Super Finding App

Chapter 876: Shock

The annual meeting of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City ended in a happy and fulfilling atmosphere, and the absolute winner above this annual meeting was Zhao Guoqiang, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, gentle and gentle, with a smile.

It can be said that after the first people's hospital in Xihai City, the nurses and the doctors will know that Zhao Guoqiang will soon become a bright star in the first people's hospital in Xihai City. If nothing unexpected happens, the future of Zhao Guoqiang will be Yi Pingchuan, step by step, Qingyun straight up.

Zhao Guoqiang brought a little wine and loosened his tie. This feeling of restraint is very unpleasant. You have a sense of suffocation, but as a social society of high society, wearing a suit and leather shoes, playing Tie oil is a must. Zhao Guoqiang resisted the discomfort. Once the annual meeting was over, he was the first to untie the tie.

The tie of the suit and leather shoes reminded him of a fear of thinking about fighting with food hooligans when he was a kid, and even being gripped by a belt around his neck.

Zhao Guoqiang sat a little drunk on the back of the car and leaned on the soft leather sofa. His thoughts seemed to be back when he was a child. That was the most helpless moment.

At that time, he was wandering on the street in the orphanage. In order to compete for a bite to eat, he even begged on the street, but even the so-called begging is definitely not as easy as ordinary people think.

In a dark society, the laws of darkness are even more bloody. Even if they are begging, they will be divided into different categories. If you don't have a strong backing and suddenly break into an unfamiliar place, this kind of welcome is the besiege of other beggars.

Compared with what the peacetime people say about finding a police officer. In the dark world, more attention is paid to fists.

During that period of time, Zhao Guoqiang totally relied on his youthful vigor and terrible spirit, hitting him one by one, he stared at him one by one. Unless you kill me, even if you die, you have to bite a layer of lunatic spirit to break out the title of a crazy lunatic.

It is also by virtue of this madman's title that Zhao Guoqiang was able to survive little by little. The tuition fee plus some scholarships finally made it difficult to attend school. After attending a medical university, he changed his destiny.

Many people say that reading is useless, it's just because they don't read well enough. For most ordinary people, when you have nothing, the only thing you can fight is yourself, and reading is undeniable. It is the fairest way for ordinary people to change their destiny. Otherwise, what can you fight with others? Fight for appearance, body, or contacts. ?

"Mr. Zhao, sorry, I'm late"

When Zhao Guoqiang closed his eyes and thoughts in the back of the car, in the driver's seat of the car, he took a long time to say hello, and Zhao Guoqiang nodded unconsciously.

Don't drive while drinking, don't drink when driving.

As a medical doctor, Zhao Guoqiang knew very well that he drove after drinking. In addition to being irresponsible for his own insecure life, once he was investigated for drunk driving and even lost his job, this was absolutely impossible for Zhao Guoqiang, an orphan, and something that was not allowed to happen. He tried his best, From an orphan to the position of the surgical director of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City, how could the future be ruined by drunk driving.

This is freaky.

"Wait a minute, you can leave when my girlfriend comes over"

"Ok, no problem……"

Driving in the driver's seat.

After a while, she was gorgeous and beautiful. She was wearing a tuxedo and she came to the parking lot. Zhao Guoqiang quickly opened the door and took a few breaths of fresh air. Her head was slightly clearer and she smiled. Welcomed up.

"It's hard. It's okay. I should have picked you up ..."

"No need, no need, just chatting with the girls for a while, wait for it ..."

Xi Yue, the granddaughter of the president of the beautiful First People's Hospital of Xihai City, smiled slightly, holding Zhao Guoqiang's arm intimately, and her eyes were filled with spring. She was very satisfied with the boyfriend she found.

"Son, son, you are our son ..."

Suddenly in the corner of the underground parking room, a man, a woman and two middle-aged people rushed over excitedly, hugged Zhao Guoqiang with a grimace and said with a hissing exhaustion.

"Zhao Guoqiang, you are our child, we are your parents, we are your biological parents ..."

Zhao Guoqiang's face was aggressive.

"Enough, enough. What are you talking about? Who doesn't know Zhao Guoqiang is an orphan, and when did the parents come out, what are you?"

Obviously, the helpless Zhao Guoqiang who was struck by the current situation has some aggressiveness, but his girlfriend Xi Yue is very sensitive and yells loudly, and the scene becomes chaotic for a moment.

"It's true, it's true, Zhao Guoqiang. We are really your parents. We lost you 15 years ago. I've been looking for you, I've been looking for you ..."

Suddenly, a middle-aged couple screamed, his tears filled with tears, and tears flowed from his mouth. Something about Zhao Guoqiang's childhood was gradually told, and Zhao Guoqiang was suddenly struck by lightning.

"You guys are really my parents?"

"Of course it is true, of course it is true. How can such a thing be fake? If you do n’t believe it, we can even do a paternity test. We are really our son. We have been looking for you for a long time ..."

The middle-aged couple crying is called a sparse whistle. The woman's face is covered with wrinkles, holding Zhao Guoqiang's hand tightly, and she refuses to release it. It looks as if Zhao Guoqiang will just release it for a moment. Disappeared in general.

"Okay, okay, I said this is an underground parking lot, no matter if you are Zhao Guoqiang's relatives, it's not a good thing to talk here. I think we can find a quiet place to talk about it if we can."

Xiyue, the granddaughter of the old president of Xihai First People's Hospital, was obviously shocked by the current situation. Fortunately, she was also battle-hardened, knowing that there was a contradiction in the underground parking lot at the moment. No one is good, and put forward the idea of ​​finding a place to negotiate.

"OK ... OK ..."

This old couple who suddenly emerged from the South nodded quickly, staring directly at Zhao Guoqiang, fearing that he disappeared, and Zhao Guoqiang at this moment seemed to be struck by lightning. He could only listen to his girlfriend. Xi Yue's opinion, he has no idea what to think.

When he was young, he hoped that his parents would find him countless times, but every hope was disappointed.

Is this middle-aged couple really their parents?

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