Super Finding App

Chapter 956: I do not go

"This is absolutely correct. In our ancient times, there was a saying called" Blessings of Blessings, Blessings of Blessings, Blessings of Blessings. There will be blessings after death. We took a flight 7348 in Dongping and wrecked in the Devil's Zone. " They were able to meet the immortals, which shows that we have great blessings. Perhaps some of us can really have a relationship with the immortals, and then we can cultivate the immortality and become the immortals! "

"It's ridiculous and ridiculous. I said that you are too superstitious, even if I admit that this fairy really exists, but according to scientific logic, the fairy is at most a lot more powerful than us and has magical power. Just how can you think that the gods will help us? I want to say that it is most important to leave this demon zone and return to reality! "

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, I think you are ridiculous. What we have to say is definitely possible. As long as we have the opportunity to cultivate the path to immortality, I will never give up this opportunity. We will certainly ask the consent of the Lord Fairy. I Accept us as disciples! "

"I don't mind accepting us as an apprentice, I don't mind, as long as the Lord God can help us, we can definitely leave here safely, compared to the rescue sent by the so-called Dongping International Flight Company Team I believe in Lord Fairy! "

"Me too, me too, I believe in Lord Fairy"

What is going on with this group of people?

Is your brain so funny?

Still staying in this devil zone for too long has been a hallucination that has collectively occurred.

Cheng Yiping frowned, and the situation in front of him was completely beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that some of these trapped people on Dongping 7348 now say such strange things.

Is there really a **** in this world?

how can that be.

It is simply unrealistic.

But if all the people on Dongping Flight 7348 are not hallucinations, can it be said that there are really gods in this world?

Cheng Yiping felt hesitation and doubt. If it had been before, he would definitely not believe that there is a fairy in this world, but he is a surreal existence. The existence of the super-hunting app has changed Cheng Yiping ’s life dramatically. Since there is such a gold finger in the world as the Super Hidden App, can you guarantee that there are no gods in this world?

Cheng Yiping hesitated.

"Okay, okay, guys, since that's the case, there are more than a thousand people on Dongping Flight 7348. It's useless to talk here. If so, then we set the time to two hours. Then, two hours later, everyone decided on their own. I do n’t care if you believe in any so-called fairy, but the task of our eagle ship is to rescue the trapped people on Dongping Flight 7348. If you want to talk to us then, Go and join us on board the Eagle, and I won't force it if I don't want to! "

The drunk Captain Benus of the Eagle flickered in the eyes, shouting loudly to all the people present, and immediately made thousands of people on the Dongping Flight 7348 on the scene begin to chat, without knowing themselves What choice should be made, whether it is willing to follow the Eagle to leave, or is this island waiting for the mercy rescue of the Lord God.

"Captain, Captain, can we say this in the end? Don't forget, our task this time is to find the trapped people on Dongping Flight 7348 and rescue them all from this devil zone ... if we take only a part Words of man are not considered to complete the task "

Sailor Anthony asked carefully, he felt that some of his head was not enough. If he changed himself, he would be trapped on the island, trapped in this devil zone. Someone who comes to the rescue will certainly be grateful, as long as he can leave Here it is. How can it be that some of the people in Dongping 7348 in front of you are unwilling to leave.

Also said that there is a fairy.

It's too absurd.

"Of course it can, why not, don't forget that our task is only to find those trapped on Dongping Flight 7348 and rescue them. Now we are following Mr. Cheng to find the trapped on Dongping Flight 7348. As for Whether these trapped people are willing to follow us is another matter, can we still tie them up and take away! "

"Yes, yes, Captain Benas said nothing at all. Everyone has the right to choose to survive. Since these people are willing to be here, let them stay here. They gave us up. Instead of not taking them away, even saying that there are gods in this world is simply absurd. Is it true that all hallucinations have occurred, so it is not clear to each brain! "

Captain Roberts, the elder Captain's voice just aside, said quickly, his eyes flashed with excitement.

This Cheng Yiping actually took them to find Dongping Flight 7348. In other words, as long as this group or some of them were taken to the Eagle, and then Cheng Yiping led everyone out of this devil zone, Get paid, not only can repay the arrears, but also make a fortune, at this time anyone who hinders him is Robert's enemy.

"Yes, yes, Robert is absolutely right. We have found the trapped on Dongping Flight 7348. They are unwilling to follow us to board the Eagle. They just don't believe us. That's these traps. The problem is not that we do not rescue, as long as we can rescue some people back to reality, when Xue Honglei has nothing to say, he still has to pay us! "

Rockmore echoed.

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping feels that since entering the devil zone, he has always felt a very absurd feeling. Looking up, he looked at the sea beast like an island, and put many tents on the back, even broken. The plane is also clearly visible.

On top of this huge sea beast, everyone on Dongping Flight 7348 lives on the back of the sea beast and even considers it to be land. Not only that, it seems that they have built their own social order in the past week.

Like a primitive society.

But Cheng Yiping is very curious about what they call immortals. Could it be said that there are really immortals in this world? Or is there really a fairy in this devil's zone?

"I do n’t leave, tell you, I will never leave. I am looking for a fairy, and I am looking for a fairy. I must find a fairy. When I find a fairy, I will be able to know where your father is. I am absolutely Won't go! "

"I must find your **** father, and I will let him know how we have spent the past 20 years? If I find him, he will pay the price for what he did before, and he will be subject to the law. punishment"

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