Super Finding App

Chapter 2152: Prayer System (2)

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The holy water was like a throat, and Bo Ergou rolled in pain, hissing and mourning. The old clothes were worn and broken on the platform, suffering and suffering.

The magnificent robe sacred his hands, his handsome face was full of compassion, and the strange voice in the calmness calmed the hearts of the believers under the platform.

"Bo Ergou is a first-rate believer. This is the test of your devotion by the immortal! Show your devotion to the immortal!"

"It turns out that this is the test of the devotion of the believers to the believers. If it were me, I would definitely be able to live!"

"Bo Ergou's barking is so painful, Shengxian, the magical power of Shengxian is so great?"

"The immortal magic is boundless, Enze wilderness!"

"The immortal magic is boundless, Enze wilderness!"

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~!"

Suffering and sorrowful Bo Ergou suddenly rolled a carp, roared up, bloodshot his eyes, spread bloodshot blood all over his face, exulted, and tore apart a piece of shabby clothes that broke his chest apart, revealing four dead marks.

"I passed the test of the holy fairy, I passed the test of the holy fairy! Four dead marks, I have only four dead marks! The magic power of the holy fairy is boundless, Enze wilderness, break the dead marks, and return to Kyushu!"

At this moment Bo Ergou became a fanatical believer of the Holy Immortal, raising his head and roaring, from eight dead marks to four dead marks. This is something that only God can do! As long as you follow the Holy Immortal religion and get holy water, one day, you will be able to completely lift the dead marks and return to Kyushu!

"Oh my god, did you see that? Did you see it? Really, holy water is true!"

"Bo Ergou is a dead man with eight dead marks. In this village, no one knows, no one knows. Now, it has really become four dead marks!"

"Holy immortality is really not a deceiver, there are holy immortals in nine days! Holy immortals! Holy immortals really exist!"

"Holy water, holy water, holy water!"

"The immortal magic power is boundless, Enze wilderness! Break the dead marks and return to Kyushu!"

"The immortal magic power is boundless, Enze wilderness! Break the dead marks and return to Kyushu!"

"The immortal magic power is boundless, Enze wilderness! Break the dead marks and return to Kyushu!"

Witnessing the advent of miracles, under the magnificent stage, no matter whether it is devout believers or newcomers, half-believing believers have become extremely enthusiastic at this moment, eyes staring fiercely at the holy water in the hands of the other two, growling loudly.

Shengxian religion is their hope, and Shengxian is the supreme existence in their hearts!

"Believe on Shengxian, you must live forever!"

"Belief on the Holy Immortal!"

"Let's believe in Shengxian!"

"Letter Shengxian, disaster relief!"

Boling shot fanaticism in his eyes. As the ten dead scars, no one felt more than he had witnessed the miracle of Bo Ergou with his own eyes. At this moment, the immortal was devout, and Boling was confident that he would not lose to anyone. Drink the holy water in my hand.

"I come!"

The heartbreaking pain was swept by the tide, and Boling rolled in painful ground, gritted his teeth, bloodshot blood penetrated his body, and his mouth wheezed.

"I, I will not lose, Holy immortal, Holy immortal saves me, Holy immortal saves me, Give me grace, Give me grace."

"No ~~~!"

boom! !!

The painful struggling Boling vomited blood, his eyes were congested, and he shouted loudly, and only heard a slam, the whole body sprayed blood, swayed and fell, and fell on the high platform, without any life, the frantic expression slowly subsided from his eyes, and finally Turned into a godless and empty.

The magnificent robe ambassador, not shocked, his eyes flashed an inexplicable look, and he voiced the voice of mercy

"The first believer, Boling, you have not passed the test of your devotion to the immortal. Anyone who is disrespectful to the immortal, and who has no pious heart will be condemned by the immortal!"

"So it turns out, this traitor, who has no pious respect for the Holy Fairy, has been condemned!"

"Bo Ling is a bastard. Wherever there is devotion to Shengxian, I guess it's all for holy water. Now it's alright, it's been condemned by God, it's really happy!"

"Yes, it's a pity that holy water. If it was for me, I would definitely pass the test of the god's devotion!"

"This is the power of the Holy Fairy. Anyone who attempts to deceive the Holy Fairy will be condemned!"

The believers on the stage did not feel the fear of Boling's death at all, but deepened the worship and enthusiasm of the Holy Fairy, and they had a lot of discussions.

Among the three first-class believers, the only forty-year-old woman Barbara Boscobra lives on a matchmaker, has sharp teeth, sharp tongues, and clever tongues. This is so true that in just three months, The Holy Immortal Church recruited a large number of new believers, was given the title of first class believer, and gave holy water!

In the past, the turbulent life caused parents to explode to death, and her husband died as a bodyguard to explode. The bergamot, who had long lost her confidence in life, regarded the immortal as the goal of life. The focus of her life is more important than that of the immortal. All more fanatical and loyal! Slightly glanced at the dead Boling Road

"Anyone who has not experienced the pious test of the immortal, but who has been abandoned by the immortal, I am the one who can finally follow in the footsteps of the immortal!"

After that, I drank the holy water in my hand.

After experiencing unbearable suffering, the old-fashioned bergenia raised his eyes, and his eyes shot with enthusiasm. The nine dead marks on his chest turned into six dead marks. He knelt down reverently, and his heart was full of faith in the Holy Fairy.

"Thank you for the supreme immortal, give the holy water! The immortal magic of the immortal, Enze wilderness!"

"Believe on Shengxian, you must live forever!"

"Belief on the Holy Immortal!"

"Let's believe in Shengxian!"

"Letter Shengxian, broken house!"

"The immortal magic power is boundless, Enze wilderness! Break the dead marks and return to Kyushu!"

"The immortal magic power is boundless, Enze wilderness! Break the dead marks and return to Kyushu!"

Three first-class believers, once lived two times, Bo Ergou and Bo Zi Cao even reduced the dead marks after taking holy water. These miracles instantly boiled the whole believer, shouting the slogan of the immortal, frantic!

At this moment, even if the majestic robe priest let them die, I am afraid they will smile and look back!

"Congratulations to both of you who successfully passed the test of the Holy Fairy. From today on, you are first-class believers in the Holy Fairy. You are given the right to recruit believers. I hope you will see the Fairy Fair again three months later. Teach greater contributions. "

The robe of the magnificent robe had a compassionate smile, as the sun was shining, his eyes were like stars, Bo Ergou and Bo Zicao knelt reverently, and they looked fervently to the ambassador.

"Observe the order of the Holy Angel! The immortal magical power is boundless, Enze wilderness! Break the dead marks and return to Kyushu!"

The ornate robe saint smiled, and brought the worship of the believers, followed by the maid, the worship of the believers, the rest of the believers gathered together, their eyes focused on the high platform Bo Ergou and Bo Zicao Body.

The two who are usually in a low position in Bocun are at the moment the highest in the eyes of the believers, because they are the first believers who have passed the test of the devotion of the Holy Fairy and are appointed by the Holy See!

"Heart worshippers, since the Lord has given us the great work of developing the Holy Immortal, we naturally cannot live up to the expectations of the Lord. Should we start like this?"

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