Super Finding App

Chapter 2136: legend

Lin Hai, a minority tribe.

"The Eye of God, is this the Eye of God in Ghana, the artifact that our ethnic tribe has been guarding for hundreds of years? I didn't expect it to look like this. This is really beyond our expectations. Outside things, Sun Boyuan, you are doing very well. "

The head of the minority tribe's face became extremely excited

At this moment they are setting up an altar in the center of the village, and the eye of God is enshrined above the altar.

The village chief of the ethnic tribe knelt down, and many villagers behind him bowed down one after another, raising his head and exposing a look of excitement and respect.

Obviously those who can stay in this minority of ‘ethnic tribes for hundreds of years of long-cherished wish and legend have 100% faith in the legend

They are still very simple to believe that what they worship in their ethnic tribe is the legendary artifact.

"Village chief, since you have already obtained the eye of God, then I should leave. All the remaining gold and silver jewellery belongs to me. This is what we have talked about at the beginning. Do n’t you Can't you count? "

Ethnic man Sun Boyuan raised his eyebrows

Looking at the village chief in front of him and the villagers lying on the ground, his eyes revealed a displeased look

As he walked out of Lin Hai, he did n’t believe in so-called miracles or so-called legends.

Nothing is more practical than gold and silver camp jewelry.

"Sun Boyuan, I know that you have walked out of this minority tribe, walked out of the village, and seen the outside society. You do n’t believe the legend we have been waiting for for hundreds of years, but now the legendary items are in front of us. Do n’t you believe it? Compared to these gold and silver jewels, the legendary artifact is the most important existence, and it can fulfill all our wishes. "

The village chief of the minority tribe couldn't wait to say that his face was exulting

"Please, village chief, you wo n’t really believe in the legend that this so-called artifact can fulfill all your wishes. This is simply impossible. Well, be realistic, not so much the legendary artifact, this gold and silver jewelry is The most practical thing is to sell them, and I can repay all the money I owe, and I can even make a comeback. As for this, all my wishes are realized. No need. My wish with gold and silver jewelry can be realized. "

Sun Boyuan, a minority man, laughed lightly, showing a sneer.

What so-called artifacts can realize the wishes of all people, this is simply an impossible thing

This is really a fairy tale. If he was a child, he would still believe it very much, but after experiencing the flushing of reality now and the outside world, he would never believe it.

This is simply impossible!

"Stupid, stupid, really stupid, if these legends are not true, how could we keep this legend for a whole hundred years, we have never found the place of Ghana and our tribal guard What kind of place is my artifact? I did n’t expect to find it now. ”

The village chief of the minority tribe had a look of excitement on his face and carried him, his tone became extremely excited.

"Village chief, this is a bit wrong. If you really want to use them to find the eye of God, then why did you use this group of people when they just entered the forest and entered the ancient monuments of Ghana? After Yasha, almost killed one of the lives, or even expelled them. "

Sun Boyuan suddenly thought of something and asked

He still remembers what Li An and others met when they entered the Ghana monuments at the beginning.

If Shen Xiangrui hadn't met Cheng Yiping, I would have lost all the water and turned into a dead body.

"Trial. All these are just trials. If there is no way Yasha can solve it, they will not have any ability to find Ghana, let alone find the so-called artifact."

The village chief of the minority tribe shook his head slightly, with a crazy look on his face

"Only they solved this Yasha, which is enough to show that they do have some abilities, and may be able to find the artifacts that our ethnic tribe is waiting for. Now it seems we have succeeded.

So it is

Shen Xiangrui nodded slightly, you looked at the kind old village chief in front of you, and even had a look of panic

After all, if this Shen Xiangrui did not meet Cheng Yiping, and did not expel the A. nematode from his body, he would become a corpse and a dead person.

And for the village heads of ethnic minorities, it is so simple to kill a person without any hesitation, just for an experiment and guess?

this moment

Shen Xiangrui felt the fear of the minority village head. The head of his village may be more terrible than he thought.

It's completely different from the village heads I used to know.

"Look, these archaeologists, although they have found the city of Ghana, have found the artifact that our tribe has guarded for hundreds of years, but they have no idea how this artifact should be used, let us now The people in the village use this artifact together to summon real artifacts that can fulfill our true wishes and all our wishes. "

The village chief of the ethnic tribe can't wait to say, with an excited look

"The legend that our village has guarded this one has been for so many years, it has been hundreds of years, and now it is our turn to fly to the Yellow Tengda in our village, and it is time for everyone in our village to realize their wishes."

The village chief of the ethnic tribe hurriedly said, his face was full of excitement

"Does this so-called artifact really fulfill the wishes of all people? The reason why Professor Lu Renzhang and others did not summon the artifact is because they do not know how to truly summon, and the village chief knows how to use this artifact. eye"

"Does the Eye of this Artifact God Really Realize Everyone's Wish?"

Looking at the apparently confident minority head of the village, Sun Boyuan hesitated for a moment.

Because he didn't know whether the village chief's words were true or false.

Could it be said that the legend that has been in the village for hundreds of years is really not true.

The more Sun Boyuan thinks, the more I think it ’s unbelievable and unbelievable.

After all, he is no longer a person who stays in this minority tribal village to accept legends all year round.

He had seen big cities and had access to the Internet. He did not believe in so-called gods.

Even he likes most ordinary people to go to the cinema to watch some movies, especially some myth and fairy tale movies

But practically everyone knows that movies and fairy tales are fake

An artifact that fulfills all wishes

Does not exist at all!

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