Super Finding App

Chapter 944: weird

"Is this really the Devil's Zone? It doesn't feel like anything at all. When I am outside, I say that the Devil's Zone is very dangerous. The weird and changeable ships and ships have all disappeared. I thought that the Devil's Zone was very scary. , At least the lightning flashes, the clouds are densely foggy, the wind is violent, and the waves are soaring, but I didn't expect it to be as calm as the water ... "

Aggressive all the time, Ellie, as aggressive as a cheetah, is now standing on the deck of the Eagle with his partners Robert and Rockmore, feeling the wind blowing over him, looking into the river, the river is calm as Mirror, there are even seagulls passing in the sky, white clouds are fluttering, just like the calmness of the same paradise. Where else is entering the devil's zone, the lightning flashes and thunders around the wind, and the deep through the vortex of fog? The vortex at the bottom and the danger of fog that can't see the road as if on vacation.

"It's very strange indeed. There is a saying in the East, dear Ellie, you should have heard that the tranquility before the storm is the most terrible. I'm afraid this devil's zone must be unusual. The excessive peace is hidden, it must be abnormal danger. , We must be careful ... "

Until now, the blond Roquemore still had some hesitations. Does he even think he really came to this devil's land? Or that they have been involved in the whirlpool, have been involved in the deep ocean, and buried at the bottom of the sea, now all this is just their illusion.

"Well, fantasy Robert, my dear friend, what are you thinking about? We are indeed in this devil's zone, but Mr. Cheng Yiping Chen is really beyond my expectation. I did not expect him to be able to We are safely taken into this devil zone. We must know that the mist vortex is abnormally horrible. Basically, all the ships that enter it will destroy people, and this level of peace really takes us safely into this devil zone. It seems this person is not easy! "

"Clever Rockmore, this leveling is certainly not easy. Otherwise, why would Xue Honglei want us all to listen to him, not for his reputation, but now it seems that there are two of this leveling. Brush, no matter what, he can bring us into this devil's land safely. What we have to do now is follow him. Maybe he can really complete our task safely and find Dongping Flight 7348, and then he will safely us. Bring it back, and there will never be less compensation! "

Rob nodded characteristically, and now they have entered this devil's zone, saying that it is dumplings that have already been cooked. It is impossible to repent. The only thing that can be done is to hold the thigh flat.

"I know, I know, what both of you said was very clear, but it was so strange that it was leveled, and we actually passed through the mist vortex safely. Now we even want to implement what we were outside The plan to make a circle has also failed, and I can only follow him. I only hope that Cheng Yiping will not have any clues about our previous behavior! "

Filled with wildness, Ellie was like a little white rabbit's eyes. She was very scared. If she had a narrow heart and wore small shoes for them, they would not know that they would be killed by playing in this devil zone. what happened.

"Haha, this is simple, this is simple, Ellie, the beautiful Ellie, if you are really scared, you might as well drill into Mr.'s quilt tonight. I believe that by virtue of your body, you can capture a flatness ..."

The blond Rock Mohaha laughed and blinked in his eyes. For him, what if he could relieve the danger and let Ellie go to sleep with him one night?

"No, absolutely not. I mean that Cheng Yiping has his girlfriend Zhang Xiaona by her side. If Ellie goes in accordance with the tradition of the Orientals, I'm afraid that it will really be impossible at that time. I think it will remain It's best to be strong ... "

As soon as Robert heard it, he yelled out loud, his eyes shot with a deep alertness, his eyes fell on the bronzed, full-skinned Ellie through the inexplicable brilliance.

"Joke is all right here. My dear companions, there is Zhang Xiaona beside this Cheng Yiping. It seems that the two of them are very loving. If I insert them, I will definitely kill them. I don't want to destroy them at this time, just I don't know if this Cheng Yiping can really lead us to find Dongping Flight 7348 ... "

Ellie, who was full of bronzed healthy skin, rolled her eyes charmingly. She is not stupid. If it is said that there is no Zhang Xiaona beside Yiping, Ellie will really come home automatically at night, but since there is Zhang Xiaona, it is naturally impossible .


"You see what it is ..."


Robert, who was standing on the deck, stared with wide eyes and pointed at the sky. Ellie and Rockmore followed Robert's instructions and looked at the sky. I saw one in the sky with blue sky and white clouds? The plane whistled past.

"Isn't the plane, why is there a plane in the Devil's Land?"

There is something strange in Robert. The devil's area is a forbidden area for aircraft. Dongping Flight 7348 was also involved because it was only near the devil's area. It is now unknown whether it is a life or death. But why is there a plane over the devil's area?

"Wait, you see what this is ..."


When Robert, Rockmore and Ellie were surprised, the blue sky and white clouds shook in the sky, and the aircraft suddenly shook. It was clear that there were countless thunder and lightning flashing around the aircraft. The clouds were thick and the aircraft was in the blue sky and white clouds. The top seemed to be spinning like a bird without a direction, and then accompanied by the roar, the thick smoke was emitted from the tail of the aircraft ...

Fortunately, the plane is very strong. Even so, it still wobbles. It seems to find a new road and flew straight to the periphery of the Devil's Zone. A snoring noise penetrated into the rolling black clouds ...

"Hell, the devil's zone is indeed the devil's zone. We are all too taken for granted. As long as the plane enters the sky, it seems that we will be attacked by the thunder, and it looks terrible when we look at the plane. ... "

The blonde Robert swallowed his saliva, and he seemed to understand why the Dongping 7348 plane lost its way in the Devil's Zone. The situation of this plane just now is too weird.

Look, what is appearing in the cloud sky?

Blonde, energetic, Allie exclaimed in surprise, and with her eyes, I saw the sky and the rolling clouds, the lightning flashed continuously, the crackling sound illuminated the whole sky, and instantly In the meantime, a huge elongated creature flickered in the clouds of the sky.

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