Super Finding App

Chapter 867: Lunatic (1)

Tiantang Kingdom, Nanzhou Road, Parkson Home, the entrance of a primary school.

With the bustling bell ringing out of class, many parents have already gathered at the gate of the elementary school and are waiting for it.

The state, the government, and schools are responding to the call to cultivate children's autonomy. But for families with the current one-child policy, every family has only one baby, what problems can they give up on their own baby?

Even if the school does not allow parents to enter the school and wait, the parents will wait and wait for a long time, waiting for the children to step out of the school's school gate under the guidance of the teacher, and then be picked up by them.

As for the school ’s concern for parents, although there is some dissatisfaction, there will not be any resistance. After all, the children are parents. Parents have to spoil them too much. There is no way to say that everyone follows. With a set of rules of the game, since your school is not picking up, then we leave a little bit, it should be OK.

As long as the child is not out of their sight.

"My child, my child ..."

The parents who received the children stood anxiously waiting, and some parents have seen their children walk out of the school under the guidance of the teacher, showing a bright smile. As long as they have walked this way, they I can hold my baby child and grandson in my arms and love him with all my heart.

Suddenly, an insane figure rushed out of the orderly parents, but hugged a little boy who was walking in front of them, and mourned loudly.

"Child, my child, Gangzi, Gangzi, you are my child, I am your mother, why don't you find me? Why did you come here? By the way, are you hungry? With your mother Go home, Mom will take you to buy things, Mom will take you to buy beautiful clothes ... "

The little boy hugged by the mad woman suddenly burst into tears, and the orderly order suddenly became chaotic. The teacher ran over in two or three steps and quickly took his child out of the mad woman's arms. Pulled away, said vigilantly.

"Why are you here again? Let go of him, not your child, he is not your child!"

"You just let go and let me go. He is my child. He is my son. How can I not know my child? You let go of my child ..."

The lunatic looked like an enraged female leopard, and his roar came out of his mouth. It was the sound of a female lion protecting her cub. She gritted her teeth and scared the teacher to swallow a few saliva. The child hugged her arms, and more orderly parents at the rear saw the madness rushing to catch the crazy woman in two or three steps.

"Let me go, I want to go, I want to go, you bastards, let me go, I want to go, my children are waiting for me, my children are waiting for me ..."

Good guy, I saw this crazy woman punching, kicking, screaming and shouting. The unclear person really thought that someone had stolen her child, and she was heartbroken.

"Oh my God, what are these people doing? Robberly grabbing people? Children? Are you still watching a show?"

"Not ready to help, it's too much for so many people to bully a woman!"

A few parents who came to pick up the children were filled with indignation when they saw the situation. They were all children, but it was very clear how tense parents are to their children. Seeing so many people bullying a woman, the woman was still hissing. He screamed at his child, who was really sad when the smeller heard it, and the listener wept.

"Don't, don't go up, you misunderstood, you misunderstood, the woman is not the child's mother, the woman is a lunatic!"

When several unidentified parents immediately rushed to help the poor woman when they saw the situation, they stood beside the other parents and rushed to persuade him.

"What, not the child's parent, what is going on?"

The enthusiastic parents were aggressive, and they were a little confused. They turned around and looked at the crying cry. The woman being pulled by the crowd did not understand. If she was not the mother of the child, why would she So heartbroken?

"She's a lunatic ..."

It seems that the performance that others do not understand is noticed. Parents' gossip is burning, and one of the parents who clearly knows the inside story says it carefully.

"This woman is a lunatic. I heard that she was on the street every time. When she saw the child, she rushed over and said she was a child of her own family. She had scared the child many times and even entered the police station!"

"What? Really?"

"No, it's so terrible. The kid holding someone else says it's his own? Isn't this neurosis?"

"It's terrible, terrible, it's terrible. How can there be such a person in this world, it seems that we will pay more attention to children in the future, this society is really more and more dangerous ..."

When many parents heard this, they suddenly felt like an enemy. They were trembling and joking. Now each family has an only child. If they were taken away in the street, they would not cry, but turned to look at crying. The screaming of the horror, the exhausted crazy woman felt creepy ...

"I heard that this crazy woman is also a poor person. Her child was abducted by a trafficker in the process of gathering twenty years ago. Since then, she has become crazy and will hold other people on the road without paying attention. Human children say they are their own, and scared a lot of people in the beginning ... "

"I don't care what happened to her child. Now she's neurotic. Why doesn't the police care? She won't be sent to a mental hospital?"

"Forget it, should you go to the psychiatric hospital for no money?"

"Mental illness is expensive!"

"Okay, okay, now it's useless to say that, we still care about our children, and it's too messy outside these years ..."

"Just, just ..."

Numerous parents talked about it, carefully protecting their children, and watched the crying screaming, screaming crazy woman like a monster ...

"Sorry, sorry, why did you run out again, why did you run out again? Come back with me, this is not your child, not our child ..."

When the situation was in chaos, an old man rushed in, grabbed the body of the mad woman, and apologized to the parents around him.

Obviously, he is the husband of this crazy woman.

"Really, what did your husband do? Don't let it go if you are sick, what would you do if something happened?"

"sorry Sorry……"

"Heal if you are sick, tell you, if anything happens to my child, my family will not let you go ..."


The old man bowed his head and kept apologizing.

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