Super Finding App

Chapter 924: Disappeared Aircraft (2)

[Special news, special news, Dongping International Airlines flight 7348 has been missing for three days and has been missing for three days. A task force has been set up to conduct inspections, but now there is nothing.]

[On Dongping Flight 7348, according to the latest news, there were 1,235 passengers, of which 80% were Tiantang Chinese]

[Latest secret, latest secret, Dongping Flight 7348 is said to be on the Devil's Route. It is rumored that Dongfeng Flight 7348 entered the Devil's Zone and crossed back to the past ...]

[The latest shocking news, shocking news, some terrorists made a statement on the disappearance of East 7348 flight, they planned the robbery, they planned the robbery ...]

The whole kingdom of Tang Dynasty boiled.

Airplanes have gradually become a more convenient way for Tiantang people to go out, but it is undeniable that even in safe traffic, there will still be accidents.

However, Dongping International Airlines, this time the 7348 planes in East China were not an accident at all, but they were not seen dead or dead, as if they had disappeared halfway on the radar, it was dazzling.

Various rumors and rumors spread throughout the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, and even international terrorist organizations issued a statement that they had robbed the aircraft and wanted to brush up a sense of existence, but they were soon dismissed.

Even so, for three full days, the plane found nothing.

As if the world had evaporated.

Dongping International Airlines Headquarters.

Xue Honglei's face was dark and ironed, and Dongping Flight 7348 disappeared for no reason. It was a huge blow for Dongping International Airlines, even if there was an accident, at least it could give the public an account. It is said that it disappeared inexplicably now. It can be said that no one was born or dead, and the families of the victims who came to Dongping International Airport every day to tear down the whole airport were almost the same.

This is not the most horrible thing. The most horrible thing is that there are not only Tiantang people on Flight 7348, but also a total of more than 1,200 passengers from other countries in Aqua Blue Star. It can be said that the whole thing has become a big deal. As everyone knows, if this matter cannot be handled properly, it will definitely be a huge reputational blow for Dongping International Airlines.

Crisis PR.

"Leader Zhao, what is the matter? You have sent a lot of human resources and even sent a plane for a special investigation, but for a whole three days, nothing has been found so far. Tell me that Dongping Flight 7348 is a plane. It ’s not that the needle ca n’t be found when dropped in the sea. How could there be no news? ”

Xue Honglei's face was iron-blue, and he shouted loudly at Zhao Gao, the person in charge of the 7348 Dongping flight organized by the company.

"General Manager Xue, in the past three days, we have prepared a large number of personnel, and even launched a helicopter to conduct a carpet-like search, but we have not been able to find it, so now we can conclude that Dongping Flight 7348 said to disappear Must be in the devil's land! "

When referring to the Devil Zone, Zhao Gao's face became extremely ugly, and even his eyes revealed panic.

"Chairman, if Flight 7348 really disappeared in the Devil's Land? The chance we want to find is very slim. It is said that there are countless ships and ships that have crashed in the Devil's Land. There is also the possibility of disappearance. You can't see people in life, you can't see corpses in death. It is as difficult as ever to find them! "

"I understand, I understand, but this ca n’t be just what you say. The route of Dongping Flight 7348 at that time should not have flown to the Devil's Zone. What effect on them caused them to deviate from the route. ! "

Xue Honglei frowned, and his brain kept turning. The route of each aircraft is fixed. If there is no accident, it is absolutely impossible for the captain to deviate from the route. This is definitely a death-seeking behavior in the air, even if there is a deviation The route will also contact the control tower, and then determine a new route.

If you know some flying people, you will not commit this kind of problem.

In other words, there must be something unexpected about Dongping Flight 7348 during the flight, which caused the captain to deviate from the course.

"At this point, we are also investigating. According to the news sent from the command platform, on the plane 7348 of Dongping, the aircraft was disconnected not far from the Devil's Zone. Although the command platform has been calling for it, They did not respond, and there was no trace at all, but according to the news released by the weather station, it seemed that there was an abnormal storm in the Devil's Land ... "

Zhao Gao paused and said the collected news

"Is it a storm? It turns out that the climate around the Devil's Zone is really unpredictable, that is, the current level of climate detection can't be estimated at all. Is it possible that the flight 7348 of Dongping encountered bad weather in the Devil's Zone and eventually disappeared Devil's Land? "

Xue Honglei, general manager of Dongping International Airlines, certainly understands the plane crash, the devil's zone, and the severe weather.

If it's really in the devil's land, then everything is in trouble.

"Enough, Zhao Gao, go down now. You must find the trace of Dongping Flight 7348 no matter what, even in the Devil's Zone!"

Xue Honglei fell weakly on his seat and waved Zhao Gao down. After all, if it was really in the devil's area, they would have a lot of helicopters to go in. It was also dangerous.

But if Dongping flight 7348 is not found, it will definitely be a blow to Dongping International Airlines.

Now he must find a way to survive this crisis safely.

The best way is to find out Dongping Flight 7348.

But this is easy to say, but it is difficult to do. This is an air plane, not a cat or a dog. The main thing is the names of more than 1,000 people. If you ca n’t find this missing in a short time, If the Dongping flight 7378 is found, if time is delayed, I am afraid it is difficult to say whether people can come back.


"No, no, I ca n’t go on like this. If I ca n’t just rely on official power, I will need a professional, no matter how to find out the missing Dongping Flight 7348 aircraft, I will see people. If you want to see a dead body, even if you find the bones, you must not be silent like now ... "

"It will never be explained in this way, or serious things will happen. After all, this is more than a thousand lives, **** ..."

"Why is it involving the Devil's Land?"

Xue Honglei thought for a moment, his face changed, took a deep breath, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed a phone number.

"Hello, is it Miss Bai? I don't know if you are free. I would like to invite you."

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