Super Finding App

Chapter 2179: rescue

"What do you mean by saying this? You have driven my car and crashed it, and now the wicked will sue. What does this mean? Don't think that your people are amazing, don't think you ..."

Fan Qiang, who had a big belly, gritted his teeth and said that his eyes were wide.

In his opinion, since his car was hit by the other party, the other party even complained to the wicked person first.

But what he said was halfway through, and he suddenly stopped suddenly. He clearly saw several cars behind Cheng Yiping closely following, and a group of people came down from under the car.

Of course, he didn't care about this group of people. What he cared most was that Zhao Dazhen and the owner of Hongyun Restaurant came down in the last car!

how can that be!

How come they came here?

"Fan Qiang. Li Lei tells me what happened and why are you two here. When you just called you, the two of you didn't say you were driving to Qingxian, or you were sending back the two little girls To your own home? Why is there an intersection on the highway to the provinces and cities outside, what are you doing? "

Before seeing Fan Qiang and Li Lei, Zhao Dazhen still believed that he might be wrong.

It may be that the super finder app used by Cheng Yiping is not reliable at all, it is simply a navigation error, and it is simply fake.

Li Lei and Fan Qiang are driving the vehicle to Qing County and sending the two little girls back to their homes

But now she was desperate, her face became abnormally pale, and looking at Fan Qiang and Li Lei at the entrance of the toll station, they couldn't believe it, they actually ran outside.

And did not send the little girl home

How is this going?

What exactly is going on?

How could Zhao Dazhen and the owner of Hongyun Restaurant appear here.

What exactly is going on?

Fan Qiang and Li Lei glanced at each other, their bodies were shaking slightly, showing a horrified look.

They really did n’t expect that things would turn out like this

Fan Qiang's eyes rolled and he said quickly

"Dao Zhao, you misunderstood, you misunderstood, we did send these two little girls back to their homes, but there are some things that are urgent for us to go outside, so we will go outside Go and take care of our work, and when we get back, we will send the two little girls back home. We just delayed a little. "

"Yes, yes, Fan Qiang was right. Fan Qiang said nothing at all. We did send the two little girls back to our home, but we have some things to do now. So it was delayed "

"We just delayed, we really have no other ideas."

As soon as Li Lei listened, he quickly agreed, his teeth were snoring on his forehead and dissatisfied cold sweat.

He had some annoyances and annoyances. He knew that when Zhao Dazhen called his cellphone, he should have doubts, and it would not be wrong.

But what is going on here?

I have never seen this happen before.

Why is this happening now?

What exactly is going on?

"Where is my daughter? Where is my daughter? Hurry up and return my daughter to me. Hurry up and return my daughter to me."

Just when Fan Qiang and Li Lei were a little overwhelmed, they started flickering and making excuses.

The middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang and the middle-aged rural women who came down from the vehicle rushed up and shouted loudly,

Behind them, the villagers also rushed out in a hurry.

For a while the toll gates of the entire highway were messed up.

"Here, here, Lao Zhang, come here quickly, come here, your daughter is in the car, and both of your daughters are in the car."

"All in the car, all your two daughters. Activities in the car"

Some villagers have rushed directly to the outside of the van driven by Fan Qiang and others, looking closely

I quickly saw the twelve-year-old girl who was drowsy above the back of the van and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li, her eyes lit up and she shouted quickly

"Is it true? Where is it? Where is our daughter?"

The middle-aged woman shouted loudly, hurried over and saw the 12-year-old girl Zhang Xue and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li who were sleeping in the back of the glass, and tears flowed down

"It's our daughter, it's our daughter, they're in the car, they're in the car, our daughter is really in the car!"

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Can Be Successful]

[Super Find Object APP completes faith finding and earns 350 points of faith]

In an instant

The middle-aged woman took a picture of the coma of the twelve-three-year-old girl Zhang Xue and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li after seeing inside the van. The super-hunting app faith belief emerged instantly. A paragraph of text brightened his eyes slightly.

"Sure enough, as I suspected, tracing people and finding objects can get the most faith points. It seems that this middle-aged woman is really nervous and worried about her two little children."

Cheng Yiping thought, while reaching out and touching his chin, he exhaled a long breath.

He knows that the next thing is not within his scope

But one thing can be determined, that is, the two little girls who have run away from home have been found, and the faith points contributed have reached 350.

This is really not a small number

"Hurry up, hurry up, open the car, hurry up, return our daughter to us, return our daughter to us"

At this moment, the middle-aged rural man is like a mad lion grabbing Fan Qiang's shoulders and gritting his teeth, saying that his eyes are about to devour people



How could this be the case,

How could this be

How could this happen!

This is not right at all

This is not right at all

Fan Qiang and Li Lei looked horrified at their faces.

They never thought that such a thing would happen

The group in front of them turned out to be the family members of the eleven-year-old girl Zhang Xue and the seven- or eight-year-old girl Zhang Li.

how can that be?

How could this happen

This is simply not true!

"Calm down, you calm down, we really want to send them home, we really want to send them home."

Fan Qiang was still dead. The duck said hardly, the voice just came, and the voice of a police car came from his ear.

I saw police cars roaring and stopped at the intersection of the highway

Several policemen stepped out of the police car.

Fan Qiang and Li Lei's faces paled instantly

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