Super Finding App

Chapter 819: Roll (three)


Sun Xing'er stared suddenly, his two black eyes narrowed down instantly, and his eyes fell on Jiang Lei, who was aggressive.

"What? You say he is rich!"

Sun Xing'er's face was aggressive, his eyes fell on Jiang Lei's body again, but his head turned quickly.

He turned out to be rich.

He turned out to be the richest man in my webcast room.

Is this an opportunity given me by heaven? I was still thinking of him, but he came to me in reality. Is this my Sun Xing'er going to fly Huang Tengda?

Wait, if he is really rich, the rich live in luxury homes. How can they wear such shabby clothes, is it impossible? Is the other person a liar?

No, not necessarily. I have read on the Internet that many rich people will have a special hobby. They all like to eat pigs and eat tigers. Is this the same for the rich, and he also wants to play pigs and eat tigers?

Yes, yes, this is definitely the case. Rich people like to wear their own shabby clothes and tattered clothes, but in fact, they are very rich in their bones. I ’m afraid he was dressed like this on purpose. They will pay attention to these brands. Like upstarts, they must wear brand and designer clothes.

That's right, it must be so, I'm really too smart.

This is an opportunity, and I must hold this rich man in my hands.

Obviously, Cheng Yiping didn't think of it. In this short time, Sun Xinger's mind was like a roller coaster, and numerous sparks collided. His two eyes looked at Jiang Lei with the same light, just like watching Holding a beetle.

"What! You are Xinger, how is that possible? Didn't you say on the Internet that you are not only 19 years old? You look like you are in your thirties, and you lied to me!"

Naturally, Jiang Lei didn't know that he actually became an invisible rich in Sun Xing'er's heart. He stared at him with a stigma of being deceived, because Xing'er claimed to be 19 years old among the female anchors. Although some are older, it is really youthful and invincible and it does not look like an old woman in her thirties once she removes her makeup.

This is simply deception.

"Rich, you are rich. I really didn't lie to you. People just have bad skin. As long as they wear makeup, they will look as beautiful as before. They are really only 19 years old ..."

When Sun Xinger changed his arrogant and arrogant attitude, Hedong shouted like a soft girl, coquettish, and tender voice, and instantly sucked out the original angry Jiang Lei's flame, and even his bones were almost soft.

Jiang Ping, who was watching, was stunned, and the whole person snored. She couldn't make such a snoring voice. Although she would also be a coquettish person, she vowed that she would definitely do it. No such voice as a cat, is this the female anchor? It was simply terrifying.

At this moment, Cheng Yiping seems to have some understanding of why his brother Jiang Lei would be deceived by such a cowardly woman who can no longer be faked. Such a woman is indeed a man's dream.

"This script didn't go well"

Cheng Yiping stood aside, touching his chin and watching two people like slapsticks in front of me. He felt that the development of the plot was not correct. He instantly understood that the bird seemed to be a human, and turned from a original Hedong Lion to a bird Yiren's Sun Xinger definitely regarded Jiang Lei as a real rich man.

Sure enough, money can make ghosts grind.

"Jiang Lei, Jiang Li, what you said is true, Jiang Ping seems that we really blame Jiang Lei."

Cheng Yiping made a turn around his eyes, and suddenly Jiang Ping said, holding his face full of brutality.

"When we came just now, Jiang Lei told us that he had found a beauty anchor on the Internet as his wife, and the beauty anchor Xinger also agreed, whether he is rich or poor, he is willing to talk to He is his sweetheart. You, the elder sister, don't believe it. Now that you've seen a real person, you should believe it. That's it! "

Jiang Ping's face was aggressive, and he never thought how Cheng Yiping would say such a thing suddenly, how could she not believe that what the beauty anchor said would be true, did n’t she really mind that her brother had no money No job, is it a no-man?

"Oh, Xinger, I used to be prejudiced against your online female anchors and thought that they were cheating. But today I saw you like Jiang Lei. I really admire and change my opinion. The beauty anchor has completely changed. Although Jiang Lei now has no money, no work, no unit, and owes a **** debt, but I believe that as long as you are with him, you can definitely pay the debt with him, Life is getting better! "

One has no money, the second has no work, and one has **** debt.

What exactly is going on?

Sun Xinger, who was still a birdie, just like a spitted rabbit, suddenly jumped away, his eyes widened, his face in doubt, and only one problem was revealed in the two eyes. What is going on? ?

"What are you talking about? The rich man is very rich. In my live broadcast, his ranking is number one. Why is there no work and no money to owe others a debt? I know you are all Am teasing me "

"Funny, whoever teases you, what I said is true. The reason why the rich can reward you so much in your live broadcast room and become the first place is because when he has no money, he is on the Internet. Loan, loan money, and give you a reward. If you ca n’t find him on the Internet, you can borrow a usury loan. Although he has already owed a **** debt, I believe that a person will not die. He only needs to be with you. Paying back the money together will pay off soon "

Cheng Yiping didn't seem to notice the change of Sun Xing'er, and said with a long heart, that tone, that attitude, like the two were already together.


That's it!

As soon as Cheng Yiping's words fell, Sun Xing'er immediately blew his hair, staring at Jiang Lei with a look of intoxication.

"Is it true what he said? Did you have no money, no job, and you owe usury outside? It turns out that you are not a rich second generation, nor a rich man, you are a liar."

"Xinger. How can you talk to me like this? You said I was a liar, didn't you lie to me? You said you were only 19 years old, but you look like you are in your thirties now, not to mention when you are online It has been said that you are willing to talk to me. Whether I have money or not, you don't care at all, don't you forget it! "

Jiang Lei became angry and shameless. He didn't mind the other person being over 30 years old. What else did Zhao Xinger want?

"Asshole, you liar, dream about it. Will your rich lady follow you?"

"Give me ... Get out!"

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