Super Finding App

Chapter 2118: Open altar

"Yes, yes, passerby Zhang can still open the things in it faster, open them faster, and only open these things, that is the best thing, after all, this thing After we open it, we can know what kind of things will appear in it, and then we can know what this eye of God is. "

"Yes, yes, we are really very curious about this. We are really very curious about the so-called new words in the carpet. I want to know what kind of ghost you are. Stimulating people's desires and making people become demons, that's all. Not only can you realize all your wishes, how you think this is a very strange thing, right, yes, this is really a very strange thing. Is it true that Hainan Island can realize all its wishes? Is it really possible that Hainan Island is talking about Aladdin's magic lamp? "

"No, no, do you think that this so-called magical eye will be the legendary A ** lamp. If this is the case, then this is really a very strange and wonderful thing. It ’s too weird. Maybe I might say that this is a possible thing at all, is it definitely a possible thing? After all, no one knows that it was a fake taken hundreds of years ago. What has happened, let alone what we have found this house to obtain a certificate, and also see this so-called artifact, this so-called **** will, to be honest, we do not know what will happen next What kind of things, I think even if they happen to other things, this is understandable and understandable. "

The members of the group within the official TV station talked stunnedly, everyone's face was surprised, and it was clear to them that what happened in front of them was indeed something beyond them. Unexpectedly, I finally arrived here after a lot of hard work. Everyone wants to see what this so-called **** profession is. Yes, yes, what is this eye of God. Such a thing, I really want to know that there is no problem with passerby Professor Zhang, this should be no problem, is it not dangerous to use this guitar? Zhang Dao, a TV station, said excitedly, there was light shining in his eyes, but he was still very careful, after all, he didn't know whether there would be any so-called after the altar in front of him was opened. If there is a real danger, then it will be troublesome. After all, as the saying goes, be careful to sail a ship of ten thousand years. Only by being careful and careful can you keep your own life, not to mention things. The development has changed to the point where he is now, and he does not want to fail.

"No problem, no problem, I checked it, there should be no problems, this has reached the group, so there should be no problems, we just need to be careful, it should be fine, passerby Zhang pays attention to Nodded his head and frowned. Obviously he was very careful and cautious himself.

Chen Yiping and his daughter did not talk too much at a glance, but the faces of the two people became a little bit of Lin Zhongzi, observing what happened in front of the eyes, some of them abandoned the mind, all People have focused their attention on the passerby Professor Zhang, hoping to open the group through the passerby Professor Zhang and see what the legendary eye of God is like

"Take it slowly, you must take it slowly, be careful everyone must add more, be careful not to be paralyzed, after all, we don't know what kind of thing is in it."

Passerby Professor Zhang carefully extended his hand at the same time. Discard ringtones with the help of three students. Bit by bit, the lid on this altar was slowly pushed open, as if after thousands of years, it was finally opened with a click, and a white smoke spread to 4 weeks, Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. This is white smoke. This is a white smoke that should be formed in a closed coffin or altar for a long time. There should be no major problems. But everyone is still careful, it is best not to inhale the smoke, after all, no one knows what the consequences will be after inhaling the smoke. You must be careful and be careful.

Everyone chatted here and then quickly ran to the rear and watched the group slowly opened. It seemed from these days that there was a smell of odor, which quickly dissipated. Then a bang, the lid of the altar was opened, and the glittering gold was exposed inside ...

"Oh my God, you see gold is gold. It's all gold in this group, isn't it? Just kidding, this altar is all gold. How could this happen? Is n’t it possible to say that all of this is not possible with gold? This is really exciting and true. This is absolutely true. Gold and gold are all gold. ”

It ’s great, it ’s great, it ’s guarantee is guarantee, and we really say that it is guaranteed. How can there be no guarantee at this price? Now it seems that we guessed wrong. There is really a guarantee here. So much gold, this is old gold. One hundred percent of the old gold can be produced by refining it. Made us rich

The excited eyes of the staff members of the official TV set-up group opened with excitement. They watched the mirrors piled up inside the altar one after another, and their eyes glared. No one expected that the gold would be real. So much, there will be gold in this group, which is really exciting.

"There is actually gold in the sperm group. This is really a bit unexpected. To our surprise, I thought it was the blade of God. I didn't expect that there would be gold."

Chen Yiping watched all the frowns happening in front of him, and frowned slightly. The official TV crew members rushed the talker positively and then rushed up, holding the mirror in their hands, and everyone's face was exposed. Is surprised look inexplicably inexplicable.

"Gold Gold did not expect that there would be a guarantee, which is indeed beyond our expectations, but this guarantee does not have much effect on us. What we do now, the most important thing we know is One is the eye of God. What kind of place will this eye of God be? We have to get it in hand, so that's the main thing. Where are these three eyes? "

Li An frowned deeply. He didn't care about the so-called gold at all, and he didn't care about the eye of God at all.

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