Super Finding App

Chapter 2143: Public outrage

"You, what are you doing? What the **** are you doing?"

The passerby Zhang showed a surprised look. He never thought about how it was possible for Li Yang to launch an attacker on him? Aren't we all together?

"Yes, you, what are you doing? And just now you actually murdered, and you shot and killed, how could you do such a thing?"

Zhang Zhen ’s fallen panic was trembling constantly. Obviously, what happened to him was too frightening. To his surprise, he came to the sea. To determine that something unexpected and dangerous would happen, but absolutely never thought that such a thing would happen, but the translation shot dead.

"Is this scared? It's really pitiful. I just shot a gun and you have become so scared and afraid of passerby Professor Zhang. You have no effect anymore. I thought you were Then, he can also know how the eye of God can be turned on. He can know the true function of this neuron and the method of it. It ’s just ridiculous. ”

Li An laughed lightly, picked up his pistol in his hands, kept playing, and looked coldly at the people in front of him, saying word by word.

"Now I know the method opened by the element of God, so you passer-by, Professor Zhang, you have no use. Accurately speaking, all of you are useless."

No one at the scene was of any use. What does this sentence mean? Li An's words fell into the ears of the crowd, which surprised them. An ominous feeling filled the minds of the people, but they could not believe it.

"What does Li An mean now? What does he mean? Why do we not understand anything?"

"What does it mean that we are all useless? What exactly is going on here? Does he want to swallow this gold and silver treasure alone? How dare he do such a thing?"

"It may be possible that this is entirely possible. Don't forget that he has a gun in his hand, but he has a gun in his hand."

The staff members of the official TV set-up group talked and talked wryly, with a look of horror on their faces, all looking up at the girl in front of her gritted teeth. In their opinion, Ning'an did such a thing in order to be able to operate jewelry alone.

"Do n’t be afraid, do n’t be afraid. Even if you look at the gun in this hand, what can you do? This homework is only five or six rounds of bullets. We have so many roots here. Is anyone afraid of him? More than him, he is afraid of us at all, he should be afraid of us at all "

"That's right, if we can only be frightened by a pistol, this is the thing that hits the sky. Our number is many times higher than the passerby Professor Zhang. We will never be in trouble, everyone. Rest assured , We will never be okay, we will never be okay, he will never dare to shoot "

Although for the staff of the many film crews of the official TV station, Li An and the two bodyguards behind him, the pistols in their hands are indeed very threatening.

However, under the role of managing jewelry, one after another showed a crazy look. After all, all of them have the idea that they must not give up these gold and silver jewelry. For gold and silver jewelry they can live Get out of everything.

"Crazy, crazy, this is crazy, what the **** are the TV crew ’s staff doing? Did n’t they see that you had a pistol in their hands? If they were hit by a pistol If it is, it will die. "

Hiding in the deep alley behind, watching everything happening in front of his eyes, his teeth were shaking, his legs were constantly trembling, feeling fear and extreme.

"It should be a fluke."

Wang straight and bit his teeth lightly, his face has become abnormally pale, and he did not expect that things would turn out to be this way, this is indeed everything far beyond his expectation.

"A fluke, what does this mean?"

Yang Juan Erliu asked overwhelmed with doubt, he had some poetry, after all, he was very clear, what exactly did the staff who set up the official TV station look like, just like he did you before The time is exactly the same. What you are willing to do in order to make money can really confuse people.

"Because they think they will be fine"

Chen Yiping raised his head and said verbatim, his face became a little thicker. Li An's pistol was up to 6 rounds, plus the pistols in the two bodyguards behind him added up to 18 Bullets, and it is not guaranteed that each bullet will kill a person, and the staff of the official TV crew will be more than 40 people, plus more than 40 people of this minority, With more than 80 people, in other words, their chance of survival can reach 23. "

Chen Yiping lifted his head and said one sentence at a time

"In other words, for all people, it seems that if they launch an attack together, they will have 23 chances to survive, and then they will be able to obtain more business jewelry. After all, this person has no way to obtain gold and silver jewelry."

"Everyone thinks they will survive, they won't be the one who gets shot."

"No, they think so, don't they know that everyone has only one name? There is a million-year ship in elementary school. Then it is possible. If it really dies, then what? No more "

Sun Xiangrui's mouth was wide open, and there seemed to be some incomprehensible. Anyway, if it was him, he felt that life was more important than money.

"You do n’t understand it. You do n’t understand. You do n’t understand the taste of poverty and you do n’t understand the thirst for money. It ’s just that you ’re really weird. Why did he do such a thing, even if he It is also possible to take out a gun to threaten the village head of the minority, but why should he shoot and kill people, is he really not afraid to cause public outrage? "

Wang straight and frowning his brows, he felt very strange no matter what he thought. Li An in front of him really did not look like the kind of person who went crazy casually, but if this is the case, then all of this What's going on?

"Unclear. Although I don't know exactly what Li An is doing, but think about someone who can sponsor 10 million sponsors for this archeological witness program. Do you think it will be a fool?"

Chen Yiping's face became abnormally dignified, looking in front of you, holding a pistol, you saw an ominous feeling, rushed straight to the brain from the back

He really has an ominous feeling

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