Super Finding App

Chapter 981: Rainy night

[Special announcement, special announcement, the trapped people on Dongping flight 7348 have been found, all rescued, all 1,200 people have survived .........]

[Super good news, super good news, all the people trapped on the flight 7348 of Dongping have been rescued. Please listen. The first report brought to you by the reporter on the front line ...]

[Special announcement, special announcement that all the trapped people on Dongping Flight 7348 were surviving, and that all the survivors were surviving. This is great news ...]

The major TV stations of Tiantang Kingdom scrambled to report the surviving of all the passengers on Dongping Flight 7348. The original moment was not found. I did not expect that all of them would survive the next moment. Such things definitely belong to Tiantang Kingdom. Great news.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, thank you, thank you, thank you so much ..."

The head of Dongping International Airlines Xue Honglei flushed with excitement, holding his hands in a flat hand, expressing his inner gratitude. He originally thought that even if he could find the passengers on Dongping Flight 7348, there would definitely be The loss and casualties of the personnel, but did not expect that all the members survived, this is absolutely great news.

"It's okay, I just use people's money for disaster relief ..."

Cheng Yiping nodded, and said with a smile, he would never say anything about the gods met in the devil's zone. Even now, I think it ’s a nightmare, but it is because of this experience that made Cheng Yiping knows that there is another world in this world, and his three views are gradually collapsing.

"It's just that I really didn't expect that the three treasure hunters I selected, Robert, Rockmore and Ellie, would kill each other, and a murder case would occur. This is really beyond my expectation. It's ... "

Xue Honglei opened his mouth and sighed. When he learned that Allie had been killed by Robert, it felt like watching a soap opera at eight o'clock.

"It's true, but Robert has also been arrested by the police and will be subject to legal sanctions ..."

Cheng Yiping sighed slightly. In other words, if he changed himself, he might kill Ellie like Robert. After all, it is a woman she likes, and she is carrying another man with her back. And still deliberately deceiving himself, this is not acceptable to ordinary men.

After saying goodbye to Xue Honglei, Cheng Yiping walked out of the office building, raised his eyes and looked up. The outside was sunny and took a deep breath. The Super Hidden Object app has changed. He can clearly feel that there is a wave in his body today. The power of faith in the legend looks up. This power of faith seems to be in the body, but it cannot work.

"It seems that we still need to continue to find and integrate the super finder app host to 100%. Only then can we completely control the power of faith ..."

"As for the so-called new **** ..."

"Then take a step and look ..."

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, after all, he had no idea what the so-called new **** was, it was another world belonging to mortals.

"Do n’t you really follow me? Zhang Xiaona, I know you hate me now, but I said that all I did was for your good, so as not to let you carry the reputation of the murderer's daughter again, all this It's all for your good ... "

"Enough, stop talking, I won't follow you ..."

"Very well, even if you do n’t follow me, my mother will tell you that it is not appropriate for you to be equal to that. He is just a poor man. In this world, men are unreliable. Only money is the most important thing. reliable……"

Zhang Xiaona's mother was desperate and said in a tone that hated iron and steel.

"Speaking badly, even if one day you get divorced, if you find a rich man, you will be able to share half of his possessions. Now you are looking for a balance. Although he has a little skill, he looks like he has no money. People, then you have nothing after you divorced with him, wasting your youth in vain? "

"Enough, I said, after you abandoned me fifteen years ago, you are no longer qualified to control me, and I will never leave Chengping."

Zhang Xiaona said coldly.

"Okay, okay, the women in love are all blind? Eat a maggot and grow a wisdom. As a mother, I still want to remind you that even if I am in a relationship, I want to pay money, don't be He cheated ... "

Zhang Xiaona's mother said that she hated iron and steel, and then directly hit one and went away.


Zhang Xiaona revealed a complex look to Cheng Yiping.

Cheng Yiping smiled and took her hand, warming her gradually cold heart.

"Relax, it's okay, Zhang Xiaona, I've lived with you for a lifetime, not with your mother, let alone I'll be sincere to you and won't let you down ..."

The flash of worry in Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed, it seems that Zhang Xiaona's knot is still that 15 years ago ...

This is the demon of their family.

Tiantang 3000 years ...

The drizzling rain in the sky continued to drop, and the sky was covered with clouds. From time to time, thunder and lightning broke down and made a roar.

At the gate of Osmanthus Primary School, a little girl in a red dress stood idly at the gate of the campus, watching the majestic rain under the sky, showing a hesitant look.

When I was in school today, it was still sunny, but I did not expect that after school, it turned out to be cloudy and heavy rain was coming.


A thin boy at the gate of the campus came out with a black umbrella.

The little girl smiled brightly. She remembered that the boy was a classmate of her class, and he had an umbrella in his hand.

Facing the little girl's splendid look with expectation, the little boy's face changed, and he was obviously restrained. He looked at the little girl, looked at the umbrella in his hand, looked up, and rushed to the majestic In heavy rain.

The little girl in a red dress became frustrated instantly.

The boy was holding an umbrella and rushed into the storm, but he didn't parachute. He turned his head in the heavy rain and turned to look at the red **** the steps. She ran quickly and passed by. The playground stopped suddenly.

He clearly saw that on the campus playground, a woman in a white dress was holding an umbrella. Although she could not see her face, it was obvious that she was a beautiful woman ...

[Tiantang May 25, 3000, little girl Zhao Kexin disappeared from Osmanthus Elementary School ...]

Guo Dechang breathed out of his thoughts and came back from his thoughts. At the moment, he was in his study, and the entire study was filled with countless books, which recorded various cases, and on the messy table there were A calendar, the time on the calendar is truly.

Tiantang 3018 ...

On the other side of the desk is a photo frame, on which Guo Desheng wore a police uniform and showed a bright smile ...

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