Super Finding App

Chapter 2096: moonlight

"Yes, what Mr. Chen said is complete, without any mistakes. If this is true, then the road in this place was also quite good. It turned out to be a proof of love, combined with love, is it true? Does the so-called moonlight fall in love mean that the moonlight is falling on this statue? Li An's surprised mouth has a big head and some blood stasis. Does it feel that some of them are too simple? Some of them are not quite sure? Is this what you said true, Mr. Chen? Does this explanation really make sense? If it is this explanation, do you think some of them are too simple, no? Simple and not simple, I think what Mr. Chen said should be completely possible. We all thought the ancients were too complicated, but in fact this should be impossible. Sun Boyuan of the ethnic minorities lifted up after listening. After the head was turned off, there was light shining in my eyes, and the head nodded to Xiaomi, although we all think that the ancients watched some TV very seriously I was amazed, I was amazed by the wisdom of the ancients, but in fact the ancients actually made airplane cars and even cloned various organs than the moderns. These capabilities look like legends to the ancients The same is true of immortals, but now we humans have arrived with technology. In other words, the ancients are not necessarily smarter than our modern ones, but the vast majority of ancients are illiterate, and their knowledge is quite narrow. So I do n’t know how to feel quite surprised. We speculate that it may indeed be true. ”

Whether the ancients were more intelligent than the moderns is not clear Chen Yiping, but if you think about it, you can also know, if the ancients are really so much smarter than the moderns, why would they be so alarmed? Such a lack of power, and the emergence of ultra-modern technologies such as flying airplanes and mobile phones, can only show that people are benevolent and wise are wise. In a certain way, modern people think that the ancients were smart. Because modern people did not have the ideas and thinking of the ancients at that time, they would feel quite smart. OK, isn't it smart that we don't have any need at all, I don't want to ask, I don't want to know, I just want to know that this statue is really the so-called love? When the moonlight shines on this statue, the gods will come, that is to say, you can find the place of the temple. Li An can't wait to say that it doesn't matter to him. The most important thing is to find the mystery. Where it is, Chen Yiping nodded slightly, although it seems to many people that all this is due to being forced, just to complete the task of Mr. Li An, but in fact Chen Yiping is quite equivalent to Chen Miao Pay attention to it, look up, and the moonlight shines through the gap in Ninghai. The beautiful city of Ghana said, verbatim, is it true? We can just wait for the moonlight to shine on Canada, everything The truth will come out naturally.

Time was passing by little by little. Everyone quietly watched the moonlight shine through the air. When a woman's fluorescence hit the statue, it seemed to make the entire statue emit a silver-white light source. Tall miracles. Even the irresistible anger, the shadow of the statue slowly grew in the next moment, and slowly seemed to extend in a certain direction.

Look at you, look at the statue. You see the statue's eyes, it only counts in a certain direction, which is really amazing. The shadow of the statue is illuminated by the moonlight and looks in the red mirror. Since the change has become The symbol on a devout finger, but not Ghana, is too shocking. Has the use of wind and rain been known hundreds of years ago? Looking at the strange scene in front of him, the men of ethnic minorities opened their mouths wide and felt very surprised.

Chen Yiping frowned. This thing is equivalent to some pictures seen on the Internet. From the surface, it is a shape, but if it is illuminated by light, the shadow will change to another shape. In modern times, it is not easy to do this, but in ancient times, someone could do it. I have to say that this is indeed very surprising news.

"The ghost axe master is really a ghost axe master. If you didn't know and pay attention to it in advance, you wouldn't have thought that the statue would change like this. The silver light shone on the statue, and the statue's shadow would have changed. It seems to be a person, a person who is praying prayerfully "

"It's true. Under the shining of the silver light, the statue has indeed become a person praying with both hands. If there is no wrong guess, the direction of this airway should be where the temple is, and the direction it points to It's the statue itself! "

Chen Yiping took a sip of air-conditioner, and his eyes widened. He watched carefully. The shadow of the statue reflected under the silver light, Henan was an inverted praying figure.

"How is this possible? It's weird. The silver light shining on the statue will actually be the statue itself. Could it be that the intersection of the temple is on the statue!"

You calmed down for a while, and then you got a startled look on your face, and you never thought that the development of things would turn out to be like this, which is too unexpected.

"It is possible that it is indeed possible. Everyone found that without this Cana, there is no other danger at all, and the direction of the temple. If so, it may indeed be a statue, Could it be that the statue is actually the statue at the junction? "

The boy from the ethnic minority group, Sun Boyan, couldn't wait to say that his face had become very excited. The full moon, the sun, the moon and the moon shone in love, and the gods were about to fall.

"The statue is definitely a statue. We really didn't expect that the intersection of the temple was on top of this statue, which is too unexpected."

"Yes, it is indeed possible. If love talks about the love between the two tribes of Raksha and Shura, and they merge Raksha and two tribes into Ghana City, then this statue should be representative It is the appearance of a deity. It is not surprising that the statue speaks of the deities, and the deities are about to come, that is, at the full moon, the intersection of the temple should appear. "

Chen Yiping said, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he couldn't wait to say, we immediately went to the statue, and immediately went to the statue. If I didn't guess wrong, it would only appear at the full moon. Only at the intersection of the temple can we find out what kind of place the temple intersection is.

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