Super Finding App

Chapter 802: Depressed Thief (1)

He Guangming has a very secret career, that is, the third hand in the legend. With the development of the times, even after more time, He Guangming, the third skill he learned, still feels that he can survive in this society. Go on. After all, the third hand is a business that has been passed down since ancient times. It will never disappear. It will not now, it will not be in the future, and it will certainly not be in the future.

He Guangming has such confidence, but also has such pride. After all, look at the crowds on the street, especially in big cities, where train stations, high-speed rail, buses and even crowded platforms are his favorite places. He has trained a pair of fiery eyes and exquisite knives.

To say something bad, he just needs to look at your clothes to see if this person is really rich or a rich second-generation rich man? How much money the purse in your hand can be worth?

"The mentally disabled women on the Internet who were deceived by pretending to be the rich second generation are simply deserved, thinking that driving a good car to take them in and out of high-end hotel bars several times is the rich second generation. Listen to them talking nonsense, saying themselves How is it possible that all of them are rich second-generation? If I said that He Guangming, according to the ideas of those girls with brain disabilities, I might have been starved to death early, and would never live to this day. The skills of the three hands, no matter how the future develops, I can survive! "

This is the law of He Guangming since his survival. With the skills of the third hand, he survived and lived very moisturized and chic.

"As the third hand with the oldest industry, we must be careful and implement the strategic policy of one shot for one place. Although the amount of stolen money has not reached a certain level, the police station of the police station is only one eye closed. , But if you earn a big ticket, you must immediately escape from this place, otherwise you will find yourself dead. "

He Guangming is very confident about the strategy and method of the work policy he has formulated. He has a tactical contempt for the enemy and a strategic attack on the enemy. With this strategy of hiding in Tibet and firing a shot for a place, He Guangming has He was running through the Tang Dynasty in shock and danger, and his heart was not greedy or big. Anyway, he had no money and used the third-hand skills to make some living expenses. With the strategic policy of the thief not going empty, he stole all the way. All the way, stealing all the way, leaving his handsome achievements along the way.

After a great feat of accomplishment, with his own strategic principles, he took the high-speed train to a city he had never been to, and the professional skills of the third hand of He Guangming who sat on the high-speed rail began again. I had an itchy hand and looked at the people on the high-speed rail. Their luggage was placed in a conspicuous place. It was simply telling him to steal me, steal me, come steal me.

"Hell, this is just plainly asking me to steal. With the reason that the thief doesn't go empty, I don't steal, it's just unreasonable."

After three short seconds of thinking. He Guangming immediately decided to start. He is not a mentally handicapped man. He has a clear goal. He knows that this high-speed rail is a closed environment. If he steals some valuable assets, he will be able to be given to him one day or another. After all, you Take these things through security checks. If things get too big to be found, it is that people are dirty and the goods are not escaped even if you want to escape, so if you really want to use the third hand on this high-speed rail In that case, the most wonderful thing is nothing more than cash.

That's right, it's stealing cash. There is a name on the cash and no number on it. If you shout it, it won't answer you. Who knows if the cash is stolen or my own? To paraphrase a TV show, you have two gold bars? How do you know which one is stingy. Which one is noble?

The same cash I carry, how do you know that I stole the money? It's still my own, does your calling for cash say you can't do it.

"I'm really too smart."

The more He Guangming thought, the more he felt right, and the more he felt right, watching the continuous stream of people in the entire high-speed rail with bright eyes, let's take a look, if outside, even at the train station, people will remain vigilant , But what happens in the high-speed rail? Especially the person who bought that sleeper, after a long day of exhaustion, had fallen asleep long ago, just opened his pockets to him. The best thing is that in the entire high-speed rail, no one knows everyone. Even if he appears in other compartments, he will not cause anyone to doubt. The most important point is that once he steals enough, he can go to a station Get out of the car, slipping away, there is a way to leave leaves alone, money into my arms.

"I'm so smart!"

The ideal is very full, but the reality is skinny.

Even if He Guangming thought of various methods, made various measures, and even smoothly implemented various stealing techniques to maximize the skills of the third hand, but at this moment he still His face was pale, and the sweat of Doudou fell down, and he felt a huge wave inside.

However, at this moment, he is indeed full of joy, with a smile on his face, watching the continuous shuttle outside the high-speed rail, he most expects that this high-speed rail will arrive at the platform a little faster, when he will be able to peach .

Once out of the high-speed rail platform, it is really the vast sky, and the world goes with him.

When He Guangming kept thinking, suddenly he saw police officers and waiters on the high-speed railway not far away, and several passengers hurried over there. His pupils shrank sharply, and he pretended to sleep. Because he clearly saw that the two people behind the police officer were his greatest accomplishments.

The eyes are the windows of the human mind. As a veteran, He Guangming is very clear. Don't think that your mental quality is too good. Therefore, you can play any psychological game with the police. It is simply looking for death, and avoiding it. It ’s better to catch the other ’s attention than to pretend to sleep, anyway, he would never believe that the other party was looking for himself. This situation is too familiar to him. Look at it, or you will be sure in a short while. Passing by his side.

The ghost knew where to go, but the high-speed train was already dangerous. Be sure to escape quickly when the next platform arrives.

"That's the man. He's the thief."

He Guangming, who pretended to close his eyes and repose, quickly turned in his head, and suddenly a clear voice came from his ear. He looked up and was shocked, because he found the police officers, waiters and the owner on the high-speed rail. A large group of people stared at him.

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