Super Finding App

Chapter 2184: Live Rose (2)

"Extreme sports in the wild?"

Reward frowned himself, took out his mobile phone and lighted it up. He clicked and went over some of the best-selling live broadcasts and short videos in the live room. Indeed, extreme sports are very popular with people. After all, maybe for most ordinary people, they simply ca n’t do it, or they do n’t have the courage to do these sports, so they will be quite excited when they see other people doing it, especially on that cliff. In the above mind, the wrong idea between life and death can lead to the endless consequences, which really makes people's adrenaline soar.

"No, no discounts. We absolutely cannot do mechanical exercises. These mechanical exercises seem to be too dangerous. First of all, we do n’t mention our body and quality. In the end, whether we can do this or not. It ’s a very dangerous thing. If you do n’t pay attention, the bones will be gone. This is very dangerous for us. We want to broadcast live and not want to die. ”

Rewarding watching the extreme sports eyes on the live broadcast room and the leaderboards, although he also very much admired the live broadcast of some of these late sports, but when you think of yourself, that is absolutely impossible. Whether the drummer climbed a dozen-story high-rise building or walked on a cliff, it is a very dangerous thing.

"Ah, that ’s right to understand what you said. If we do this, we really ca n’t do it, just like this one doing sit-ups on the cliffs and tens of meters upstairs. Dangerous things, we ca n’t do it at all, but if this is the case, we can go climbing. You see that the hottest mushrooms are climbing some wild mountains. If you are too big, you will see some beautiful scenery. We just need to take pictures. To some beautiful scenery, it can also improve the fun. "

The cow would nod his head heavily. That's what it says about mechanical movements. If you really want to make yourself do these mechanical movements, then this is a very dangerous thing. Without professional training, that ’s really true. There is danger to life.

While talking, I opened the live broadcast room. On the more popular video above, a beautiful picture appeared on the video. This aspect was in a remote village in the countryside. Although it was very remote, it was filmed. The angle is quite good, it looks really beautiful and beautiful

"It's beautiful. It's really beautiful. I checked. This is actually a small village. There is nothing strange about it, but it becomes very beautiful in the sunset. Yeah understands. I think we can do it too. Since we are all outdoors, we can also choose the village. If there are more men, we can not go, but we can go climbing, as long as we go climbing, climb to the top of the mountain, and then shoot Photos should also have some popularity "

"Yes, yes, yes, this is all about the enemy. After all, so far the hill climbing in the live studio has been, if we can really do it, this is not what we are going to. Some famous mountains, but some barren mountains, afraid to believe that this will also improve people's curiosity. "

The reward is that the eyes suddenly light up, nodding their heads, and raising their heads to look around for 4 weeks, you can see the continuous mountains near the fishing ground. These mountains are not famous mountains and trees, that is, Some barren mountains have no name, but they are indeed mountains. If they are climbing, although they are a bit dangerous, they will definitely attract everyone.

"That's right, sister Jiang Hui, your idea is really very good. If we go to climb some famous mountains, people have already seen it, and it doesn't make sense, but the things in the wilderness Not the same, although it will be more dangerous, as long as we take good measures, there will be no problem at all, and we can choose all indoors, or mountains near the suburbs, which is not so Too far, in this case, we can use mobile phones even if there is danger. For help, Sister Jiang Li, I think this is okay. If we do, I believe we will see the live broadcast of roses again, and it will become a live broadcast at that time. It ’s okay to become the number one in the Internet. Niu will be excited and think that when he thinks of something exciting, his eyes gradually light up. Obviously he is very good at this idea.

"It's very good. Since this is the case, then we are so set. Let's go look for it in the past few days and see which mountains and mountains are better to climb, and the scenery must be beautiful, and we have done a preview at that time. I believe that we can soar into the sky and we will definitely be able to live up to the number of live broadcasts, and we will be able to live. "

When you look up, you are excited and say that your eyes are constantly lit up. They have found their destination and a new direction for outdoor broadcasting.

Jinan already has a certain direction, then the next thing becomes quite simple. Jiang Li and Liu Hui returned to the search in the rented house. After these searches, they locked in Qingxian. A Qingyun Mountain, this mountain has a name, but not all girlfriends can climb the mountain, and the difficulty is not too great, they can say that they have done a good job of preparation and work, and then opened a live broadcast to Qingyun Yunshan Go

I have to say that there are two beautiful beauties who want to climb the mountain, and they are still climbing some wildflowers. It has really attracted everyone's appeal and has become a hot spot. From the beginning of their broadcast, they have climbed all the way to this Qingyun Mountain. The number of people joining the live broadcast room is constantly rising. The quality reward and the two girls Liu Hui feel very excited. Although the path is really tiring, it is also very real. Sometimes they need to use hands and feet together. Even their faces are dirty, but this makes the big masters and the direct viewers in the live broadcast room see a real reward and attention, and the first-class water improvement, which excites both people.

With almost one day of hope, the two finally climbed to the top of Jinyun Mountain. Don't look at this period as not high. There is such a truth that Wangshan ran a dead horse. It looks very tight, but it is quite scary to walk. Far away, Qingyun Mountain doesn't look too high, but it is not easy to really climb up. After all, there is no real road. Second, both girls need to climb up step by step, and sometimes they need to open up by themselves. Going out of the road, this is completely different from climbing ordinary famous mountain homestays. Even in high livelihood homestays, at least there are steps to facilitate the climbers to walk, and now these two girls want to step by step In the deserted mountains, I have to say that I climbed to the top of the mountain. It is quite powerful and admired, and it only attracted a lot of traffic and popularity in the live broadcast room.

And now they finally climbed to the top of Qingyun Mountain

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