Super Finding App

Chapter 2166: Kind people (4)

Eason Chan listened with amusement. Lao Zhang, a middle-aged rural man behind him, and his wife, a middle-aged rural woman, talked to each other and shook their heads.

It ’s true when you think about it on TV. It ’s really different now than it used to be. It ’s normal to say that other kids used to make noises, but today ’s kids are indeed very fragile, and they ca n’t even move. You will want to commit suicide, and you have to say that it is not clear whether it is the failure of education, or whether the times have become too fast.

Although his face was full of thoughts, Chen Yiping would not be involved in this issue. Of course, he knew what it was like to be a clean official and difficult housework. He drove an off-road vehicle for an hour and was driven forty-five minutes to arrive. Indoor high-rise buildings, cars and horses have to say that let the rural people look stunned, eyes are wearing light

"I haven't come here for the first time, but every time I come here, I feel astonished. Such a high building has reached the cloud. Think of the office on it. I don't know what it feels like. Where in our village is as bustling and lively as it is now? "

"Okay, what's so bustling and lively? So many high-rise buildings and so many people are particularly under pressure. What's the point? Where is it as good as our countryside? Although it is just a small farmhouse, it is now clean and Clean and quiet, we can do whatever we want. "

"Yes, yes, that's right, you talk about it, the pressure in the city is so great, the competitiveness is so great, the house prices are so expensive, and even some people, for a lifetime, buy it in the city. A suite, but also a small house of 50 to 60 square meters. Where is it like in our countryside, as long as there is a homestead house, you can build as high as you want, and as big as you want. You can buy a house in this city. In our countryside, you can buy more than a few times, and you can also raise chickens and ducks to eat pure natural food.

"Yes, that's exactly the right thing to say, but then again, since this is the case, why do we all have so many people running on the group? Not all because it is possible to save Make money, save the money that can be earned, and education is good. We will be ignored. Do we really want our children to work in the countryside without good education? "

"Yes, yes, that's right. Young people now are stingy, and they don't come back directly after going out. This is also no way out. After all, most people want to have a good life, and they will be above. Not only is the education good, but the medical resources are much better than in our countryside. Like the second son in the next village, having a child in the health center is busy, and there is even danger to life. As a result, it is easy to transfer to the city. The loose was through the danger, and finally the mother and child were safe '"

"Yeah, that's the right thing to say. There is such a benefit in big cities. It is better than that in our rural areas. If I have the opportunity, I still want to move to the city to live."

"Okay, that ’s what it says, that ’s what it says, but I also heard people say that there are so many bad guys in the city, but there are so many routines in the city, it ’s really more than our countryside. too much"

The villagers in the village talked babblely. You said one word to me. Obviously, for the city, they both yearn for and feel the eggs. After all, compared with the people in the village, the people in the village have a routine. It ’s really too deep

Chen Yiping naturally didn't care too much about the conversation among the people in the village, or he turned a deaf ear and drove the off-road vehicle Kashi to the side of the road not far away. Several vans behind him also stopped. Everyone opened the car door and drove out.

"Sir, Mr. Chen, is this here? Is my daughter here?"

The middle-aged woman hurriedly got out of the off-road vehicle and looked around for 4 weeks. This is a small street in the city. On both sides of your car, there are all kinds of scent from the shop.

"Mr. Chen, is Mr. Chen really here? The daughter is really here, where is the mother?"

Middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang asked quickly, his face with some foundation. In this city, he felt that he had some uncomfortable and overwhelmed what he did.

"It's true. If it's the super pet app in my hand that's not wrong, then your daughter is in one of the stores on this street."

Chen Yiping nodded, lowered his head and took out his mobile phone pretending to look at the location displayed by the Super Finding App in the mobile phone. The landmark raised his head, and the red light rose into the sky.

"Really? Really? Great, great, finally want to find a woman? Finally found our daughter, why did they come here? Why did they come here?"

A middle-aged rural woman has an urgent rope on her face. For her now, it seems that no matter what kind of danger she has, she doesn't care or care.

"Yes, according to the display of this super-hunting app in my hand, your two daughters should be in the restaurant in front"

Chen Yiping looked at the navigation system of the mobile phone word by word.

"Restaurant, is that the restaurant? We pass now, we pass now"

Middle-aged rural men and middle-aged women quickly spoke and said that their eyes followed Chen Yiping's instructions and turned to the restaurant ahead.

The villagers who went to Tong'anlai with him after his birth, all followed the riches of the ancient times.

Don't say that there are a lot of gold and silver treasures here. Even in reality, for some money, fighting with each other sometimes

Especially when there are more than 40 people in the TV crew of Jiangzhen City, who can guarantee that everyone is indifferent to Jingjing Jewelry?

I'm afraid it's a very human test

It is also impossible.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, it seems that the development of things to the back is getting more and more interesting. Maybe I have the opportunity to leave this forest and leave this city of Ghana." "Crazy, really crazy. It ’s really crazy. How could this happen? There is a huge cricket in the labyrinth. This cricket should have more than three meters. Oh my gosh, what is this? ?"

Zhang Zhen of the TV station in Jiangzhen took a breath of air, his teeth were shaking. It was impossible to believe what was happening in front of him. He reached out and wiped his eyes, and opened his eyes again. The picture was indeed a huge puppet. Need items, I need any items about the temple, or the photos and pictures of the temple. Only then can I use the Super Find App to find out exactly where the temple is. Things "

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