Super Finding App

Chapter 2156: Search

"What's going on? What's going on? No, no, I haven't heard all the kids on their phone calls, our daughter really ran away from home, what happened to him? Might run away from home? What exactly do you want to do? "

The middle-aged woman was panic-stricken with a look of horror on her face. She really had six gods and had no idea what to do.

"How could this be? How could this be, how could our two daughters understand? Why would they make such a world and why would this be?"

The middle-aged man's old face is full of panic. Don't look at his usual performances are patriarchs, but in fact he is very concerned about his daughter, but he ca n’t show it. Now he is Also more flustered

"What are you waiting for, hurry to find it, hurry to find it, what are you waiting for, now look for it at 1 o'clock, we have to go to your daughter at 1 o'clock, the two of them should not have gone far , I believe we should be able to find it, if time is too long, it will be troublesome. "

Yu Zhongqin stayed aside, watching the flustered middle-aged Long Lao Zhang and his wife saying, at the moment he frowned hurriedly, there was some doubt and confusion, it was just stealing one Melon, no matter what else do you need to run away from home? The children now are really too real!

"Yes to the team, yes, we are looking for daughters, we are looking for daughters now."

The middle-aged rural man veteran and his wife, the middle-aged woman, both reacted. They didn't even care about eating, rushed out of their home, and greeted the people in the village, large and small. A group of people started searching for 4 weeks

"Be sure to find it quickly, you must find it quickly, but I read in the news that there are a lot of traffickers now, what if these two little girls meet traffickers, what can be done, that is a very dangerous thing."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, if you really encounter a trafficker, that is a very dangerous thing. Everyone hurry up and find two or two little girls. It should not go far, everyone. A little, hurry up and find everyone to work harder, hurry up. "

I have to say that the biggest difference between the rural and urban areas is that the rural areas are quite familiar and familiar from house to house. Even if there are any grievances between them, there is such a big thing that children run away from home, at least all All the people were mobilized, and they went out of their way, and the rich paid for the village's four-week road, hoping to find the traces of the two little girls.

The car driven by Chen Yiping is still on the road. If the original road is still closed, there are highways going very smoothly. Now the road has become more and more rugged, and some or some mountain roads are going away. Bumpy

"Fortunately, this one I bought is an off-road vehicle. If some of the cars I bought have a low chassis, it is really difficult to see the road here, and I will even scratch the chassis to see if I still consider it Have some foresight "

Although driving is not as fast and convenient as taking a high-speed rail, Chen Yiping knows that the place he wants to reach belongs to the village, and does not lead to the high-speed rail. The high-speed rail can only go to the nearest city. Buses, even need to take some red chartered cars, are really difficult, and reversing is also very troublesome, far less convenient and convenient than driving by yourself

At the same time, the red light in the super pp's prayer system is getting closer and closer in his own mind. This is undoubtedly telling Chen Yiping that he is getting closer and closer to the goal he is looking for.

"Interesting and interesting, this is really a very interesting thing. This is really beyond my expectation. Previously, the words of this super animal husbandry app have always been looking for a goal. Thinking that this time the begging system can still find a pathfinder, I have to say that these seven systems are really amazing. "

While driving, Chen Yiping laughed lightly and shook his head. There was a gleam of light in his eyes. Obviously for him, the system of the future of this super finder app is really very

"I still really have some expectations now, and I look forward to what kind of phenomenon will happen after all the super-rich apps have reached 100%. This is really a very exciting thing. Is it really true? It will be the same as what I said in this devil's sea, and it will eventually become the so-called new thing. If it can really become the so-called new life, all this is really beyond my expectation. "

Chen Yiping frowned. The strangest thing for them was the so-called mind. This so-called mind really did something unexpected that really caught him off guard. After all, He is very clear about one thing, that is, there is no so-called **** in this world, but if there is really no so-called **** in this world, what exactly is he encountering in the Devil Sea? The existence of those who can fly in the sky, is the so-called new **** or something else, all this is unexpected by Chen Yiping.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it anymore. It doesn't make any sense to think about it so much now. For me now, the main thing is to go step by step. Regardless of the super provocation, I batch by batch. After the batch of faith-seeking shards have been collected to 100%, whether or not the so-called mind can be opened is an inevitable thing for me now. There is only one thing I need to do now, and that is to try to find To the end of more beliefs, make up the beliefs of the Super Hidden App casually. "

Chen Yiping exhaled a long breath or raised his head and frowned slightly.

"Zhang Xiaona's affairs must also be resolved. After all, according to the words Zhang Xiaona talked to me yesterday, Zhang Xiaona doesn't seem to be very stable about my current situation. It seems that she still needs to find a proper job, or say It is only possible to start a legitimate company. After all, for Zhang Xiaona, whether it is an antique shop or not, it is a year of non-opening. The opening is a tandem form. It feels like it is not reliable. "

One way is that the official is difficult to break the housework. Chen Yiping exhaled a long breath and raised his brow. He liked Zhang Xiaona very much, so he didn't want Zhang Xiaona to have any problems.

Although so far, Chen Yiping believes that it is not difficult for Lu Ping to find an object based on his current value, but then again, finding a girlfriend is not easy, but finding A girl like Zhang Xiaona who is not willing to talk to her when she does n’t care how much she earns, is not easy.

Cheng Yiping didn't want to lose Zhang Xiaona

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