Super Finding App

Chapter 2128: Minority tribes (1)

"Come out, come out, all the people come out, enter the reversing, all the people below the temple are out."

"Did you finally come out? Have you finally come out? All the people have finally come out. What happened underneath this miracle? Have you found the so-called magic, have you found the so-called eye of God? "

"Come up, come up, really worried about dying us. You have been three or four hours when you went down, and really thought what kind of accidents and unexpected things would happen to you, now It ’s really good to be able to come out from under the temple with the whole body full of angles. It ’s really great. It ’s great as long as people are okay. ”

"Okay, don't say this bland language anymore, when you shouted you were all unwilling to go down, all greedy for life and fear of death, but now it's pretty good, let someone get it up quickly, call it faster Bring it up "

"What happened to you under the temple? What are your thoughts? Have you found any so-called artifacts? Are there any gains?"

The real TV staff chatted, the staff remaining in Chizhou will be Chen Yiping below the temple, Li An and passersby Professor Zhang and the filming of the official TV station wall will all be pulled out of the temple The crowd gathered together and talked in a chattering manner, and their emotions became quite agitated and excited.

"Of course we were really thrilling this time!"

"Yes, yes, the things we met under the temple this time are really quite thrilling. If I tell you, you really can't believe what happened to us and what happened."

"Really, really? What the **** did you do here in the wonderful fire fighting?"

Talking to the many left-behind staff members of the real TV station, Chen Yiping got up from the side and left silently, and everyone took to a piece of tree and tree and sat down, holding a bottle of mineral water in his hands and mumbling Drank

Chen Yiping is very clear that when everyone knows that there are many jewellery dealers in these days, I am afraid it will cause a riot, although the gold and silver jewellery is quite equivalent. I like or even want a piece of it. Alas, there is one thing that can be sure is that so many elite jewellery are important, but they are definitely not obtained by themselves. The level of faith of the Super Hidden App is even more important.

"Calm down, calm down, and oil ca n’t be moved. Although the gold and silver treasures in these group positions are very valuable, but in the final analysis, I did n’t have the super pp faith fragments in my mind that are more valuable. , "

Chen Yiping is a listener. Compared to the current gold and silver jewelry, he has already obtained the fragments of the Super Finding App ’s faith. The next thing is not related to him too much. He just needs to find a chance to leave this territorial sea to have this super. Majestic, complete Super Vortex App's Vortex of Faith, with only the last piece left.

"Although I don't know what will happen to this cluster after my batch of credit levels become 100%, but if the words of the two minds encountered in the Devil's Sea are true, also That is to say, the phenomenon fragments of this super basalt app can become a new **** after hitting 100%. "

Chen Yiping frowned slightly, although he didn't know what kind of role he could have as a so-called star, but at least it was certain that something unusual would happen, and maybe he could really know this super seeker What is the origin of APP?

"Grow the tree, uncle Cheng, are you okay, are you okay?"

Just as a bottle was thinking with her head down, Yang Juaner came over, with a worried body on her face, and said Chen Yiping up and down a lot, obviously she was afraid that Chen Yiping would be injured, or It ’s missing arms and legs.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, although some unexpected things did happen below the underground temple, but anyway, it can be regarded as a surprise and it's all solved without any problems. Rest assured

Chen Yiping looked at Yang Juner in front of him and showed a bright smile, shook his head gently, no matter how to make Yang Juaner care about his heart, there is no problem at all.

"Can Uncle Chen talk about it? What kind of things did you encounter under this underground temple? Seeing so many people gathered and talking, we are really curious."

Sun Xiangrui and Wang Zihan also came over from the side. It is impossible to say that they are not curious, but it is more for them to be able to take their own safety into consideration. After all, they are stars. It ’s not ordinary. The staff of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations are not passersby. Professor Zhang and other archeologists think more about their own safety.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that an underground famous tree was found below this temple, and a scum monster more than three meters long was found."

Chen Yiping shrugged and said with his shoulder, as if it didn't matter.


Found an underground maze?

A three-meter-long cormorant?

Yang Juner and Sun Xiangrui have forgotten three people, revealing the one who has obtained the most domineering grandson. It seems that some do not understand what Chen Yiping is saying. After a while, it will be a bottle that will happen in the underground maze. After telling the three, their mouths were wide open and stunned.

"No, it's still fake? Is it so amazing? There is a huge underground labyrinth below this magic, and there is a 3 kilometer long and 5 kilograms in it. Is the main thing true? Really have found the so-called God's Blade in this altar, and there are a lot of guarantees, this is really too angry, if we knew it earlier, we should follow it together "

Sun Xiangrui opened his mouth and nodded heavily.

"Okay, Chen Xianglei, don't say these words again, you should say that our guild has not gone down, and there are still 5 kilograms in this underground maze. How do you know if other dangerous situations will occur after we go down? But then again, I did not expect that in addition to the eye of God in this altar, there are also a lot of gold and silver jewelry. This is really a sense of adventure. "

He shook his head straight and chuckled. Although he felt very curious about what happened in the underground maze, he didn't care at all, because he knew that only his own life was the most important thing. Others All of them are fake

"Okay, well, no matter how it is, now that things have been resolved, and even they have been found, the next archaeological reality show should be able to continue shooting. I don't want to do anything now, so I want to finish shooting earlier and leave Here"

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