Super Finding App

Chapter 2244: Navigation (2)

"No problem, no problem, Officer Chen, I know what I am doing, rest assured, this is no problem. I believe that the Super Find App, Super Find App is definitely not wrong, I am absolutely I wo n’t use this as a joke to everyone "

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and said with a bright smile

He absolutely believes in the Super Hidden Object app

He knows that the Super Finder app will definitely not have any errors. At least so far, the Super Finder app has never let itself down.

"Well, in this case, Mr. Cheng, please show me the way."

Police Chen nodded heavily and said

Now that the situation has developed to the situation it is now, instead of this, it is better to take a thorough look at who the stabbing Pei Yuan was found in the super-hunting app that Yiping was looking for.

Not much to say, the crowd gathered immediately, and the person in charge of the haunted house locked the door of the haunted house, and then followed Cheng Yiping with the staff and began to seek

"Everyone, I do n’t know if you have used the Super Finder app, but here I can tell you that the Super Finder app finds objects is a navigation system for us. In other words, we only need to use the The navigation system of the object-hunting app can know what is going on, and at the same time, it will be able to know who the killer who stabbed Pei Yuan will be. "

Cheng Yiping said calmly, shaking his mobile phone while talking

What does appear in the mobile phone is the automatic navigation system of the super-hunting app.

Police Chen nodded slightly.

"Although I have not used the Super Hidden App, I also know what role and operation of this Super Hidden App. What I have to do now is to find out who the stabbing Pei Yuan will be."

"That is, that is, this Super Hidden Object App is really awesome. It will be like this. There are really some things that are unexpected to us, that is, as long as I follow this Super Hidden Object App to At that time, can we help us find out who killed Pei Yuan? This is really a very convenient thing. "

"Hey, that's for sure, it's for sure, don't you know? If you don't, then it's really a very disappointing thing."

"We all know these things. Although I haven't used the Super Finder app, I also know what the Super Finder app is all about, as long as you follow the automatic navigation system, it will be natural at that time. You can know exactly where the killer found by this super finder app will be. "

The staff of the haunted house talked with Huang Yaling and Li Xiaoyuan.

Obviously they all seem to have some excitement.

Officer Chen's face became a little dignified, and he frowned deeply behind Cheng Yiping.

Some of him felt strange and didn't know what it was all about.

If there is no error in the Super Find App, it can only explain one problem.

The man who stabbed Pei Yuan inside the haunted house really left, but is this possible?

The person who stabbed Pei Yuan was able to conceal the person in charge of the haunted house and the employees, and even the customers who came quietly and walked away. This is really a very, very strange thing.

It ’s impossible to think of some

Unless of course there are other channels in this haunted house

It is also possible to think about it.

After all, this haunted house is quite chaotic, and these employees are dressed up as zombies, or other ghosts, in other words, it is not impossible if someone really mixes in

There are just some that are quite difficult.

Officer Chen frowned deeply as he thought. He was constantly thinking about what the development of the thinking thing would be like.

But one thing I can confirm is

If someone else actually enters this haunted house, it is not impossible.

"Cheng Yiping, can you be sure? The killer that stabbed Pei Yuan found by this super-hunting app is really not everyone in the room nor the staff in this haunted house?"

Zhang Xiaona followed Cheng Yiping and asked carefully

She also felt a little strange.

"It's true. Zhang Xiaona rest assured. The instructions given to me by Super Finding App are indeed like this. Although some are not sure, this Super Finding App has never disappointed me and has not been wrong.

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, his face became strangely weird

Honestly, if it weren't for his soul avatar, he would never believe that things would turn out like this.

This is really unexpected.

For the same reason, it is no wonder that some people will say that there are no accidents in this world.

"Of course I believe in the Super Hidden App, it's just weird."

Full of intellectual Zhang Xiaona smiled and shook her head

He has experienced many things with Cheng Yiping

He knows better than anyone that the Super Hidden App is really amazing.

And never made any mistakes.

I have to say that this is indeed very surprising.

Because of this, she feels more curious.

Although Officer Chen was full of doubts, five employees like the haunted house were also puzzled, even Huang Yaling and Li Xiaoyuan were full of doubts.

However, they are still walking along the intelligent navigation system of Cheng Yiping's Super Hidden Object App.

Changhong Amusement Park Hospital is not too far away from this Changhong Amusement Park, it should be said that it lies on the side of Changhong Amusement Park

After all, the amusement park can receive nearly 10,000 tourists every day. It can be said that people are mischievous and many accidents occur.

If it is really far from the amusement park, it is more dangerous.

When Cheng Yiping came to the door of Changhong Hospital with Chen Chen, Huang Yaling, Li Xiaoyuan, and five other staff members and persons in charge, such as the haunted house, all the people's eyes widened, and they felt a little stunned.

"Mr. Cheng, what's going on? This is Changhong Hospital, this is Changhong Hospital, are you saying that the person who stabbed Pei Yuan is standing in this hospital? This is too strange."

Huang Yaling opened her mouth and looked puzzled.

She thought of many possibilities, but she never thought that the murderer who stabbed Pei Yuan would die in the hospital.

This is really a very strange thing

"It's possible, it's possible, it's possible. I think it's possible. In case the person who stabbed Pei Yuan was injured while fighting with Pei Yuan, he would run. It is entirely possible to come to the hospital for treatment. "

"No, isn't the murderer injured?"

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