Super Finding App

Chapter 2154: Prayer System (4)

For Chen Yiping, driving is not something he often does. In many cases, driving is really tiring. Previous driver's licenses have also been tested for a long time, but because they have not bought a car, they have not had the skills to drive and have some business.

But then again, driving is like a bicycle. What you need is more practice and more driving. After a period of driving, you are gradually familiar with this car. According to the navigation system toward the target location, go with.

At the same time, in the mind of Chen Yiping, the green cold drink marked by himself was soaring towards the red pillar of light, getting closer and closer.

"Interesting, it's really quite interesting. It seems that there are really some things that I didn't expect. According to this prayer system, I can understand even without the navigation system on my phone. Knowing how to walk is the most suitable, it is the most convenient and quickest way, it will allow me to get close to the target I am looking for in the shortest time. I have to say that this is indeed a very interesting thing. "

Chen Yiping's eyes were slightly intensive, and he felt tired and felt what had happened in his mind.

According to the idea of ​​the super-hunting app in my mind, I can clearly see and perceive in my mind that my position is getting closer and closer to this red beam of light, which is very strange. , This time he is not looking for the goal, but the seeker himself

I have to say, this is really a very strange feeling.

Anhuai City, Qingfeng County.

Qingfeng County was originally relatively prosperous. As a large county planted, it has a large population, but with the development of the one-child policy, a large number of young laborers studied and settled in the outer cities. In the back bedroom, there is also a situation where there are very few young people, but there are many elderly people. The originally lively Qingfeng City has gradually become quite downcast, and it feels like a ghost town.

"I'm back. I'm back. Is the rice cooked?"

It was a dark man, obviously a farm man who had been working outside for many years. At this moment, he returned to his home from the field with a tool, breathing heavily.

It has to be said that the country has a lot of support for agriculture, so at the beginning farmers' lives are still very good and can be considered good, but with the development of the economy, nowadays, farming is becoming less and less profitable, and also There is no collection, the price cannot go up, and there is state regulation. It can be said that the life of the peasants is not as good as before, and there is even a trend that is getting harder and harder.

"The food is in the bowl, and the food is in the pot. Is their home delivery back?"

A middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen with a bright smile on her face. Although her face was covered with wrinkles, but China had not encountered it, it can still be seen that at a young age, this middle-aged woman still had Some points of appearance are quite beautiful.

"Okay, just burn it, just burn it, and then bring a cup of bar. It's really exhausting to work today."

The farmer man showed a hearty smile, and said that for the farmer man, drinking one or two small wines during meals every day is indeed a pleasant thing to save, and the work will be more vigorous in the afternoon.

"Okay, I'll take it over and take the lead. Sit up first. You can do it first."

Middle-aged women showed bright smiles. Generally speaking, they brought food quickly, and brought wine glasses and wine.

"Well, where are the two daughters, where did they go? It's noon, why can't they come back? When the holiday comes, the two go crazy outside, and there is a little girl outside You have to teach them how to look like a child, and you will become a man-in-law. "

The farmer raised his head and frowned as he watched the sun gradually climb to the sun.

The two girls at home may be because they are from the countryside. Each time, they have a fairly big personality, like a man-in-law. Every time it is late, they will desperately blow out outside during the holiday. It ’s true that you can feel the presence of a boy or not, but then again, it ’s undeniable that for many people in rural areas, children only need to have food to eat, as long as they can feed them. Not so particular about it.

"Okay, I know who I am. When they come back, I will talk to the two of them. After all, the children are already big now, so I can play at this time, otherwise what should I do? There is nothing to do at home. Is it still like the children in the village to pay them to go to school? "

Middle-aged women shaking their heads while holding dishes. Taoist schools have a hard-to-read sutra. In many cases, others seem to be impractical and irresponsible. For local parents, many of them Some helpless actions.

"Did you go to school for a small class? That wo n’t work. It would cost a lot of money for a small class. We do n’t have so much money at home. Besides, they are girls and they will marry sooner or later. It ’s useless for people to learn so well, it ’s just that they can safely and know that you understand the law and do n’t take adultery lessons. ”

The farmer man froze, shook his head funnyly, and said this word by word. If some sages or maiden's watches were heard, they would definitely have thunder, and think that this is patriarchal.

But many people are not clear. Rural people can only have rural people's ideas. Since many things exist, they must have its own truth. To put it plainly, although there are some patriarchs, it is undeniable. Yes, for many rural people this is the reality!

Many families are unwilling to spend more money on girls, because they know that girls will marry sooner or later. This is a reality, the most difficult to deny, but it is indeed a reality. For many people, why can they spend a lot of money on men, but girls ca n’t, it ’s because men need a lot of money-making skills to start a family in the future, and it is undeniable that it is above this society. Education is indeed very important.

While the farmer was shaking his head and talking, he suddenly saw a man rushing in at the door. This man was as dark as a man, and looked like he was just working. At this moment, his face was full of tension. Look, hurriedly came over.

"It's not good, old cow, something happened, something happened to your two daughters."

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