Super Finding App

Chapter 2099: Entrance (2)

"This is really something we didn't expect. The temple didn't expect to be under the statue for a long time. This really surprised us and always thought that the temple should be in Above the city of Ghana, I did not expect this temple to be underground. "

Li Long took a sigh of relief, a bright smile on his face

Looking at the entrance below the statue, eyes are glowing

He clearly knew that he found the temple, and then he might find the things and objects he was looking for.

"It's true. In fact, this institution is not complicated at all. Even if there is no legend as claimed by Sun Boyuan, as long as you have scientific means, you can see that there should be a hole under the statue. Prying down this inscription, you can find the entrance to the temple. Only hundreds of years ago, the ancients did not have such technology at all, so they felt quite mysterious. "

Cheng Yiping nodded and said

The entrance to this temple is actually not too complicated. If you really want to find it, Cheng Yiping believes that with the current technology, it should be easy to find the entrance to the temple.

The stone on the so-called statue is actually a luminous stone, which will reflect the light under the silver moonlight, so it will look unusually dazzling, like a miracle!

In fact, it ’s completely understandable to think about it. Now that technology is so developed, you can see too wonderful things.

But the city of Ghana hundreds of years ago is different. It belongs to the tribe. The people of Ghana are shocked by the moonstone and the door that can be opened automatically.

I'm afraid it is because of this that it will be passed down in the form of legend later.

"Awesome, have you heard? Have you heard? Mr. Cheng and Mr. Li, they really found the entrance to the temple."

"Really or fake? Really found the temple, we also searched many times and did not find a so-called temple, where did Mr. Cheng and Mr. Li find them, would n’t it be a joke? "

"It's true, it's true. If you can find it, then you are Mr. Cheng, Mr. Li. The entrance to this temple should be under the statue we see during the day."

"No, no, just kidding. It's just under the statue. How could there be such a thing? This is too strange. I think it should be impossible."

"That ’s why it might be a temple under the statue. Why is it that the temple should be built under this statue? This is too strange.

"That's right, that's exactly the right thing to say, but I'm sorry that Ghana City really does."

"No, if so, have they all entered the temple now?"

"No, no, this temple has not been opened for a hundred years. I don't know what kind of situation it will be. It is very dangerous to enter it under such circumstances, but it is very dangerous. Don't you know? "

"Yes, yes, that ’s the right thing. After all, for hundreds of years, it ’s all closed. God knows what will happen inside, or there will be some outbreaks of bacteria and viruses. But It's very dangerous, so are they ready to go in tomorrow? "

"It's not clear, but one thing you can know is that now that you know where the temple is, the next thing should be relatively simple, as long as you wait for a little rest, the preparations are done. , Everyone will be able to go to the temple. Will you join them then? "

"I do n’t do it, I do n’t do it anyway, I definitely wo n’t do it, I ’m not studying archeology, or that sentence, we are members of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City TV station and not archeology students. It ’s dangerous. What if it ’s dangerous? ”

"Yes, yes, that's exactly right. Then again, this is not 100% sure. After all, if Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station really wants to enter the temple, someone must have filmed it. Maybe such words will let us follow "

"It's possible, it's possible, it's really possible, then we'll think about it and think about what we should do next?"

The staff of the numerous film crews in Jiangzhen City TV Station chattered, and when you said something to me, your emotions became quite excited.

Obviously, they did not expect that the temple was actually in Ghana. They were actually found by Cheng Yiping and Li An.

Obviously they didn't realize that the temple was actually in this city of Ghana

"Strong, terrible, really terrific, Yang Juaner, now I understand why you believe in Cheng Yiping so much. He is really capable, he didn't expect to find it even in the temple. This is indeed true. It was something we didn't expect "

In a large tent, three stars, Shen Xiangrui, Wang Yaner, and Yang Juaner, sat together, and in front of them stood a stool with some snacks and some tea.

As a star, they will naturally live in a better environment than ordinary staff.

"But then come back, why on earth do you want to find this temple? I do n’t think it has any meaning at all, is n’t it? The strangest thing I have is that why would you want to find this temple and not find it? We are here to participate in the archeological reality show, not to find Ghana, to find a temple, I really feel that there is some apostasy. "

Shen Xiangrui said with a hesitant look

If it wasn't for the dilemma, he really didn't know what to do.

In other words, he will definitely turn around and leave here to return to the city, even if the show is not recorded, there is no problem at all.

But unfortunately, now I am in the depths of the forest

Shen Xiangrui is also very clear that if they did not go with the people of Jiangzhen City Television Station crew or even an equal person, they would not be able to get out of the forest.

"This is indeed very strange, but if they have to find this temple, it should have their meaning and their purpose. In short, we don't ask any questions, just hope that we can complete the archeological reality show program. It ’s the most important thing for everyone to leave Lin Hai safely, and now I also have some regrets. "

"We still have many opportunities if we want to be red, but it is the most unwise to put ourselves in a dangerous environment."

Wang Aier has some regrets at this moment!

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