imagination. It has appeared hundreds of years ago!

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