Super Finding App

Chapter 2172: Kind people (ten)

"Give it up, give it over, give it over quickly, give it over quickly, give over our daughter, give over our daughter, you traffickers, you are all traffickers."

At the gate of Hongyun Restaurant, middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang, his wife, and seven or eight people from the village rushed to Hongyun Restaurant, shouted loudly, and patted the table.

Do n’t think that honest people are bullying, nor do they think that rural people are bullying, or that in this case all the so-called etiquette is completely gone.

Finding children is the most important thing.

Some customers eating at the Fortune Restaurant were frightened and shivered, and they talked a lot.

"What's going on? What's going on? What the **** happened? Is there such a group of people running into it to make trouble? Didn't anyone call the police? Didn't the police care?"

"No, no, did you hear it just now? Did you hear it just now? What they said was that they were traffickers in Hongyun Restaurant, and they also abducted a lot of people, and they took two little girls, did they say Is this fortune restaurant a group of traffickers? "

"It's impossible, it's impossible. We've been in this fortune restaurant for a long time. We come to eat every day, and the owner is quite good. How could it be a trafficker? This is simply impossible."

"What's impossible, as the saying goes, knowing people knowing their faces and being unconscious, under such circumstances, how do we know if the people in this restaurant are good or bad? If it is really a trafficker, I am really too broken"

"Yes, yes, in this sentence, killing is not a good thing, and the traffickers should slap the existence of the Nine Tribes."

"Do n’t talk nonsense, do n’t talk nonsense, do n’t talk nonsense before this thing really comes out. I also know this boss of Fortune Restaurant. He is really a good man, and it should not be a bad person like you said. He should not be a trafficker. "

"This is not necessarily the case. If you really think about it, why is this happening now, and such a group of nearly seven or eight people have all found this fortune restaurant, is it because they are all Wrong? Seeing these rural people look like they're not lying, what's going on? "

"Alarm, call the police fast, call the police, call the police faster, whether it is true or false, if you are a liar, the police can come over and catch such a case. If it is not a trafficker, you can also report this. The dispute was resolved, after all, it was difficult to find the police. "

The customers inside Fortune Restaurant screamed, some people picked up their mobile phones and started recording the videos online.

Some people are holding mobile phones to call the police. I have to say that it is really ginseng cabbage

But absolutely no one came out to stop it. Obviously everyone knows what it means to protect themselves.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, this is really a very interesting thing, isn't this Zhao Dazhen really a good person, is it something we misunderstood?"

Compared to middle-aged rural men, his wife and the people in the village yelled loudly inside the Fortune Restaurant

Cheng Yiping frowned slightly, staying behind, and in his mind, he could accept everything that happened to Zhang Xue, a 12-year-old girl, and Zhang Li, a 7- or 8-year-old girl, through the soul. Within her year

Clearly saw them galloping away in a van, but their brows tightened even more.

"There is something wrong. Listening to the conversation between Zhao Dazhen and the two little girls, she should be a good person, the conversation with Hongyun Restaurant is the boss, and it should be a good person, but if it is really a good person, why This Li Lei drove the two little girls away instead of going home, but driving in the other direction. What's going on? "

Cheng Yiping's eyes passed through the soul clone, and he can clearly see the light of the search sign that marks the 12-year-old girl Zhang Xue and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li soaring into the sky, shining in the sky, constantly Fast movement

But they moved in the opposite direction of the original village line.

This is really a very strange thing.

Black van

The little girl Zhang Xue and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li are sitting behind the van at this moment, and their little hands are tightly held together

Passed the van window and looked out curiously

But looking at the surrounding scenery, I felt more and more unfamiliar. Zhang Xue, a twelve-year-old girl, looked up timidly at the person sitting in the front passenger seat and asked

"Uncle, uncle, this direction does not seem to go to my house. My house is in Qingfeng County, not here. Why do we come here?"

Li Lei turned his head and looked at the two little girls sitting in the back seat with a bright smile.

"I know, I know, the uncles are really going to send you home, but you also know that the uncle still has work to do, so we go to finish the work first, and then take you home by detour, you just wait a little bit, OK? After all, you have to finish the work first, rest assured, your uncle will send you home. "

"I know, I know, thank you Uncle"

Eleven-year-old girl Jiang Xuenai said milkily

Although she felt puzzled, she chose to believe, and her little hand and her sister Zhang Li, seven or eight years old, were tightly held together.

With the van driving, the two had some drowsiness, leaned on the back seat, and woke to sleep.

"Asleep, asleep, these two little girls are really asleep. It seems that what we put in their water is really effective, drink a little and they should be asleep now I guess there should be three or four hours and I won't wake up at all. This time we really made money. "

Li Lei turned his head and looked at the drowsy twelve-three-year-old girl and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li showed a bright smile, and even couldn't help licking her lips, her eyes lit up

"Unfortunately, it is a pity that this time it turned out to be two little girls instead of boys. If these seven or eight-year-old girls were replaced by boys, we would be able to make more money."

"Okay, the little girl is not very good. Now the ratio of men and women is serious. There are some guys in the backcountry but ca n’t find his wife. Like this twelve-year-old girl who sold it when she sold it I can sell a lot of money as a child raiser, as can a little girl of seven or eight. In any case, we really made a profit this time. "

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