Super Finding App

Chapter 2138: Yasha (1)

"Why do you do this? If I remember correctly, you were also hired by Mr. Ang to find the treasures of Ghana and the bonus of the eye of God in Ghana. In this case, why did you find it after you found it? People who united a few tribes swept all the eyes of God and treasures of gold and silver, why did you do such a thing? "

Looking at Sun Boyuan, a man of ethnic minorities who was clearly staring at him, Cheng Yiping's face became somewhat ugly.

He was not afraid of Sun Boyuan, but was scared that the numerous bugs in the altar in the hands of the minority tribe after Sun Boyuan's voice were constantly twisting, and it looked really creepy.

Cheng Yiping knows the bugs here well. He has seen this. It is the mutant A. elegans.

"Why does this need to be said? Our ethnic tribe has guarded Ghana from hundreds of years ago, which is the so-called legend in Ghana. Now you come to this city and want to change this minority Take away what the nation is waiting for, don't you think this is the behavior of a robber? It's ridiculous. "

Sun Boyuan raised his head and looked diligently in front of Cheng Yiping.

Although there are many people who are equal, Sun Boyuan did not have any fear or panic, saying it word by word.

"Don't understand yet? We just took back what belonged to our minority tribe and guarded it. It has nothing to do with you. Why do you say it is stealing? This is simply impossible. What we get back is The things that belong to us are the things that belong to our minority tribes themselves. If you are a robber, you are the real robbers. "

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, your logic is really ridiculous, I admit that your ethnic tribe has indeed been waiting for this Ghanaian city for hundreds of years, but according to national regulations, all cultural relics National, now this eye of God is also an important cultural relic. It may even be a national treasure. You ethnic minority tribes should return it back. Only when it is handed over to the country ’s cultural center can it be properly kept or even restored. Our The purpose is to be able to take good care of the cultural relics, not to own him. "

Professor Lu Renzhang stunned and immediately refuted, gritted his teeth

In his opinion, any cultural relics should be properly kept and restored. Private storage ‘.. is never better than the government

"Exaggerated, exaggerated, too exaggerated, what is called everything belongs to your minority tribe, this is fundamentally nonsense, if all the gold and silver treasures here belong to your minority tribe, Then why do n’t you minority collect all these gold and silver treasures? It ’s ridiculous. ”

"Now that we find it, it belongs to you. No one believes it anywhere. If you say that, I also say that the land of your minority tribe belongs to us. Can we just take the minority tribe's land? All the people have been driven away, you are basically robbers. "

"That's right, that's right, that we are robbers. I want you to see that the talents of ethnic minority tribes are real robbers. If you can really find the treasure, you have already found it. How can you get it? We came to look for it, and now we have lost the medicine in our food. After we were fainted, we took all the eyes of God and the gold and silver jewelry. It was ridiculous. You are the real robbers. "

"Nothing is wrong. You are the robbers. Come back, come back, return the eye of God, return the gold and silver treasures."

"The gold and silver treasures belong to us, and the gold and silver treasures definitely belong to us. Hurry back and return them back quickly."

"No fault, no fault, return our gold and silver jewelry to us, and quickly return the gold and silver jewelry that belong to us"

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Everyone should not listen to his nonsense. What is called belongs to Ghana, this is simply not right. Give us back the gold and silver jewelry that belongs to us, and quickly belong to our gold and silver jewelry. Give it back to us "

"That's right. All gold and silver jewellery belongs to us. We have worked hard to find gold and silver jewellery. How could it become the possession of Ghana? This is impossible, impossible, hurry up Give us back the gold and silver jewelry "

Obviously, how could the staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City agree with what Sun Boyuan said?

Filled one by one with anger, gritted teeth

If the number of ethnic minorities in front of them is not taken into account, then they will really rush to grab all the gold and silver jewelry.

"Enough, enough, give me enough, I'm sorry, no matter what you think, I don't want to know what you want to do, but now I just want to tell you one thing, that is Quickly return my things to me, and quickly return the Eye of God to me. You should know that the purpose of my employment is to find the Eye of God, do not force me to take action, otherwise you little ethnic minority Horde I can completely turn it into ashes "

Li An's face became abnormally dignified, with iron nails, and even some dignified, the words spoken with endless murderousness.

"Sure enough, sure enough, this Li An is definitely not simple. The fact that he can say such things easily is enough to show that there must be some kind of power behind Li An. Otherwise, he would never say such things. It ’s a bit unexpected, is n’t Li An really the force behind me? ”

There was a look of surprise in Cheng Yiping's eyes, and his face was gloomy and could drip water.

Until this moment, he was completely able to be sure that there was indeed a great power behind Li An, otherwise he would never say such a thing

And this is where Cheng Yiping feels more afraid.

"Hurry up and let me go quickly, otherwise don't blame my sword and eyeslessness. I believe that even if you are really solved in this forest, no one knows. I want to be here. You should not leak this secret, everything is for the rope and for gold and silver jewelry. "

Li An raised his head and said in a word, took out an air gun from the bodyguard's hand, raised it high, his pupils were full of murderous gas, for ordinary people, the damage that an air gun can produce Much higher than cold weapons.

"Calm down, I know this is not fair to you, but Sun Boyuan is not wrong. The artifacts of the centuries that our minority tribes have been waiting for have now been unearthed. All this will belong to me You can find this minority tribe and prove that you are also destined. If so, come and see the power of artifacts together. "

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