Super Finding App

Chapter 2189:

"Yes, this daughter of our fellow villager lived in Qingyun Mountain, but there was an accident. Now it should be trapped in Qingyun Mountain. We are going to save our daughter now. We come now when we come over Thank you very much for saving our daughter. You told us where our daughter is. We are going to pass now, and if we are far away, we will also pass. "

The rewarding father, Jiang Wei, grinning his teeth, raised his head, wearing glasses, he looked gentle, but in fact he was quite determined

"Yes, this fellow, if I can, I don't know if you can take us to Qingyun Mountain. If it is possible, we are willing to pay, if it is true, we are willing to no matter how much it costs."

The woman with short hair couldn't wait to say that he was thinking about things very carefully. Compared with a group of people going to Qingyun Mountain here, in a very dangerous situation, it would be better to find a local person as a guide. For all people This is the safest, and the main thing is that if there is a local person as a guide, it will be much easier and safer for them to go there.

"Yes, yes, this fellow doesn't know if anyone in the village is willing to act as a guide, as long as he is willing to take us as a guide to Qingming Mountain, we can remunerate, any amount of money, 5000 is not enough 5000, not enough 10,000 is enough "

The man with a Chinese character face, Liu Kaipe, said quickly, when he spoke, it was 10,000 yuan. Obviously, he is just a rich man, or a problem that can be solved by money for him, then it is not a problem at all.

"Do you say 10,000 yuan for real?"

Middle-aged men's old eyes are staring, with a look of surprise, as a rural person, 10,000 yuan is really an astronomical number for them, although the country is now developing vigorously Its economy and rural areas, but not all rural areas are rich, and some areas are quite poor.

After all, reality is reality, not news.

"It is really true, if you want, we can give 10,000 yuan, as long as you take us to Qingyun Mountain to find our daughter, the man with a Chinese character face Liu Kai can't wait to say that she is sincere Want to find a daughter who wants to find her faster

"Wait, wait, I understand, I understand, you are a little calmer, so I also want to find this money, but after listening to what you say, the main thing is to find your daughter who was lost on Qingyun Mountain, but it is not just long To Qingyun Mountain, if it ’s okay to take you to Qingyun Mountain, but if I find the missing daughter in Qingyun Mountain, then I ca n’t do it. In fact, I think there is someone who can do it, you can go to Chen Sir, little news, Mr. Chen can certainly help you. "

The middle-aged rural man Zhang Zhang took a moment and said quickly, and immediately shifted the topic to Chen Yiping. Mr. Chen, what exactly did you say about Mr. Chen, did he know the road to Qingyun Mountain? Is it a guide? Man with glasses. Jiang Wei asked with a brow.

"No, no, Mr. Chen is not from our village, but Mr. Chen is my nobleman. The middle-aged rural man veteran shows a respectful look. In fact, I do not hide you. Just today, I The two daughters also ran away from home. People in our entire village searched for a long time and could n’t find it. In the end, Mr. Chen helped find our daughter with the Super Xuanwu App. The teacher said that it was really very dangerous. We All of my daughters were almost abducted from the outside line. If I did n’t intercept them in time, I wanted to find my daughter again, but it was very dangerous. Mr. Chen is our nobleman. His super finder app can find me away from home. The runaway daughter, I believe with the help of Mr. Chen, you will also find your missing daughter. "

Obviously, the middle-aged rural man Lao Zhang admires Chen Yiping very much, and can't wait to say, or in his mind, being able to introduce some business to Chen Yiping is also a way to help Mr. Chen be grateful.

"Is the Super Xuanwu App? I know this, I know that I am anxious. I only heard that I can find any missing items. Why didn't we think of such a method?" The woman with long hair suddenly opened her eyes and said quickly, Talking while taking out a mobile phone from her arms, she also has a super-hunting app in her phone.

"No, no, I have tried it, I have already tried it. For this super pet app, we need faith points if we need it, but we do n’t have enough faith points at all, so this super use APP for us Say nothing at all "

The short-haired woman hurriedly said, "Some hate iron but not steel. If I knew it was now, it would be worth it even if she took two hours of prayer every day. She is really at a loss now."

"Yes, yes, you are right, that is the Super Hidden App, that is a super majestic APP that can help people find the objects and people they have lost. Mr. Chen we are looking for is also the Super Hidden App Mr. Chen said he has enough faith points to believe that Mr. Chen can definitely help you. "

The middle-aged rural man veteran alliance said that he patted his thigh suddenly. He doesn't remember anything else, but he does remember it very clearly!

"Yes, that's right, the Super Hidden App is the Super Hidden App. I remember this word very clearly. This is the Super Hidden App. It helped me find my daughter who ran away from home. You can certainly help you, really? Really? That ’s really great. Where do you say Mr. Chen I said? In what place is he a man with a Chinese face? Jiang I ca n’t wait to say that I can now say that as long as there is a straw, they will definitely catch it in their own hands.

"Sit there and there, it is this Mr. Chen. The middle-aged rural man showed a doubtful look, and stretched out his fingers to Chen Yiping, who was sitting on the off-road vehicle. At the same time, both husband and wife had gone too far and looked over.

"Sure enough, everything is exactly the way I expected. Sure enough, the development of things is exactly the way I think. Chen Yiping sitting on the off-road vehicle raised his head in a timely manner, and a hint of smoothness flashed in his eyes. Everything is in his calculations

"Hello my city, Chen Yiping doesn't know what can help you." Chen Yiping pretended to open the door of the off-road vehicle as if he had just noticed it, and walked off the off-road vehicle with a bright smile.

Just as I thought, the couple of the two teams in Jinan are looking for their missing daughter in Jinyun Mountain, and they do n’t know where Qingyun Mountain is, then they must ask where the Lengqing Yunshan in the village is. As long as they asked the people in the village, they would definitely find me!

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