Super Finding App

Chapter 2187: Qingyun Mountain (1)

"Enough is enough. Calm down. Calm down. All of us need to calm down. No matter how anxious we are now, there is no use. We have found it based on the position of our daughter ’s live broadcast room. Near the county, but the strange thing is that the navigation system does not show which mountain Qingyun Mountain is near, and I just looked around for 4 weeks. There are many wild mountains. This is indeed There are some problems, we must find the accurate mountain to be able to rescue, not to mention we have already reported to the police, believe that the police should also be able to reach it immediately, we should have confidence, we do not need to panic The chaotic position is the worst. The man with the Guozi face said word by word that he was Liu Hui's father Liu Ze.

"Easy to speak, easy to say, what you said is quite easy, but the question is really that? Do n’t forget our daughter, according to this live broadcast room, he has been out of sight and has disappeared for a whole day and night. And it fell from this cliff. I am really worried about what happened to our daughter. If the economy is stuck in one place, they should bring some food and be able to support it. A day or two, but if you fall down from a high cliff, what to do if you are seriously injured or injured, it is a very dangerous thing. We must not let our daughter have an accident. Absolutely. Liu Zhe's wife said with a look of panic on his face. For him, his daughter is his life, and he absolutely does not want his daughter to be in trouble. After all, his daughter is really the only one, especially It is in today's situation of only children.

"Wife calm down, wife calm down, nothing will happen, nothing will happen, I'm only one day and one night now, according to the golden rescue time, 48 hours of golden rescue is the best time, so we still have time, We still have the opportunity not to worry. As long as we can find the order, what kind of place is it? As long as we can find Qingyun Mountain, I believe we will be able to rescue them, even if there is no way to rescue them. Forgot, we have already called the police. "

Liu Ze said word by word that Guo Zi's face was full of dignity. Although outsiders didn't seem to be worried or frightened, in fact he was quite nervous, even with some restraints. After all, his daughter was lost to him. This is really a big deal, not a simple one. I just have a good chat, this is the thing

"Liu Zhe is right. Liu Zhe said nothing at all. We have to work hard. We have to find our daughter as soon as possible. To be honest, when they did this live broadcast, I was I do n’t want you to talk about it. It ’s easy to find a class in the girls ’house. Why do you want to do a live broadcast? But yeah, girl daughters have to do this, there is no way, as parents, they can only support it, I didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. This is really something we didn't expect. Honestly, I really have some things to do. Another middle-aged woman with long hair gritted her teeth. Saying that he is a rewarding mother, she is worried and frightened at the moment. "Well, I don't think we need to continue this kind of trance anymore. It doesn't make any sense to continue this trance. Our main thing now is It is still the most important thing to find out where this Qingyun Mountain is. The other man with glasses was Jiang Li ’s father. Jiang Bin had a dignified look on his face. He was gritting his teeth and talking. Although the four of them drove to Qin County, they do have some feelings of desperation. After all, there are too many wild mountains on the slope, and so many wild mountain continents can not tell them which one is Qingyun Mountain. It can be said that this is indeed a move that makes them feel helpless. Now, if we can only do this, I think what we can do is to go to this village and ask, I believe that if you ask the village, you should be able to know what the situation is and what it is like. Things, at least we can find the Qingyun Mountain collection, in what kind of place, as long as we can find the location of this Qingyun Mountain, we will be able to save our daughter in time, say, just one word at a time Speaking quickly, after analyzing the situation at hand, it is clear that she is the type who plans and moves

"Yes, that's right. This is exactly the right thing. If that's the case, then let's go find it in the village. Honestly, the situation in this village is really true. It ’s weird. I did n’t expect all the people in the group to be absent. This is really a very strange thing. ”Niu Zhe frowned and said verbatim, he really felt quite Strange and doubtful.

"No matter, no matter what, we must look for it, we must look for it, we must find Qingyun Mountain, and where on earth we must rescue our daughter. Jiang Bin said with gritted teeth, this is her only daughter, no matter what She must not be able to let her daughter have an accident, otherwise, she would never forgive herself for life

That ’s the case, it ’s the case, it ’s the same thing. The development of this thing really has some things that are unexpected to us. It ’s said that Chen Yiping did n’t hear the conversation between the two of them, but watched The pictures found on the mobile phone and the messages on the Internet suddenly understood how the development of the matter really happened. I have to say that this was really something unexpected.

"Is it so that there were two live broadcast girls who were surprised? This is really something we didn't expect. According to this logic, these two girls should be broadcasting live. When it fell to the bottom of the cliff, it seems that their parents are here to find them now, but where is this Qingyun Mountain in the end? Chen Yiping touched his chin and frowned slightly, always saying He really did n’t know where Qingyun Mountain was. No wonder the parents in this group looked for a long time and could n’t find where his daughter was. It was really anxious.

"But then again, although they are looking for their own daughter, but in the faith-seeking of my super-hunting app, they do not appear where they are looking. From this we can see the fire. They are not using It is really unexpected that the Super Hidden App is used for searching. It seems that they are not believers or users of the Super Hidden App.

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