Super Finding App

Chapter 811: Guys keep me watching

Money, status, work, husband, wife, children, with the growth of time, the friendship of classmates after school has long disappeared. I am afraid that the rest is to compare each other, or as Jiang Ping thought, hope Everyone can let go of the burdens in reality and show their emotions at school, but that's just Jiang Li's extravagant hope.

Cheng Yi walked in the parallel at Jiangzhen City at night. The breeze blew through and could not help but tremble, showing a smile of bitter smile. This time, the classmates would be shocked. There is no story of a face, nor is there anything like it. The story of dog blood happened, everyone just ate, drank, talked, but even at this ordinary party, Cheng Yiping still clearly felt that the students had already differentiated into different classes, which is not the above. When I was studying, it was fun to define who played with who, but based on the status in reality and how much money was made. After meeting each other well, I got together and mingled together, but the poor ones Like Cheng Yiping, he silently eats as a marginal person, eats more and talks less, and acts as an invisible person.

"What a **** society!"

I have to say that this time the classmates will completely break the idea of ​​Cheng Yiping. Maybe when he thinks about it, he may have the same pure classmate friendship as in TV. But now it seems that TV is only TV.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"Do n’t think you can escape. Honestly, you ca n’t escape the monk and you ca n’t escape the temple. Tell you that you still obediently pay the money, otherwise you will follow us and use your body to pay back. Arrears! "

"Let me go, let go of me, I said it was Jiang Lei who owed you money, not me! You asked him to pay it back!"

"Also? How long? One month? Two months, one year and two years, do n’t make a joke, Jiang Ping, if it ’s not because of your figure or appearance, we will not tolerate you for such a long time and tell you, Hurry up and return the money to me. Otherwise, it's not just a simple matter of splashing paint. Don't think you can escape, you can escape the monk, you can't escape the temple! "

"Tell you, repaying debts is justified, if you ca n’t, it does n’t matter, you are the brother of Jiang Lei, as the saying goes, debt repayment, justification, your brother ’s account, if he ca n’t pay, you As an elder sister, you have to carry it down. I think your figure is pretty good. Then we can help you arrange your work and return after a few business trips. "

"The boss is right. I didn't expect Jiang Lei to have such a beautiful sister. I have to say, otherwise, we'll take him back now, and let her serve us at night as interest, otherwise If you do, you ca n’t let your brothers do it for nothing! "

In the slightly dim street came the shouting sounds of several men mixed with girls' shouts, but this voice made Cheng Yiping feel a little familiar, and turned around and looked involuntarily, but he saw that Jiang Ping was actually four or five. The man was under siege and pressed to the corner.

"Let me go, you let me go, my brother owes you money, you go to my brother, why do you want me to pay it back? I have already paid a lot of money for him, tell you, I will never give it again He also paid a penny, and if you dare take me away forcibly, I will call the police! "

It seemed that Jiang Ping had just drank some wine because she had just attended the classmates' meeting, her face was flushed, and she looked very beautiful. When she spoke of threats, she did not feel any threat at all. Haha laughed.

"Alarm? What's the use of your alarm? As the saying goes, it's good to owe money. Jiang Leilei is your younger brother. If you are his sister, you should pay him back. If not, why did you want it? To protect him? Since you mentioned that your younger brother has become a guarantor, you have to pay the money, or in a word, you can use your body to pay for it, although you are already 28 or 9 years old, But when it looks really mature, I like mature women! "

Obviously, these three or four looked at the charming and full of feminine Jiang Ping, and immediately began to feel her feet, Jiang Ping desperately resisted, tears flowing, but because of drinking She gradually regretted her physical strength. At this moment, she regretted it very much. Why did n’t she have to take a taxi home after attending the classmates party?

Who can save her now?

"I say everyone, the hero rescues the beauty is a very old-fashioned story, it is also very bloody, so I think if you have something to sit down and talk about, forcing a woman is really a crime!"

Suddenly when Jiang Ping was on the verge of despair, a faint sound came from her ears, and the eyes of the desperate pupils suddenly burst out, turning and looking around, but they saw the alley opening flat with their hands in their pockets and walked leisurely over , The original bright eyes dim again.

It turned out to be Cheng Yiping, what use did he come for?

"Who are you? What are you going to do? Don't bother, tell you, if you're bothering, watch out for some of our fists, and tell you that she owes us money, debts for remuneration, and justice!"

The leader's flamboyant Wu Yangwei waved his fists, glaring glaringly, looking extremely sturdy.

"Okay, okay, brothers are absolutely correct in saying this. There is a way to owe debts and be justified. In this case, I will not disturb a few debt collections for the boss."

The murky voice immediately persuaded as soon as Yiping was finished, and he quickly spoke soft words like a turtle, listening to Jiang Ping, who was stunned and dumbfounded. Although she didn't expect this thin Cheng Yiping to beat them, But then you just flinched after others said something. Are you still a man?

Obviously, not only was Jiang even the three or four foolishly aggressive, he really did not expect this person to be so courageous, and flinched when he was frightened. He suddenly burst into pride and was proud of himself, just ready to turn and continue facing When Jiang Ping got up and down his hand, he saw Cheng Yiping pull out his phone and turn on the camera function.

"Asshole, what are you doing? If you don't hurry up and dare to shoot, you can't find it?"

The leader was stunned and yelled angrily, but in return Cheng Yiping shrugged helplessly, pointing the phone directly at them.

"Relax, bosses, I won't bother you, I just look at it, I have never seen anyone robbed and raped, rest assured I will record this, but I am a little bit lost, if I I lost my phone at that time, in case I accidentally dropped it in the police station, and when it leaked, do n’t you blame me? "

"But you three rest assured, I'll look at everything else, do nothing, you continue ..."

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