Super Finding App

Chapter 2140: miracle

"What's going on with blood and blood, can it be said that the blade of God can only be activated by passing blood? How is this possible? How could there be such a thing, this is too strange, right?"

The township is the staff of the TV crew. It is the most important thing to watch the village. The head of the ethnic tribe village shouted loudly at the altar. His expression became quite respectful. A light stroke was made, and blood was flowing on the eyes of God, all of them were stunned as if looking at something weird.

"It's weird and weird. This is too weird. What the **** is going on here? How do you say this? How could this happen? It takes human blood to start this so-called god. Eyes, this is too weird. "

"Stupid and stupid, this is really stupid. I think this is really a very stupid thing. If you think about it, how could this happen, this is also simply impossible. When is the so-called cold blood often appearing to activate the consciousness of the person, this is incredible. "

"It's true. This is really weird. This is a very strange thing at all. After all, the so-called God's Blade is a totem, even if he really has some other abilities. Realize everyone's wishes but he will not use the efforts of others, this is really a very foolish thing "

"That's right, that's right. This is a very foolish thing at all. It should be that only in ancient times, ancient people were able to do such things. Generally, people don't do it at all. In such a move, I will not do such a thing. I use my own blood to activate the eye of God. I think it is a very strange thing no matter how you think. "

"No no no, you can be wrong about this. Although it seems to us today, the words of ancient people, you use blood to activate something, it seems very stupid and foolish, but in fact It is possible according to modern logic that this is not ignorance but is real. "

Listening to the voices of the staff of the official TV set-up group actively talking, passerby Zhang suddenly said, and raised objections.

"Professor Zhang, what do you mean by saying this? We do n’t understand some of this. Why do you say that? After all, as modern, we all know the use of blood, ancient The so-called sacrifices are very stupid and foolish things. Why do you think this is possible but not so, it is a real existence? "

Zhang Zhen is the TV guide of the TV station, showing a look of doubt, turning his head to look at the passers-by in front of him, he really feels very strange, but this is also a problem explained from a side, that is, the passerby Zhang is indeed Is very professional, he has a very strong professionalism than other people

"It's very simple. We see the ancients feel depressed under a lot of actual situations, but in turn, want the ancients to understand whether we are modern and also feel that our moderns have become very stupid and foolish or even incredible."

Passerby Zhang didn't answer directly, but with an excited look on his face, said word by word, raised his head.

"You guys can think about it. In many cases, we think that ancient people had feudal superstitions. It was very stupid. That's because blood donation doesn't seem to be reliable at all, but don't forget, we People who belong to modern times are very clear. There are many things in human blood. They have human status and human cells. If you think about it, if it is something ancient, like we now need low blood pressure, It ’s the same as fingerprint unlocking. Maybe this sage also needs a specific cell. I can turn it on. This is completely possible. For ancient people, their method of extracting cells and fingerprint DNA was very simple. , That is, you can only use blood, in other words, blood can be said to be a way to open the blade of this god, it is entirely possible. "

Passerby Professor Zhang talked eloquently. Hearing his words, Chen Yiping frowned slightly, and some seemed to understand.

"If you pass the words of Professor Zhang, this is indeed a very reasonable thing. After all, in many cases, there are some security measures, such as fingerprint unlocking, eye pupil unlocking, and DNA unlocking. Some of these things in the ancient world may seem very magical to the ancients, but also in the case of ancient people if there was no way to extract fingerprints and the first place of the nuclear cell point, use their own blood to unlock. It ’s also the most suitable and convenient method. In ancient times, people have already mastered the method of using blood to unlock certain items. If this is the case, then the science of this ancient man would be too powerful. ”

Become a good man and woman and then slowly shook his head to break all the wild thoughts in his mind. After all, for Chen Yiping, he doesn't mind at all whether the minister of this minority is really The use of blood can unlock this body. When he was hundreds of years ago in Canathan, did he really have the so-called eye of God, or did he really have the so-called blood to unlock, he did not mind at all, the only thing he cared This is the dawn of this minority, can it really make the word of God unlock to unlock the so-called miracles?

Chen Yiping nodded slightly, just as he frowned and began to think, Li An slowly relaxed the airsoft, raised his head and looked at the village head of the minority in front of him, frowned, he I ’m also very excited and curious. Looking at the so-called minority village head in front, can it really open up the so-called **** man?

All the people present between the brains were compared to Lin Sen, and at the same time, they looked at the village head of the **** minority in front of them, but saw the village head shouting loudly, and the thoughts in his mouth kept muttering. The eye of God even gradually glowed. To be precise, the gem in the eye of God's eye gradually brightened, and the village chief of the ethnic tribe became more excited.

"The eye of the great God, the eye of the great God, please come quickly, please come to the miracle to fulfill all our wishes, to fulfill all our wishes"

The head of the minority tribe showed an excited look, shouted loudly, and shouted, and even kneeled down, constantly scratching his head, praying loyally and reverently to the many minority tribe villagers behind him They also showed respectful prayers and prayers. In the entire minority tribes, there was only the prayers of pious prayers led by the village chief.

"Let the great eye of God come to the miracle ..."

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