Super Finding App

Chapter 961: Rescued

The crashed Dongping Flight 7348 landed slowly, followed by a shock, and landed on a huge land.

All the passengers on Dongping Flight 7348, plus the flight attendants and the driver, opened the door in horror. One after another, they left Dongping Flight 7348 one after another, looking angrily, surrounded by whiteness. The sea, they are on an isolated island.

"Immortal, immortal, you look immortal"

"How could it be a fairy, a superman, a superman, an absolute superman, I never thought we would be rescued by superman"

"Just kidding, how could there be Superman in this world, it is impossible at all, hallucinations, hallucinations, everything we hear is hallucinations."

"Is your hallucination good? Look, this is definitely Superman. If it weren't for Superman, our plane crash would have been crashed into the sea long ago, how could it have landed here safely?"

"Don't say this, you saw it, did you see it? I saw the dragon in the sky, but that's the real dragon!"

"It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. The dragon is simply a fabricated creature. It doesn't exist in the world at all. How can we see the dragon? Let me say that it should be a serpentine lightning produced by lightning. Let us The hallucinations of all people are that there should be no dragons in this world, and no dragons can exist ... "

"Hum, if you say so, what use do you disagree with? It is true that the plane crashed and fell down now, and now it has also fallen here. If no **** exists, according to physical logic, we are on the plane. All people should be the president at the bottom of the sea, or even killed, and not as safe as now, gods, Superman must exist ... "

The people trapped on Dongping Flight 7348 were bustling and talking, with panic and anxiety on their faces. They did not know what should happen next, but what happened in front of them was indeed beyond their imagination. Besides, they don't know what to do.

"Look, fairy ..."

"Superman ..."

"This is Superman, that person is flying ..."

"What superman? Want me to say this is a fairy, the fairy is flying ..."

Zhao Weiguo possessed high quality among the crowd of Dongping Flight 7348. He quickly calmed down, and some of him with weak qualities were trapped in panic. Some people looked around and watched vigilantly. I was frightened of everything that happened, and at the same time, I felt a sense of alertness.

Suddenly, with the surprised shouts of people, looking up, I saw a man in a casual dress in the sky pedaling in the air and slowly descending.


Volley flight.

Just kidding.

Was playing magic at the time?

"Yes, your plane has crashed, and you are now in the Devil's Zone, so I will place you here for the time being. You just have to wait patiently. After a few days, we will get things done and I will send you out of here. Don't be restless "

"At the same time, please remember that here is the devil's zone, with a large area of ​​sea beasts in danger and anomalous dangers. Survive here first, and wait for a few days. We will deliver the food regularly, but please remember, I don't like to kill each other, nor do I like violence, so you must be safe and secure, otherwise ... "

The sound of the figure that slowly landed from the sky was quiet, but the words spoken seemed to be imprinted in the minds of everyone on Dongping Flight 7348, as if talking to them one-on-one, this feeling was magical Inexplicable.

"Immortal, immortal, are you an immortal? Why do we happen?"

"Let us go home, let us go home, what the **** is this"

"Immortal, are you really an immortal? Please take me as a disciple, I want me to be an immortal ..."

"Get off, you have no reason to trap us here, let us go back quickly, let us go back, otherwise I will sue you, I will sue you ..."

What a fool.

Zhao Weiguo listened to some people in Dongping Flight 7348 starting to threaten, even shouted loudly, and shook his head. The best way for people to save themselves in the most dangerous situation is to be calm.

Observe carefully.

Instead of fooling around, do you think loudness is useful? If this is the case, there will not be a need for war in the disputes of the entire world, as long as there is a greater collective voice than anyone else.

The most important thing is that the other party can actually fly in the void, or even hold the plane with one hand. This strength has far exceeded the scope of human beings. It belongs to another creature, whether it is superman or immortal, at least a little Zhao Weiguo. I am very sure that everyone is in a weak position. Since they are weak, they must be prepared to be weak. How can they talk to the strong without capital and even order the strong to do things.

This is looking for death.

"To shut up!"

as expected……

In the sky, the slowly descending fairy shouted loudly, as the same thunder instantly fell into the minds of everyone on Dongping Flight 7348, and everyone seemed to be struck by lightning instantly. This is different from the flesh hit by lightning. It felt as if the souls were being whipped, kneeling on the ground with a painful thump, trembling all over the body, and even some incontinence appeared.

"I said, you stay here obediently, and will naturally send you away after the end of course. Of course, if you want to leave by yourself, I will not object, but I want to remind you that this is the devil's zone, all around Within the sea, there can be sea beasts ... "

With the words of the immortals, there was a roar of noise all around the Devil's Zone. A huge cheek appeared, and a behemoth covered with scales jumped out of the water and rushed toward the immortals. It looks as if the gods are to be devoured.


The next moment, everyone was stunned, and saw that the fairy just shook her hand gently, and the body of the huge sea beast exploded and burst into pieces, flew into countless flesh and flew apart.

this moment.

Three views of all the trapped people on Dongping Flight 7348 completely collapsed.

The world outlook and life outlook established over the years have completely collapsed.

This is a force beyond mortals ...

This is the power that mortals cannot match at all.



Strangely, when the gods showed this powerful power, they were full of doubts. Even the faces of Dongping Flight 7348, which showed emotions, gradually changed from doubt to ecstasy.

If one is only a little stronger than another, it will be admired. If it is stronger, it is jealousy, but if it is too strong to be matched, it is worship.

Those trapped on Dongping Flight 7348 were completely surrendered ...

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