Super Finding App

Chapter 809: The same society (2)

"Cheng Yiping, you're finally here. I just wanted to call you again, hurry up and wait for you now."

Jiang Li, the monitor of the monitor, showed a bright smile. Even after more than ten years, Cheng Yiping was still a little hesitant. He seemed to see the innocent smile of the monitor when he was in school.

"Really, it's better to be a peace, letting so many people wait for you is not a good thing."

Jiang Ping couldn't help rolling her eyes. Today she wore this elegant dress. Although there were not many clothes on it, she showed her wonderful figure at a glance. She looked at Cheng Yiping and rolled her eyes. If it wasn't for the class leader Jiang Li who has been insisting on waiting here, she would not be willing to wait here to be equal.

"Sorry, I'll be here as soon as I get off work. I didn't delay you."

There is a way to carry everyone. I do n’t care about Jiang Ping ’s one hundred eyes being equal, and joking, if he may still be very sensitive like before, he feels insulted, and now he would not care about Jiang Ping at all, is Jiang Ping beautiful? Very beautiful, enchanting figure exudes the charm of women. The 28-year-old woman is the most mature, coexistence of green and charming, is the most seductive time, but for Cheng Yiping to enter the Arctic, the body is absolutely Hot Katerina did not eat, let alone Jiang Ping.

"You're continuing to pretend, there is a man with a timid heart."

Surprisingly, the expression he didn't care about fell into Jiang Ping's eyes but got more contempt. Jiang Ping knew how seductive his figure was, and walking on the street was definitely The man's gaze was a little bit up and down to try to swallow her, and the timid would look at it secretly, but Xiang Chengping looked at the past and she didn't really encounter a few, if it was some dignitaries It ’s fine to see high-quality beauties, but dressing as Yiping is an ordinary working class, how could this be the case, unless Cheng Yiping is a homosexual.

Poor Cheng Yiping naturally didn't know that for an instant, he even became **** in Jiang Ping's heart.

"Okay, okay, now that we're here, let's go. On the second floor, everyone is waiting for you."

Obviously, the class leader Jiang Li did not notice Jiang Ping's careful thinking. When she saw Cheng Yiping's arrival, she showed a bright smile, and quickly led the way, and said abruptly along the way.

"A party is not easy, but for the 40 or so classmates in our class, I have found more than 30 people, and there are more than a dozen people who are already in the field or unable to catch up. This time it is counted as One of our classmates party. "

"Really, I really look forward to this. Honestly, everyone has been busy since graduation. Even in the same city, there are very few opportunities to meet. Very few opportunities. More than forty students in the class found more than twenty or thirty Jiang Li. Your monitor is still as powerful as before. "

Cheng Yiping laughed.

"Where, where, here are mainly the current advanced technology. As long as you have the heart, you can connect them as long as you find a phone number, but if you are willing to come, it means that everyone is still very friendly to this classmate. precious."

Do you cherish the friendship of classmates very much?

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly, to be honest, in the eight or nine years after his graduation, you really haven't thought of any classmates.

When speaking, everyone came to a large box on the second floor under the guidance. Opening the door Tianhai Hotel deserves to be a five-star hotel. The box is richly decorated and looks very beautiful and upscale. Numerous men and women sat together at the banquet at the table and cheered.

"The monitor is here, our monitor is here, not only the monitor, our Jiang Ping is here, oh, Jiang Ping is now more beautiful than before, I remember very clearly that Jiang Ping was thin and thin when she was at school The weak is just like a little chicken. The body has no development at all. Where, as beautiful as it is now, is full of female charm. It is really a blessing for your husband to be a big eighteen. "

After a brief introduction, Cheng Yiping, who came to the classmates' club, went to a remote corner with a glass of wine and ate vegetables. He watched his classmates talk loudly, some said they were bosses, now earning hundreds of thousands a year, some said they were now Where do the senior executives mix now? The woman said that her husband is more rich and how expensive his cosmetics are. The value of your own bag is tens of thousands. It can be said that each person packs his own grandeur and looks bright and beautiful, which is simply the pinnacle of life.

Suddenly, one of Cheng Yiping's classmates who couldn't remember his name came to Jiang Li, who was full of femininity with a glass of wine, and shook his shoulders and laughed.

"Wang Wei, you are drunk."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction on Jiang Li's face. Although she was charming and wanted to receive the attention of a man, this did not mean that she was a casual person, as people say, if a woman is really You have to sell for a good price, not just the drunkard in front of you.

"Drunken? No, no, how could I be drunk? Jiang Ping tells you that the voice I make now is at least an annual salary of millions, which is absolutely no problem, only a pity. I have never found a suitable one. It ’s been Jiang Ping today. You and I know why. Our fate has been doomed since school. How about, if this evening ends, we will find a place to have a good chat. "

Jiang Ping's face was cold and frosty. Looking at the strange and familiar student in front of her gritting teeth, she and Jiang Li linked the students together, just hoping to communicate the feelings, but the student in front of her completely regarded her as a escort!

"Sorry, you're drunk, and I still have something to do at night."

"Something? What can I do, don't say that. Since everyone is an adult now, isn't it clear what the meaning of the reunion comes out, aren't you women all looking for old things to rekindle or be Look at your classmates who have developed a thigh, I do n’t say anything else, I still have money. But I heard that Jiang Ping has n’t married yet, right? I have n’t got married for a long time. What, don't you just want to catch a golden turtle? Following me will never let you suffer. "

Drunk drunk Wang Wei talked more and more explicit.

"Enough. Enough. Wang Wei, you drink too much, you drink too much, don't make any more noise."

A few male classmates immediately began to persuade alcohol when they saw this situation. To be honest, after all, everyone is a classmate. As long as the brain is not drunk and there is no dizziness, there will be some restrictions, and it will not be the same as entertainment at work. No mouth covered.

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