Super Finding App

Chapter 2227: Thief (1)

"No problem, no problem, no problem, Mr. Chen has no problems at all. We have also used the Super Hidden App frequently. Although it is not said that it is used frequently, but for the role of this Super Hidden App, We still know something, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. "

"Furthermore, what we are looking for is money, and what we are looking for is a money bag, not someone or something. I do n’t think how many faith points I need, how many faith points I do n’t need, I think this should be No problem at all "

The man with a thin face said quickly when he heard it, his tone became a little excited.

Obviously they have also used the Super Hidden App before

It sounded surprising to me, and said,

"You have already used the Super Finding App, so why don't you find it yourself? I think if you look for it yourself, this should be no problem."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we haven't used the Super Pregnancy App, but we said that we've seen friends use the Super Find App before and know that they need faith points. This is a thing that has no problems at all, we must Will pay, we will definitely pay, I believe this is definitely no problem at all "

The man with a thin face hurriedly said as he wiped the sweat on his forehead while talking.

Obviously, it is very clear to him what the role of Super Finder is and how to use Super Finder

"Well, if you can understand this, then this is a very good thing. Also on this basis, if you really want to find it, first talk about what your lost wallet is. Look, and do you know what the thief of the stolen wallet looks like? "

"The more clues you know, the more likely you are to believe that the wallet we found."

Nodded into a flat, he said

His eyes narrowed slightly. He naturally knows that if there are really many clues, then the search for a super finder app to reduce the number of faith points can be reduced.

"No problem, no problem, of course I know, of course I know, of course I remember that"

The woman in fur stood up quickly when she heard it, and couldn't wait to say

"I'm very clear about this. I still remember that more than two hours ago, I was hit by a woman from behind while lining up, and then I discovered that my wallet was missing, and I was in a hurry. Rushed to find it, but it was not found for a long time, but I can be sure that it must be a woman, and it must be a woman with long hair. I have told the police about this situation, but I do n’t know why the police are so far No killer has been found so far. This is really unexpected. We are really worried. If this thief is really asked to take away the millions of checks in the wallet, or call them Get the money. Even if you find a thief, it will be useless. "

As the woman in fur said, her face was flustered

Heaven and earth conscience

She didn't want it at all. She didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

This was a great surprise to her.

Once I think of it, if my wallet is gone, it's just a matter of asking him to die.

"Okay, okay, I understand. It is a woman with a long hair with a cape. This is strange. If it is a woman, I believe the police should be able to easily monitor this. The thief found it, but it was a strange thing. "

Cheng Yiping touched his chin, and frowned deeply, saying word by word, he really felt some strangeness and doubt.

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Chen, this is also the place we feel most weird. Although I don't know what is going on, but now I think it may be that the police have not found it, if the police can really find it That ’s the best thing, but so far, the police have n’t found it at all. We really feel weird, so we came to look for Mr. Cheng, please Mr. Cheng, you must help us, we must help we

"That ’s the case. Is that what happened? There are indeed some unexpected things. After all, with the appearance and appearance, the police investigation should be relatively simple, and not as unexpected as it is now. I still have n’t found it. It ’s really something weird. Could it be that we are not aware of anything else? ”

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and frowned deeply, he really felt it, it was strange

He believes that in terms of the police's ability, it is a very simple thing to want to catch a thief under the circumstances.

It ’s really weird that something is so simple now ”

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, please help us, please help us"

The face sales man said quickly, saying one after another, even with some fluster on his face. To be precise, the more they felt, the more they felt more dangerous, and the more they felt more afraid.

If there is really no way to find this lost wallet, then they really want to cry without tears

There is really no way to think

"Relax, I said that since I have helped you find it, I will definitely help you find it. As long as the super-pregnant app can be found, I will definitely not shirk it"

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, saying word by word

He naturally understood what the group of people was thinking.

Thinking of you, Cheng Yiping took a deep breath, and gently opened the page of the Super Find App in my mind.

In an instant

A spinning and bright starry sky emerges, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerges

At the same time, Cheng Yiping gently pulled out the phone and clicked on the super finder app on the phone to make his page echo the page in his mind.

Cheng Yiping knows very well that he will never expose the body of the Super Find App in his mind

And now I am using the Super Hidden App in my phone, which is more like a scapegoat on the bright side.

[Super Finding App Faith Seeking is starting]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection Completed]

[Super Finding App Belief in Finding Links and Asking Seekers to Say Finding Objects]

[Looking Target: Wallet]

[Connecting to the Super Finder]

next moment

The bright and rotating starry sky in Cheng Yiping's mind suddenly changed into a colorful channel.

A ray of light from the deep and distant one-eyed branch fell through a flat forehead and fell on the woman wearing fur in her eyes.

next moment

The soul clone appeared quietly in front of the colorful channel in his mind.

Then turned slowly into the colorful channel.

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