Super Finding App

Chapter 854: Self-destruction

Man is a social animal.

And people also have a herd effect.

But people are selfish.

Why do people want superheroes to rescue them when they are in danger instead of coming forward?

In addition to people's self-protection consciousness, there is also a herd effect. If a superhero is in danger, they will follow the hero and also come forward.

This is why human beings have the words to kill chickens and tamarins.

The first one to take the lead must be the one who has breath and courage. If you kill it, you will be able to suppress the momentum of other rebels. Similarly, if the opponent's anger is suppressed, The temperament of the resistance will be even higher, and eventually you will swallow it.

And now the resistance on the steamer that was originally suppressed by the boss of the monopoly gang is brewing secretly, and their courage comes from their life-saving benefactor—Cheng Yiping!

Obviously, the one-eyed boss of the One-Eagle Gang is also very clear, so he wants to kill the rebels when this rebel force has not yet emerged.

The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength.

So the one-eyed boss of the one-eyed gang laughed and greeted the three **** behind him, Zhang Yawu claws rushed up, but the one-eyed boss was very cunning, he was one step behind, so that the three **** Zhangyao claws behind him rushed into a flat .

"Go to death!"

With a flat screen of breath, his eyes flashed, and he was just about to fight back, but he saw that he had been holding a Chinese-faced beard on the side, and Emma, ​​who was not talking, jumped out like a leopard. The weapon we found directly hit the ground with only one level in one eye.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you!"

"You bastard, you scumbag, I want to kill you!"

Another dumb gangster lingered for a while, then became angry and angry, and wanted to rush to Emma. Suddenly, a mighty force came from the beaten Chinese man with a bruised face and a swollen Chinese face and a beard. When he got up, he hugged him directly and hit him heavily on the ship.

"Everyone, they only have four people. Don't be afraid, protect Mr. Cheng!"

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Originally scared and trembling, he was still hesitant to take a shot. The trapped who saved themselves now saw a rage and courage rushing from their chests to their brains. They stood up one by one, and the women and children began to fuck. The weapon in hand, the young people rushed to the two junkies. If they could not fight, they would control their hands. One could not hit two, and two could not hit three.

Cheng Yiping suddenly found out.

No need for him to shoot.

Originally, there were only six people who used a powerful chicken killing tamarin to suppress more than a dozen people on the ship, but Cheng Yiping shot and killed three.

The remaining four members of the One-Eyed Gang, including the one-eyed boss, mourned in pain in the face of ten levels of trapped people and the power of the beaten chickens.

Feng Shui turns.

It is estimated that even the boss of the Independent Eagle Gang has never thought about it. A gang of his gang was defeated by more than a dozen trapped people.

"Okay, everyone, calm down, calm down, you can really kill someone if you fight again ..."

Well, Cheng Yiping was still thinking about how to deal with the people of the eagle gang. Now it's okay. He quickly persuaded the trapped people. He was afraid that he would fight like this. To be killed.

Crying and laughing.

"Mr. Cheng, they are so bad. Mr. Cheng, you saved our lives and saved their lives, but they even made such an idea, and they revenge, even want to kill, why? Think of yourself Is it foolish? Such a person is a waste of food, and I do n’t know how many innocent people will be harmed! ”

"Yes, yes, it's too bad. I remember when they were rescued by Zhang Xiaona, Ms. Zhang personally bandaged the wounds. I didn't expect to turn my face and didn't confess. If they deserve it, they should be trapped and eventually starved to death. "

"That's right. Isn't he looking for any jewellery? If I want to say that, I should leave them directly at the bank jewellery. I didn't eat or drink. I see what they do!"

Many of the trapped inside the ship were filled with indignation. It seemed that because they had just cooperated together and died together, the distance between them suddenly became much closer, unlike the original one.

The words are good, the speaker is careless, and the listeners are intentional. What they say makes Cheng Chengping's eyes bright, and an idea comes up.

Cheng Yiping didn't say anything. He separated the crowd and came to the duoyinggang who was beaten with bruises and swollen face. He didn't carelessly called the staff to find a rope to tie them all up. He touched his chin and looked at him. One-eyed boss with blue nose and swollen face.

"The one-eyed boss, right? I saved you to build a seventh-level floating slaughter in a life-saving way, but since you are not willing, then I will not force you. This way, we are together for fate, you are not asking me to find Jewelry? May I help you once ... "

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile, and instantly clicked on the Super Hidden App in the right pupil, and using the daily food to find the place, the target of choice was naturally jewelry!

This man is funny.

Is this person an idiot?

The one-eyed boss of the Duying Gang was aggressive and looked at Cheng Yiping with a bright smile, suddenly there was a creepy feeling, as if he was seeing something demon.

Jokingly, if it was himself, how could he still be looking for gold and silver jewelry for others, this only shows one problem, there is a conspiracy in it.

While the one-eyed boss was frightened and frightened while trying to figure out what kind of vicious means Cheng Yiping was going to use to punish them, he saw Cheng Yiping's eyes like a starry sky, showing a bright smile.

"Your luck is very good. There is a place with gold and silver jewellery nearby. I'm sure you will like it. We will send it to you now. Let's go ..."

The ship was slowly moving forward, and the trapped people on the ship waved their hands with smiles. Not far from them was a raft. Seven people of the eagle gang were tied and thrown on top of it, and the direction of the raft was Suddenly drifted towards a collapsed bank, Cheng Yiping looked at the sorrowful Du Ying to help the boss, and laughed.

"Here is a bank with a lot of gold and silver jewelry hidden in it. Rest assured, I will use a raft to send you there now. How much gold and silver jewelry can you take as you like ..."

The poor Du Ying helped the boss to show his fear. If it wasn't because his mouth was blocked, he would yell. What a joke, indeed, this is a bank. There are gold and silver jewelry in it, but the problem is that you sent them here. Inside, and lost the ship, just guarding gold and silver jewelry, what to eat?

What to drink?

Will be starved to death!

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