Super Finding App

Chapter 914: Push hand

"Hello, it's me. I'm the director of Jiangzhen Police ..."

"Yes, the case has been handed over to the six major cases. As a consultant, it is in the six major cases ..."

"Yes, that's right, Cheng Cheng has already stepped in. This case should be concluded soon."

"Yes, I have gathered the personnel, so that they are on standby 24 hours a day and can leave ..."

"Please rest assured that the task is completed!"

The director of the Jiangzhen Police Department followed the phone respectfully, took a long breath, stood up, sorted out his uniform, raised his eyes and looked up. Although it was already two or three o'clock in the morning, he was not sleepy at all.

"Notify the special forces immediately to be ready, if there are intelligence reports from the six teams in the serious case, immediately go to support!"

The chief of the police department squinted his eyes and instructed solemnly. Although he did not know why the upper class would do this, but based on his years of experience, he could clearly know that the six major cases had been involved in an extreme case. In big cases.

The main reason for getting involved is probably Cheng Yiping and Cheng Cheng!

This is why the six major groups will be assigned to a missing case.

And now at the capital of the Tang Dynasty, somewhere in the Ministry of National Security

"Minister, why are you doing this?"

A well-dressed police uniform, Tan Xueqing, who was full of beauty, frowned. Even though it was two or three o'clock in the morning, Tan Xueqing still did not have the slightest drowsiness, but she did not understand something. Why did Minister Shen Guoqiang make this decision?

"Tan Xueqing, you have to remember that now that you are a member of the Ministry of National Security, everything must be in the interests of the country. In fact, since Cheng Yiping helped us to eliminate Hung Hom, but through the information of Hung Hom we have learned about presence"

"These four nephews are interconnected, but also sometimes independent of each other. We don't know where they are at all, or they have long been reduced to zero in today's peaceful era, and they have all kinds of legal existence. Hide their sinful acts "

"And the Ministry of National Security also dispatched a large number of personnel to the information provided by Cheng Yiping. Qiming Hospital, which appeared in the rescue of Baosan City, finally discovered the news that it is a model company ..."

"It seems that this model company, although it is difficult to recruit models, is actually doing human organ trafficking cases in the back, and it is quite rampant. Those who were recruited by the company in the name of a model were transported abroad by formal means. , Said to develop a career, but in the end, most of them do not look back ... "

"Zhao Wanyuan is one of them. I want to use this case to pull Cheng Yiping into this case and let Cheng Yiping find out if there is a relationship between Zhao Wanyuan and Tianqi Modeling Company. Then we can get involved and replace it with dots. The Qiming Hospital hidden behind by Tianqi Modeling Co., Ltd. will be wiped out! "

"Although we don't know what the relationship between Cheng Yiping and Siping is, there seems to be a connection between Cheng Yiping and Siping. Almost everything in Siping is met by Cheng Yiping, and as long as Cheng Yiping is encountered, there is no Good thing, it seems as if Yiping is their nemesis. This time, the help of Yiping is naturally needed! "

Shen Guoqiang tapped the desktop with his finger, thinking quickly, compared with his ability to find people and find things. It is the most important thing that Cheng Yiping can work for him willingly. This is the most important thing, as long as he can eliminate the four crickets. In order to protect the security of the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, everything can be negotiated.

What's more, so far, he did not see the danger that Cheng Yiping poses to the state of Tang Dynasty, but rather the benefits outweigh the harms.

"I understand the minister, I know what to do ..."

Tan Xueqing nodded deeply. Like any person who has any special ability found in online novels, the country took out researching slices. This is just a ridiculous fantasy. With the country's huge resources and its ability to take people out of slices, It is better to collect you and make you willing to serve the country, this is the most suitable and perfect ending.

Although Cheng Yiping did not directly compile the compilation, since Cheng Yiping agreed to be a consultant to the Jiangzhen Police Station, he can also be regarded as a editor. As the Ministry of National Security, they can naturally involve Cheng Yiping in the case.

If Cheng Yiping knows this, I'm afraid I can only say one thing.

People in the arena involuntarily.

At this moment, Cheng Yiping was driving police car with Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei and Zhao Weiqian.

Cheng Yiping inside the police car did not look at the super-sensational object map this time, but followed the mysterious feeling in his mind and the perception as if he could see the road, directing the police car to his destination.

The moon is dark and the night is high.

In a slightly prosperous area in Jiangzhen City, there is a lot of people coming and going during the day, but at night you can't even see the shadow of ghosts.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes, Zhao Guodong with a cold face on his back, looked coldly at the four or five men in black uniforms in front of him. He was lifting a plastic-wrapped thing out, the doctor. It is not easy to cut through the plastic sheet, and the corpse is exposed, with a bad smell coming.

"Abominable ... it's completely useless ..."

Although he had long expected, Zhao Guodong still couldn't bear the disgust. He knew that Zhao Wanyuan had lost his blood, but now he has no blood, and turned to look at his busy suit and shoes.

"You found him, so did the killer?"

"Yes, it has been brought here now, and placed in the next room ..."

The man in a suit wearing sunglasses responded respectfully.

"Very well, it seems I need to talk to him ..."

Zhao Guodong nodded deeply, turned around and walked to the next room. If anyone familiar with him would find that Zhao Guodong's hands were shaking constantly at this moment, this was not because of fear, but because of the shaking of anger.

Only when his mouth is angry will there be such a movement, and once he becomes such a state, it must mean that someone is going to be unlucky or even die.

"Wait for Mr. Zhao, the boss's phone ..."

Just came to the door next door and was about to open the door. The voice of a man in black came from his ear. Zhao Guodong stopped and respectfully took the call.

"The boss is me ..."

"How did Zhao Wanyuan find out? Is it available?"

"Yes, it has been found, but it is completely useless"

"Abominable, Zhao Guodong, remember, your task must be completed. If Zhao Wanyuan is useless, then you have to find alternatives, but this business has failed. You should know what our consequences are, and it will be me. Can't save you ... "

"Boss, please rest assured, I have found a substitute, there is no problem at all ..."

"Really? If it is true, but Zhao Guodong reminds me once again that this matter is done, you can naturally be promoted, but if it fails, you will have no life!"

"I know…"

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