Super Finding App

Chapter 832: Permission 13

Caterina has never doubted Cheng Yiping's ability to find people and things.

In other words, since the Arctic journey, even in the midnight dream, Katerina still remembered Cheng Yiping's amazing ability to find people and find things, leading them to find the exit as if they had opened up, Return from above the Arctic underground caves.

To Katrina is a mystery.

"Well, Cheng Yiping. No matter what, Katrina owes you a favor, but you should know that now Sterling City has turned into a sea. How can you help me?"

Countless thoughts flickered in Catalina's mind. Although she was slightly unhappy about Cheng Yiping's girlfriend, she was not the one who ended up with it, hoping to be a man with a white head to an old woman. Yiping she likes it, but she wants to enjoy the joy of fish and water more. She is the top bodyguard of the Italian Eagle Security Group. She may lose her time when she is married, and her marriage is too far away.


Cheng Yiping took a deep breath, relaxed slightly in his heart, and looked at the blonde, Katrina who was exuding hot charm all over her.

"I need transportation, preferably an airplane!"

That's right, in the face of a city called Castell, the most convenient tool to think of is an airplane. If you use a boat, you still need the sea area. God knows that in this city of Stell, the houses that collapsed, Broken streets, use boats to enter, it is estimated that it will not be far before, it will be blocked by the debris in the river, but if you have an airplane, you can completely avoid this trouble. If you use an airplane, you can choose between two points Straight line, the fastest and most convenient way to find Zhang Xiaona.

As for flying?

This is not a problem for Cheng Yiping at all!


Caterina slightly frowned her beautiful eyebrows, bit her red lips slightly, and the flirtatious voice made a soft voice like a cat.

"It's not impossible to fly an airplane. The Italian Bear Eagle Security Group does lease and sell airplanes. It's just a peace. Will you fly?"

"Although I don't have a driver's license, it's no problem to drive a plane!"

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile slightly. In Catalina's slightly surprised gaze, tap the Super Hidden App in the right pupil.

[Starting Super Finding App]

[Current search value 41203000]

[Are you upgrading? 】

【upgrade! 】

Waiting is this.

Immediately, I clicked the upgrade button, and the search value accumulated to 4120 points, so that I can get help with search!

"Persons with authority, Cheng Yiping"

"Age, 28"

"Level, level 13"

"The scope of finding things, the entire territory of Shujiang Province, the entire territory of Jiangzhou Province, the entire territory of Hoian Province, the entire territory of Jianfu Province, the entire territory of Ranhai Province, the entire territory of Tianfu Province, the entire territory of Jiangye Province"

"Current value 11204000"

"0 points of value storage slot"

"Get permission to find things 16 times a day"

"Get permission to find things nine times a day"

"The money limit for finding objects is increased by 130,000!"

"Get help finding things: breaststroke, marquee lights, dragon lights, tai chi, guitar playing, Jeet Kune Do, driving skills, hypnosis, four languages, sonar skills, hacking skills, Oracle"

"Entertainment Awards; Movies" Shaolin Temple "," Biography of the White Haired Witch "," The Moonlight Treasure Box of Westward Journey "," Terror Cruise "

"The TV series" The Heroes of Shooting the Eagle "," The Legend of the New White Lady "," Journey to the West "," The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "

"Songs" My Future Is Not A Dream "," Invisible Wings "," Again From Beginning "," Living Life "

"" To you "," Ten years "," The most romantic thing "," You at the same table ""

"" Childhood "," Grandma's Penghu Bay "," The Story of Light and Shadow "," The Worm Flies ""

Get the next entertainment reward: "one-time value-for-money search 2000 points"

The Super Sense App for Super Sense App has been increased once, the amount limit has also been increased to 130,000, and the properties of the Super Finder app after upgrading are also expected, but this is not the most important thing he needs. Finding things help.

"Finding help is starting ..."

The Super Hidden App Hidden Compass emerges.

"Finding things to help select a specific type requires a thousand points of finding value. Do you choose?"

Choose of course!

What I want is this.

Cheng Yiping immediately couldn't wait to choose the type of lock-in help, the value of one thousand points instantly flowed into the rotating compass of the super-finding app. Suddenly, the entire rotating compass emerged with magnificent light!

"Current value of 1204000 points"

"Finding Help Links ,,,,,"

"Looking for help to complete the link,"

"Looking for help to open ,,,,"

The deep and dazzling sole pupil of Cheng Yiping's right pupil transformed into a magnificent compass, and paragraphs of text emerged.

"The compass for finding things opens,"

"Looking for help in extraction,"

"Looking for a particular choice ..."

The magnificent compass rotates for a while, and with the pointer leveling, it also tangles, and finally stops on a space, and a piece of text emerges.

"Looking for help to complete the extraction ,,,"

"Congratulations for finding help-transportation-pilot!"

At this moment, Cheng Yiping was ecstatic, and the finder help of the super finder app really worked!

He thought that even with the homing help of the super homing app, it was impossible to directly learn the skills of flying an airplane, but he never expected that the homing help in the super homing app could really be a one-time study!

"Connecting in conscious space"

"The consciousness space is opening ..."

The next Cheng Yiping appeared instantaneously in the high air of Wanli, and the horrible airflow and clouds and sea fog looked at Cheng Yiping. He found himself in the high air of Wanli, without any measures. His body was like a fast faller, a terrifying air All the skin on his face was blown upside down, looking into the countless high-altitude, high-altitude, scared him, a kind of out of control, rushed from the chest to the brain.

Cheng Yiping vomited directly.

Numerous vomits were hit directly on his face by the air flow, and then floated into the sky, a bottle of dizziness, watching himself getting closer and closer to the ground, and then squeaking, was directly broken into meatloaf .

The next moment, Cheng Yiping was again in the altitude of ten thousand meters, and next to him appeared a pilot instructor who floated continuously at ten thousand meters, shouting in panic.

"Help, help ..."

But I saw that even if the instructor was indifferent, let himself fall in the air, and then gently pulled it to open the parachute. A snoring sound floated from the side of Cheng Yiping directly into the sky, and it was chic and free. Only the voice of the pilot instructor was heard.

"Seekers, if you can't even overcome the fear of heights, how can you become a pilot flying in the sky!"

"In order to become a pilot, overcome the fear of heights, the sky ... is the pilot's territory!"

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