Super Finding App

Chapter 2148: Ending (2)

What the **** is going on?

What the **** is going on?

The staff of the Jiangzhen City TV Station's setup team, as well as the guides Zhang Jian and Lu Renzhang of the Jiangzhen City TV Station, and his three students were stunned, staring at everything in front of them, seemingly unable to understand.

"What the **** is this? Why is this happening, why did Li An get shot? What the **** is going on?"

"That's true. It's so strange. What's going on?"

"How could Ang be attacked? Why was he attacked so well? What the **** is going on?"

The staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City showed a look of surprise

No one knows what happened!

Originally Li An shot and killed someone in front of him. Why is it that Li An was seriously injured now? To be precise, Li An was hit in the wrist and the gun fell to the ground. Could it be that someone has betrayed it?

Or does someone want to obey Li An's orders?

Everyone was puzzled

"Who is coming out soon, who is coming out soon"

"Be careful, be careful, everyone be careful, the situation is wrong, the situation is wrong"

Numerous mercenaries were also holding back at the same time, facing the muzzle for 4 weeks with a dignified look on their faces.

As well-trained mercenaries, they had heard clearly the first time. What was the source of the gunfire?

After a while

I saw a lot of sounds coming from the trees of Zheli. Hundreds of soldiers in camouflage clothes quickly gathered around not far away.

There was a roar in the sky. Helicopters flew across the sky, and the detection lights shone on the entire ethnic tribe, brightly lighting all the people.

"What's going on? What's going on? This is the army of the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty. Why are the soldiers here?"

"It's the army, why is the army here?"

"What is going on here? What is going on here?"

"What's all this about?"

Li An had a bowel movement, with a look of panic on his face, watching the soldiers in camouflage uniforms and the helicopter flying in the sky.

The national emblem of the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty is engraved on the fuselage of the helicopter.

"What the **** is going on?"

"It's okay, it's okay, rest assured, it's okay"

Cheng Yiping reached out and gently patted Yang Juan's back twice, with a complex look on his face.

He never thought that Yang Juaner would really be willing to block bullets for her, which is not something ordinary people can do.

The thought of his heart had some tangles here.

"What's going on with Cheng Yiping? What's going on with Cheng Yiping?"

Li An gritted his teeth and covered his injured hand, like a wild beast.

Think about it with his brain, and you can fully understand it. All of the things in front of the army, why the soldiers of the army of the Tang Dynasty came here must be related to the people in front of them, and must be related to the level of peace

"Sorry, they are from the Ministry of National Security"

Cheng Yiping loosened his shoulders and showed a bright smile


"Come back, come back, we finally returned to Changhai, we finally returned to Canghai Temple, it is not easy, this is simply a very difficult thing, we finally returned to Canghai City"

Everyone in the film crew of the Jiangzhen TV station looked at the familiar cities and burst into tears. At the moment, their faces were dirty and their faces were tired.

"No, we finally came out of the forest. This time it happened too much, it was too sudden, we couldn't digest it at all, but the only pity was that we did n’t get those gold and silver jewelry in the end. It ’s a pity to have it in hand "

"Okay, okay, what else is unfortunate, there is nothing good or bad at all? Think about it this time we are fortunate to have survived. If we did not survive, it is very dangerous to wait for us. Things, if we do n’t even lose our lives, in this case, I can now come back alive, I think it ’s already a blessing. ”

"That's right, it's true and true. Who can think of it, the people who came out of the Ministry of National Security finally came out. They wiped out Li An and the mercenaries, and finally saved us alive. , But the god's eye and gold and silver jewelry found from the left of this ancient Ghana monument were also handed over to the country. It is really a shame. If we knew it at that time, if we secretly hid some "

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this anymore, for us now, it is the most important not to say that the others can survive. If they can't, then everything is ridiculous."

"That's right, that's right, but then I think the most surprising thing is that this is leveled. I didn't expect that he even knew the people of the Ministry of National Security. This was really beyond our expectations. Outside, who is he? "

"Unclear, unclear, we really don't know what kind of person Chen Yiping is, but he is definitely not simple. This time we were able to leave here alive, and we all lost him."

The staff of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City City chattered and looked at Cheng Yiping who was not far from the car while talking.

"Sorry, Professor Lu Renzhang, it seems that this time the archeology did not expect so many things to happen, we can only end it in advance, it is really very embarrassed. If there is still a chance next time, I hope we Can continue to cooperate "

Zhang Gui, the film crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station, had a brilliant look on his face, watching Professor Lu Renzhang walking down from the car. "

"Nothing, nothing. Although what happened today is very chaotic, it is a very good thing for us. I have found the Eye of God and even found the information of Ghana City. After I go back, I can continue to study. For me, everything is worth it now, everything is worth it. "

Professor Lu Renzhang excitedly showed a bright smile

Compared with the crowds of the Jiangzhen TV station crew who felt uncomfortable, Professor Lu Renzhang was quite excited. Everything he wanted was found, which was vital to him.

"Really? If that's the case, then it's really a good thing."

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV showed a bright smile

He also felt quite excited. Compared to the gold and silver jewelry taken by the robbed country in Ghana, he cares more about the records he has taken.

Although it hasn't been filmed for a few months, what happened during this time is enough for Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station to complete the first season of material

He believes that by then, the broadcast of this show will be very hot.

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