Super Finding App

Chapter 840: sin

Everyone has two personalities from birth.

Angel or demon.

With the growth of the day after tomorrow, the person ’s character will change with the effect of the environment. These experiences are transformed into nutrients to nourish the two characters in the heart. After education, it may be that angels are better than demons. It is also possible that the devil overwhelmed the angel.

If it is said that in the era of peace, generally there is the constraint of moral law, the reason in the heart of people will suppress the greedy desire in the heart, crazy sin!

But when the end of the world is truly reached, when the person reaches a desperate state, the evil desires in his heart will expand infinitely, exposing all the things that are usually suppressed in his heart but would not dare to do.

To paraphrase a word that is popular on the Internet now, it is going to die anyway, no matter what the flood after death.

The city of Styr is in the midst of a vast ocean. The building that Zhang Xiaona and others are about to tilt is like an isolated island in the ocean, isolated and helpless, and the sea water is slowly rising. They do not know the building. How long can it be supported.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see that the whole city of Stell is full of ruins, a large number of houses are tilting and collapsing, all kinds of debris are drifting on the river, and the gloomy sky seems to usher in a greater storm. The dripping rain is constantly falling, which is just like a doomsday scene.

Zhang Xiaona, Zhao Gaoming, Bruce, Relos, and Julina are located on the first floor of the building. They are leaning on the wall, eating snacks and filling their stomachs. Waiting for the rescue they don't know when they will come, wonder what their ultimate will be? Throughout the ocean, like an island, the only thing they can do is to pray to heaven and wait for rescue.

There is a gloomy sky outside, but there is darkness inside the building, and evil is breeding.

With a wavy blond hair and a beautiful figure, the splendid long-legged beauty Zhu Lina effortlessly moved her body aside, her legs were slightly bent, and she made a more comfortable posture. The clothes on her body had already been completely because of the water. Wet, it's completely tempting.

Exhausted and exhausted, Julina didn't find out how seductive she looks today. The sight fell into the eyes of two men, Bruce and Reynolds, and they suddenly breathed and turned red.

After a while, I saw Bruce, and Renaults got up and looked at each other as if everything was in silence.

Bruce and Reynolds had shortness of breath, and quietly approached the blonde, who was lying there with her eyes closed, and then hurriedly jumped up.

"Help ..."

"Don't ..."


Lying on the corner of the wall, Zhu Lina felt two crazy fluttering on her, tearing her clothes, and making a cry for help, her hands and legs were beating constantly, painfully loud Begging, the cry for help immediately awakened Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Gaoming who were resting aside.

"Stop, what are you doing here? Hurry up!"

"Stop it. Everyone is in trouble. We need to help each other. What are you doing here?"

"Stop it, stop it!"

Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Gaoming, awakened by Julina's panic shouts, were stunned, and rushed forward, pulling Bruce and Reynolds who were lying on Julina, just ready to separate them, but saw them one by one. His fists struck Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Gaoming's abdomen and knocked them to the ground, his face flushed with red blood, his face marvelled.

"Enough, don't say anything here, I can't live anymore, understand? We can't live anymore, look outside, look outside, Stuart has turned into a sea of ​​oceans, all of which have turned into After a sea of ​​oceans, no one has come to save me until now, we are dead, we are dead! "

The blue-faced Bruce hissed, the greenness appeared on his face, and then stared at Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectual temperament, sticking out her red tongue and licking her lips, said.

"Everyone is going to die anyway. Instead of being drowned by the river and being eaten by sharks, I might as well enjoy it before death. You do n’t have to tangle, and do n’t struggle. What ’s the point, it ’s all death, Not as happy as we all, can be a happy ghost! "

"Bruce is not wrong. I said kid, I look at your eyes, you also seem to like your woman very much. In this case, then we are not polite, and you should think carefully. If you miss this opportunity, After all of us are going to die, it's too late for you to regret it. It might as well be while we are still alive and everyone enjoys in time. This is the best! "

What happens when a person is on the verge of despair? Some people will work hard and refuse to give up, but some people will be permeated by the evil in their hearts, so they are going to die anyway, so simply be a happy ghost, be a smart ghost, and you would not dare to do it Do it all again, and as a man under great mental stress, the first thing that comes to mind is a woman.

"Stop, you are sober, what are you talking about? We have to believe that the country will come to save us, there will be someone to save us, calm down, calm down!"

Struggling to get up from the ground, Zhu Liannaan ran behind Zhang Xiaona in two or three steps, and panic shot from her pupils, no matter how noble and generous she usually was, but she was a woman after all, facing two strong men, She was really helpless.

"Naive, too naive, when will the rescue come? The sea water is about to rise to the top of this building. When we run to the rooftop, there will be no place to go. When the flood comes again, we will all die. You can guarantee Can we be alive next time? Anyway, there is no hope, so you do n’t have to be so entangled. It is most practical for everyone to enjoy together in time. This is the most practical. Give up, we will be very comfortable to serve you! "

At this moment, the blonde Bruce has been completely controlled by her own desires and cravings, her eyes are walking on the body of Zhu Lina and Zhang Xiaona, and you fall on the black pupil Zhao Gaoming, he knows that Zhao Gaoming's heart is tangling .

"Also, you think about whether you want to join us. As long as the three of us are together, they are afraid that they will not be able to follow suit? Even if they die, everyone will die without regret!"

Bruce, who looked like a demon, whispered like a demon, fell into Zhao Gaoming's ears, his breathing became more rapid, and Zhang Xiaona, who was full of intellectual charm, turned her eyes, and her eyes gradually turned red ...

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