Super Finding App

Chapter 938: Good news bad news


Cheng Yiping's voice just came to an end. Allie, Robert and Rockmore were anxious and stared at each other immediately. Allie, full of wildness, stood up with a loud bang and retorted.

"Cheng Yiping, what exactly do you want to say? Are the three of us so greedy for life and fear of death? We just think this is completely unnecessary. The devil's belt is terrible. Do you really want all of us? Bring it into the abyss to wait for death? Do n’t die when you do n’t make any money, then everything will fall short! ”

It was annoyed look shot by Ai Li ’s beautiful pupils. If it was n’t for Yiping, who had a full of intellectual Zhang Xiaona beside her, she had even come up with the idea of ​​seduction. As for Cheng Yiping, letting them leave and waiting to come back Picking them up aboard Ellie didn't believe it at all.

Is this kind of peace so kind?

Don't say anything else in case they can't come back? Then the three of them are not going to be thirsty or starved to death in this vast sea.

"Calm, calm, don't you all say that your country is the most human rights country? If I remember correctly, people from your country can also be used on Dongping Flight 7348. If you can find it, you can save it. They, as the saying goes, can save people's lives to win the seventh-level floating slaughter. Is it so worthless to you that their lives are not worth your risk? "

Cheng Yiping picked. In front of this blonde Ellie, Robert and Rockmore boat showed the cruel side of human nature, wanting to get money but not doing things.

"This is basically two different things. Although we pay attention to human rights, all of this is under the premise of protecting ourselves. If it is somewhere else, the three of us will never frown, but this devil's zone is too abnormal and leveled. We cannot take risks, these are too big! "

"My mother was on Dongping Flight 7348 ..."

The people quarreled, and suddenly, Zhang Xiaona, who had been silent, spoke a word, instantly suppressing the atmosphere of the entire cabin.

"Understand, my girlfriend is my future mother-in-law. She was on Dongping Flight 7348, so the devil's land will be decided. I still say that, if you are afraid you can leave, I will not expose you. However, I only have one condition, that is, don't come to my hind legs! "

"Damn, **** it, shit, dear Ellie and Robert, why didn't we think of this possibility!"

The blond Roquemore suddenly came to understand, but clenched her teeth but had no choice but to look at Zhang Xiaona, who was full of intellectuality, she could not wait to unload Zhang Xiaona.

"It turned out that there was a family member on Dongping Flight 7348. No wonder it didn't make any sense!"

Confident Ellie and Robert, the bottom of their hearts, they know very well that if their true relatives disappeared on this Dongping flight 7348 in their rice country, they would go there even in the Devil's Land. This is fundamental. It's not something measured by money.

"I understand, I understand, Cheng Yiping. Since you really want to go in, we will not stop you, but still, when your order conflicts with the decision of the three of us, the three of us I only listen to myself, not to you, because we don't believe you! "

"I understand. It doesn't matter. I also want to tell you that you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. It is also useless to save someone who is trying to die ..."

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and didn't care. If everyone is a team, Cheng Yiping naturally doesn't mind pulling them, but if these three people really want to go to death by themselves, Cheng Yiping will never sacrifice himself. Help them.

This is called inaction!

A dispute and atmosphere full of gunpowder silenced in this strange atmosphere, Zhang Xiaona's pale hands clasped tightly into a flat corner, and now he is like a lonely leaf in a storm Only with Cheng Yiping's side can I find some.

This is why when in love, men have to take their girlfriends to unfamiliar places, because once a woman is in an unfamiliar environment, she will be inherently insecure, she will need a man to rely on, and a boyfriend who will take care of her. , Is the goal she relies on, which can increase her girlfriend's affection for her boyfriend.

This is the routine.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you were all here. This is really easy. I let my hands go down to find you. I want to tell you good news and bad news. I don't know which one you want to hear?"

With messy hair, the captain Benas, who had revealed the wine, was able to shake up with the wine glass at this moment. It seemed that the eagle was turbulent outside the eagle, and the whole eagle was bumpy. Don't mind at all.

"Good news? Is there any good news now? In this case, let's talk about the good news first ..."

Robert snorted, persuading Cheng Yiping that he had no good mood at all, and the drunk Captain now ran over again, which made him even more disgusted. In the present dangerous environment, this Captain is still Drinking, God knows what the future holds?

"Haha, my dear friend, I also like to listen to the good news. As the saying goes, if there is good news, and then listen to the bad news, it will not be so sad ..."

Full of alcohol and messy hair, the captain Benas Haha laughed loudly when he spoke, and he didn't mind Robert's ridicule and gave a cough.


The entire eagle turbulent, shaking everyone in a hurry to stabilize the body.

Full of drunkenness, Captain Benas staggered and straightened his body.

"The good news is that we have now reached the edge of the Devil's Zone, and in front of us is the Devil's Zone which is filled with a fog!"

Robert almost wanted to take a sip of saltwater to kill him and came to the edge of the Devil's Strip. Is this good news?

This is absolutely bad news.

You said that this drunken captain, Benus, was drunk, why didn't he take the Eagle to a distance of eighteen thousand miles?

It ’s so fast, so direct, gritted teeth

"That's really good news. What's the bad news?"

Full of alcohol, the drunk captain didn't even care about the expression of Robert's gritting teeth, and he said a few words.

"The bad news is that the front edge is the grave of the Devil's Zone, which is the tomb of the most-said steamship. It is said that there are hundreds of swirls and they are hidden in an endless black mist. Once you touch this swirl, It will destroy people! "

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