Super Finding App

Chapter 842: Pig teammate

People are called people because they have a moral existence.

Morality is maintained by law.

In times of peace, no one has the morals and laws to follow.

Even in times of war and war, there are still a set of rules and regulations to follow. It is precisely because of these dark rules that people can live together peacefully, survive and thrive.

But when the doomsday comes, when it is in disaster, and it is on the verge of despair, all these moral laws will be gone. All that remains is greed, desire, killing, and sin.

This is the time to test humanity.

Obviously, the blondes Bruce and Reynolds have completely ripped off the evil in their hearts. They are desperate. For life, they have no hope at all. Now for them, all they can think of is Just enjoy in time before death.

Anyway, it ’s better to just enjoy it before you die.

As written in numerous Doomsday novels, people will have class nature and oppression together. Maybe they can get along peacefully at first, but when people are on the verge of despair, they will unconsciously begin to bully and insult less than him. People vent their fear and despair through violence and blood.

Since we are going to die, everyone will die together.

As the building was about to tilt, blondes Bruce and Renault had already shed their hair, holding iron rods who did not know where to turn from, and hit them gently on the broken wall, sending out a blast. The noise was creepy and both eyes were green.

"Run, run, dear beauties, you run, this building is so big, only the top floor and rooftop are left. Where do you think you can go?"

"I think it's interesting for them to run like this. It would be too boring if they just accept it this way. I am so excited for the first time when I am so big. Bruce, let's hurry up and catch them, and let it out. I ca n’t wait. It's ... "

"Let's go and tell you first. I'm interested in the Oriental woman. I haven't tried Oriental!"

"Haha, there is nothing difficult about this. At that time, there are only two of us, not to mention the East. Even if it comes to a big sleep, there will be no problem at all. I am excited about this!"

Bruce Yang, with a sullen face, laughed and grinned, speeding up his steps behind Zhao Gaoming's complex and changing face. Then he gritted his teeth and stomped, holding an iron rod that he didn't know where to find it. On the other hand, what was shot in the eyes was uneasy, panic and perseverance!

"Run, let's run, get away from them, crazy, crazy, the two Bruce men are completely crazy!"

Zhang Xiaona was pulling Zhu Lina to run on the top floor, her heart was disturbed, her face was full of panic. Zhang Xiaona, who was an orphan since she was a child, was very clear. In a dark world with no rules, how terrible it is for men to initiate madness. Do n’t It is creepy to say that a man, even a child, is crazy, let alone in the ocean today.

"Ah, no, I can't run, I can't run ..."

Already exhausted, Zhu Lina fell to the ground without a firm stand, panting vigorously, her eyes shot with panic, touching and touching, her clothes were already fragmented.

"No, no, if we stop here, they will soon be caught up by them. We will go inside and find a place to hide ..."

Zhang Xiaona helped Zhu Lina push the door of an office on the top floor, and found that this was an office area with staggered desks. At this moment, the flood was already fragmented and piled up, looking messy and dirty. People quickly found a remote corner and surrounded it with a chair. They held their breath and waited quietly. There was a silence around them. The sweat of Douda fell down their foreheads. Zhang Xiaona could even be clear. Feeling the heart beating violently.

Tick ​​Tick Tick Tick.

The sound of the water droplets in the sound of the water droplets getting thicker and thicker came from the rapid footsteps of the two men, getting more and more anxious, and then when the door was pushed open, Zhang Xiaona and Zhu Lina were frightened and held their breath, the whole person His body was creepy, his muscles were tense immediately, his heart almost jumped to his throat and eyes, and his body was trembling slightly. It seemed that he could clearly feel that these two lunatic men came into the room without eyes. In.

"My dear beauty, where did you go? Really let us find it, come out quickly, come out quickly ..."

"Beauty, don't be tangled, and don't resist anymore. We're done, we can't escape, we're dead, let's come out and enjoy, we can be a romantic ghost before we die ..."

The beard circulated, and the mad look of Bros and Relos seemed to have gone completely crazy, holding the steel plate to the residence and beating the broken wall. At this moment, a blast of lightning broke outside the floor window and split their faces. The light grew paler.


The sudden lightning not only calmed down the almost crazy Relos and Bruce, but also shocked Julina, who was already frightened, and issued a panic sound. Her body fell back involuntarily, and thumped. The seats behind them all fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Properly a pig teammate.

"Find it, find it, beauties, you guys are here ..."

You are not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaona thoroughly felt what is called a pig teammate. The two originally waited in a deep breath, maybe they could escape, but it was just a lightning that scared Zhu Lina and fell and shouted. With a sound, now they were firmly surrounded by the blonde blues and Relos, and it was difficult to escape if they wanted to escape.

"Don't run, don't run, come on, let's enjoy it ..."

"Let me let go ..."

"Struggle, struggle, the more you struggle, the more excited I am ..."

Without any extra words or too many routines, they have fallen into crazy Bruce and Relos as if they were hungry wolves. One person rushed to Zhang Xiaona, the other rushed to Julina, tearing frantically. The clothes on them were cracked, although Zhang Xiaona and Zhu Lina were desperately resisting, and their feet were chaotic, but after all, they were women and had a natural disadvantage in strength.

"Stop, let me go, Zhang Xiaona ..."

Just when Zhang Xiaona's clothes were going to be torn directly into pieces, panting Zhao Gaoming finally rushed over, shouted, and picked up the steel plate in his hand and smashed it directly into Bruce.

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