Super Finding App

Chapter 2273: Uneasy (2)

Jiangzhen City, a villa area.

"It's great, it's great, you guys take a look, you guys take a look, it's great, to this day, even in the hot search, the news we promote has reached the effect of hot search, as it is now It is still in the top 10 of the hot search rankings. It seems that the hot spots have not been completely eliminated. Very good, very good. "

Wei Kai excitedly came over from the side, his eyes gradually glowed, his eyes fell on the notebook, carefully looked at the various stickers and data on the notebook.

"For some clues about the explosion of the chemical plant in Changhong City, I have said a lot of trumpet registered in each post bar according to the meaning of sister Han Xinyue, which has aroused the resonance of many people. It's done quite well. I think this time the Internet feast will be successful, and our revenge will be successful. "

"You ca n’t say that. We must not take it lightly. Do n’t forget that people on the Internet are affected by public opinion, and public opinion is easy to guide. The main thing is that people now receive very fresh news. Fast and very fast "

Hu Wei came over from one side and said with some solemn expression

"The damage caused by the explosion of the chemical plant in Changhong City 15 years ago is deeply felt by all of us. After all, we are the families of the victims, so let alone 15 years, 15 years later, We will remember for 30 years, but for many people on the Internet, this is just a piece of news on the Internet. They do not have the same pain as ours, and they pay attention to this news because of this Xiaona The dissatisfaction and resonance caused by some photos of Global Travel and photos showing off rich people posted by Liu Na ’s mother on the Internet, but how long it can be saved, it is endless, it may be tomorrow. Covered by news, people on the Internet are very fickle. "

"Will it be so fickle? No, isn't it true that people today are so fickle, if that's the case, wouldn't everything we do have any effect?"

Uncle Zhao came over from the side and frowned deeply

He didn't want to get things done in half and fail.

"That's true. People are always very fickle, but I think Miss Han should already have a comprehensive plan."

Zhou Guoqing came out from one side and said word by word

"It is indeed the case. The power on the network has reached its extreme point. If you wait for this, it will only gradually decrease the heat. Don't forget that the most important thing is to find the chemical plant explosion 15 years ago. The culprit murderer Zhang Haidong, unfortunately, all of this time I was praying throughout the Super Find App, but the faith points have not been saved yet. "

Wang Degang took a long breath and walked out of the room, his face was a little pale

"I don't need to worry about this, it's all my expectations."

Han Xinyue, wearing a professional suit, came over from the side and looked up.

"Our first part has been completed, and now the entire public opinion has been formed. Thanks to Liu Na's friendly help, I did not expect that she would send some travel photos. This is simply fueling the fire. "

Han Xinyue nodded slightly as he said.

"But what you said is indeed a very reasonable thing, that is, the netizens on the Internet are very attracted by the pressure of public opinion and public opinion, and will soon forget the past, so in this one we It must attract a lot of people and have more gimmicks, so I will use my responsibility to start a program, which is called the recent situation of those killed in the Changhong chemical plant explosion. At that time, everyone will be on camera. Speaking of your painful past in the camera, and what kind of influence has happened to you after the explosion of the Changhong Chemical Factory in 15 years, I believe it will certainly resonate with public opinion. "

"By that time, more people will be aroused to pay attention to the explosion of Changhong City ’s chemical industry chief and to seize the real culprit. This is absolutely no problem. As long as there is a program, public opinion and hot spots will not disappear"

As soon as Han Xinyue's words fell, Hu Wei's eyes lit up instantly, saying word by word.

"It is indeed possible. Do n’t forget that the impact of the chemical plant explosion in Changhong has a total of more than 400 victims, which means that there are at least more than 400 families that are as broken as us, although some have been reborn. , But there are some more miserable. We can interview them one by one and tell them what our purpose is. I believe they will help to find the real murderer Zhang Haidong. "

"It will also cost Zhang Haidong's wife Liu Na and his sons and daughters thousands of times to let them know what their father and husband have done to us!"

In the small room, Han Xinyue and others slowly raised their heads and said word by word.

Everything is going according to plan

On the Internet, the public opinion about the explosion of the chemical plant in Changhong City is getting more and more enthusiastic.

Sunny the next day

Zhang Xiaona slowly opened her eyes slowly from the bed

At first glance I saw Cheng Yiping lying on the edge of the bed

Zhang Xiaona just moved her body slightly.

Cheng Yiping immediately came sober, raised his eyes, and said with excitement

"Xiao Na, you are awake, are you okay now, Zhang Xiaona, have you felt better?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, Cheng Yiping really thank you, you worked hard at night"

Zhang Xiaona said

At this moment, she showed that she was half weak

"It's okay, it's okay, it's great if you don't have anything. It's just that you don't need to go to work at this time. Then take a good rest at home. I believe that after a while, wait If things calm down, there will be nothing. "

Cheng Yiping said carefully on one side

He doesn't want to open the Internet now, after all, there are many bad remarks about Zhang Xiaona on the Internet

"I understand, I understand"

Zhang Xiaona nodded slightly, her face a little dignified

"From the past, I knew that the explosion of the chemical plant in Changhong City 15 years ago would not have ended so easily, but I did not expect that the effect of public opinion would become so great. It is a peace. I have one thing I hope you Can help me "


Zhang Xiaona looked up and asked

"Let's say, if you need any help from me, I can directly say that I will do my best"

"I want you to help me find my mother!"

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