Super Finding App

Chapter 2331: Tracing (3)

Fengye Village is a very small mountain village. The name of this mountain village is called an industrial village, because it is not because the village has a large number of industrial shopping malls, but because all the people in the village are all surnamed, so It is called an industrial village, an industrial village, located in a small mountain ridge in a remote area of ​​Yunyang City. Here the mountains and rivers are green and the birds are fragrant. It can be said that the natural resources are very good, but because the traffic is too inconvenient, And because the folk customs here are still relatively closed and occluded, even though the outside world has changed with each passing day, in the small mountain villages here, there are still relatively feudal ideas. From the perspective of people here, uh, Marrying a wife and having a child must end in retirement, and a son must be able to inherit the so-called incense. Therefore, this small village is also the same as the ordinary mountain village. Although it is full of aftertastes, it also has its own rules. In general, if there is no outsider to disturb, this small mountain village is relatively stable and quiet. Yes, but now this small village welcomes an unexpected guest. Just in front, just in front of the Super Find App shows that your child is in front, this is absolutely not going to be wrong, everyone must be careful, everyone must be careful, just in front During the live broadcast, the girl's face became extremely excited. Looking down at the super-find in the mobile phone, the app only continuously sought. In front of him, you can clearly see what the super-find app in front of you found. . It shows that the target is within a small mountain village in front, and among the concentrated fungus houses in this small mountain village, the situation of Super Hidden Object App is showing what they are looking for The goal is here. For a remote mountain village, people who know men have entered with strangers. This is indeed a very conspicuous thing. Every strange farmer looks around, looks at the live girl in front of him, and With seven or eight volunteers, Wang Gang and Wang Hui showed a puzzled look, and some whispers, what happened? Why are there people coming outside, what is going on? It may come to find someone. Do n’t forget, did somebody move to our village some time ago? Did he come to him? Maybe it ’s possible. It ’s totally possible. After all, the people in these villages really look so good, especially the girls of this year, who are fine-skinned and tender, follow us. It's totally different right to right here, it is possible to hear that it is now. It contains the so-called college student, but the education is high and the skin is tender and tender. It is really very good. If my son can find a college student, then it is a very good thing. , Ha ha ha ha ha, that's the right thing to say, and that's the right thing to say, but then again, how could this college student get married in our village? This may not be possible. This is not necessarily the case. This is not necessarily the case. A few villagers chatted, some people looked at the live girl in front of them, and even some were unhappy.

Regarding some of the thoughts and opinions of the villagers, the live broadcast girl did not have too many thoughts or too much attention. At this moment, he felt unusually excited, and his eyes were all glowing. This is his first. Using the Super Hidden App to help and find things can be said to be of great significance. After all, if you can really find such a Super Hidden App to find the missing child, then post this news to Paradise Baby Finding Relatives Online. Many Those who are looking for relatives can use the Super Hidden Object App to pray sincerely. This is far better than their aimless search. They have gone a lot. Once they have enough faith points, they can find their loved ones. This is a very good thing. After all, for many assailants, they are most worried or most desperate, that is, they do n’t know if they can find their loved ones, sometimes for a clue, but in the end they are empty-handed. After all, it's better to do it for the first time, but for the second time, but after a long time, it will really make people feel hopeless. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that sometimes scammers are encountered, but the blood is deceived. I have to say that because of this, the path of these relatives will be like this. Difficulty, wow, Dabao, come over for dinner, come over for dinner, Dabao, come over for dinner, the village in front of you, and so on. I saw an old father from a farmhouse holding a bowl of rice When I came out, my face was full of splendid sensuality. If you look closely, you will find that the expression of this old household is quite agitated. Between the yards, a chubby child is constantly running, and it looks quite Smart and cute. The link looked like he was about three or four years old, but he picked up the tiger and carefully hugged the child, feeding him bite by bite. The child also had some unpleasant assistants, which pushed the tiger and even beat the meal. When he got to the ground, the tiger didn't have any dissatisfaction. All the smiles on his face were eating. Oh, my big treasure, my big treasure didn't want to. It ’s okay. If you do n’t want to eat, it ’s okay to sell something. Take a bite. Eat it. You must be good. You must be good.

"This is our children, is this our child? Is he really our child? Wang Gang and Wang Hui have accumulated online, listening to the live girl ’s words in front of them, raising their heads, watching the yard The children who were held in the arms by the old woman were constantly trembling and watching the little pink and pink girl. Some of them were not sure in the South China Sea. This is really the tone of their children. Quite excited

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, a lot of melon-eating viewers also chattered, even became quite excited, no, no, really found it? Did you really find it? This super provocation has really found Yunnan. This is really too powerful.

"That's right, that's right. Is this really too powerful? Does the author ask the app for real? Is it really possible to find a missing lover? This is too incredible, really Is it fake? This is not necessarily the case, haven't you noticed it? This village chief, which household has no children, just point to a house and say that this child is a missing child. This is also Maybe it ’s weird. I think it ’s impossible, but look at the children again. Are there fewer reversals these days? There are more and more reversals. ”

"This is anxious. This is anxious. Let's take a look again. Let's take a look again. As the saying goes, let the bullets fly faster."

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