Super Finding App

Chapter 908: Missing

The city of Jiangzhen at night is starry, and the city after the rush and bustling day has taken on another attitude. The huge neon lights decorate the city gorgeously and colorfully. For some people, night is the real beginning of the city. This is the real beginning of nightlife.

The whole city presented a completely different attitude from daytime, like a charming woman.

"Mophie, are you saying whether Zhou Jie is true or false? According to our address, as long as you find Zhou Jie's boyfriend, you can know the truth of the matter. If Zhou Jie said the truth, then she My boyfriend will definitely follow Zhao Wanyuan, I'm afraid it has suffered unexpectedly! "

Driving a police car, Yang Tie carefully drives the police car, shuttles on the continuous road, and the neon lights on both sides are bright, showing the city the same beauty.

"I do n’t know, but as I saw what Zhou Jie said, most of the falsehoods, you think about it, but we are realistic here, and not a TV series. Drinking in the bar can meet a killer, just kidding. This is just three points when the story of the soap opera, not to mention if it was really a killer, do you think you would really kill someone as casually as in the TV series? Do n’t you be afraid that the last thing will be revealed, as I have for many years Since the case handling experience, what Zhou Jie said is probably mostly false, and I have two guesses ... "

With glasses wearing Murphy sitting in the front passenger seat, the case that was thinking in his brain, in his mind, has actually made some speculations about Zhou Jie's confession.

"The first is that Zhou Jie told us false things. Although she looks quiet, she feels shocked, and her psychological defense line has been broken. But in fact, this is all her disguise. Do n’t forget that crime will not They say they are criminals. In order to escape crimes, they will use any means! "

"The second kind is possible. Zhou Jie is telling the truth, but it is also a lie. She is really suffering from mental illness. Everything she imagined. There is no such thing as meeting in a bar. The killer, the man in the peaked cap, everything she imagined, and it was her who killed him! "

"It is indeed possible. Zhou Jie's story is indeed very similar to the drama in Korean dramas, but as the saying goes, false can't be true, really can't be false, as the head said, as long as we break up and move Zhou Jie's male Friends find out, life and death at a glance ... "

"That's true, not to mention that the head and Zhao Weiqian did not go to the police station where the robbery occurred in Zhou Jie. There must be a record of a case such as robbery. It is true and false. Once you check it, Zhou Jie couldn't make a fake! "

Murphy nodded and said.

"Yes, then let's take a look now. Is Zhou Jie's boyfriend dead or alive?"

Although Zhou Jie's boyfriend Li Lei is an unemployed vagrant, he is tall and big, with a height of 1.8 meters and a healthy body. He is a handsome guy.

Just as beautiful women are peeped by many men, handsome men are attracted by many women. Even if he has no job and his family is not good, as long as he is handsome enough, there are still girls who are willing to post.

"This Li Lei looks really handsome ..."

Yang Tie looked at Li Lei's appearance with jealousy.

"No way, this appearance is doomed. Although they are born the same, but as long as people are born, there will always be differences in height, pedigree, family relationship, appearance, physical differences, etc. Having nine sons is different ... "

"Okay, no matter how good his looks are, it's the same thing, no matter where our family is,"

When talking about his family, Yang Tie smiled proudly, but they were assigned to the police station because of their family relationship. In a word, they went through the back door.

Of course, although it is a back door, it must also follow the formal process of the government recruiting police stations. However, compared with ordinary people, they have taken a lot less detours and have a lot of convenience, and they are not as likely as ordinary people. They all met the standard, and at last they were brushed down a little bit.

this is the truth.

After a half-hour journey, Yang Tie and Mo Fei came downstairs to Li Lei. They knocked on the door. No one agreed. The two frowned slightly and began to knock on the door. There was no noise, but the neighbors heard the knock on the door and ran out.

"Hello, we are police. I want to ask Li Lei of this family. Did you see it?"

When he heard it was a police officer, an excited smile appeared on the neighbor's face, which completely showed Tian Tangguo's expression that he wasn't too embarrassed when he looked at the fun. The neighbor noticed that the police had come up to find it and immediately began to gossip.

"You're talking about Li Lei. We used to see him often. He had to rely on his height. He was handsome and separated by five. He took different women home. It wasn't a good thing at first glance, was he breaking the law? Did you do something bad? I know you said that you are a handsome man who looks so handsome and does not go to work. What kind of good person can you bring home with different women every day? It's against the law. Say, did he kill or rob? "

Good guy ...

Yang Tie and Mo listened to a black line. What gossip and thirty-eight are the neighbors?

"Well, no, no, we just have a case to ask you to assist in the investigation, but there was no response after knocking at the door for a long time. Do you know he is at home? Or how is he usually?"

"This, I don't know. Li Lei usually comes out early and returns late. He always says that what I see the most is that he comes back with a different woman every day. At first glance, it is not a good person. If you say you want to see him recently , I remember it seemed right a month ago. I saw him a month ago. I didn't really see it this month. I thought he had moved ... "

The neighbour's tone was obviously a bit lost, but he answered the question honestly.

A month ago.

"Are you sure? You haven't seen Li Lei at all this month?"

Yang Tie and Murphy's breathing suddenly increased, and their hearts were tight, because Zhao Wanyuan also quickly asked that she disappeared a month ago.

"I'm sure I can't remember it wrong. I remember Li Lei's trajectory clearly. If there is any strange thing, one month ago, I found that Li Lei's home heard fierce quarrels and fights. , But then there is no news. It seems that it was after that quarrel that I fought. I never saw Li Lei again. Did something happen to him? "

The words of the neighbors immediately made Morphy and Yang Tie tight, and the two eyes shot fine, and their eyes instantly fell on the door.

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