Super Finding App

Chapter 987: visitor

Within the office of the six police officers of Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping was playing with the mobile phone in his hand, his eyes fell on the icon of the Super Find App on the mobile phone, and he slightly raised his lips, then flicked his finger and chose to delete.

Now that we know that the Super Hidden App can remember to go through the backup system, it is not enough to leave traces on the phone, or at least cannot be found in Cheng Yiping ’s own phone with the Super Hidden App.

"Since the backup system does work, then the question arises, how can I back up the backup system to other people's phones?"

This is a problem.

The backup system of the Super Hidden Object app is not really an app, it can be placed on the network for downloading. Honestly, even if it is placed on the network for downloading, it is not assured to be leveled because the current network is so developed The ghost knows if he will be cracked and finds himself.

Is there a way to back up the Super Hidden App to other people ’s phones without this network?

Cheng Yiping knows that this is a problem. If this problem cannot be solved, even if you have a backup system, you may not be able to make a safe backup.

Therefore, this problem must be solved, but fortunately, Cheng Yiping knows that his super finder app is not a real app. He has what the app does not have, which is the power of faith.

Since your own backup system, the Super Hidden Object app is backed up by the power of faith instead of downloading, so at this point, you may not need to go online to perform.

Thinking of this Cheng Yiping's mind had inspiration, looking up, I saw the six cases of the serious case office. Yang Tie pulled out his phone and seemed to be looking at something, and Cheng Yiping moved.

Mind moves.

[Is the Super Finding App backup system started to backup? 】

【Refuse! 】

Sure enough.

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile. Sure enough, as long as Cheng Yiping's eyes can see the backup system, the mobile phone can be backed up.

"If that's the case, wouldn't I just have to load the Super Hidden App one by one as long as I stay at the place where the cell phone is sold!"

"No, no. If this is too concentrated, the Super Hidden Object app, if it is only loaded in the same place, will definitely attract the attention of the relevant departments. With the power of the country, it will definitely cause me to doubt. Method can only be a small amount, not large-scale downloads ... "

"I still need to write on the Internet. It is best to use the power of faith to put the Super Hidden App backup system on the Internet and make the Super Hidden App into a virus ..."

"The power of faith, I should make a fuss about the power of faith ..."

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes, and he became fierce. In the devil's area, a fairy wearing casual clothes and a girl with two ponytails licking a lollipop, the magical powers they possessed were simply strange.

Since he is called a candidate himself, he also has the power of faith, then the power of faith will definitely have some effect. If he ca n’t even turn a super-hunting app into a virus, then he is a new god, this The candidate did too much.

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath, took the coffee, took a few sips, immersed his consciousness in the power of faith in his body, and began to slowly think about whether the journey of faith can upload the super-searching abb backup system. Arrival


There was a mysterious feeling in Cheng Yiping's mind. It seemed that the power of faith was instilled in his magical power, so that Cheng Yiping knew clearly that the backup system of the Super Hidden Object app could be completely changed by the power of faith. The form is loaded onto the network.

next moment.

Cheng Yiping's twin pupils burst out of the invisible light of ordinary people, and then fell into the computer.

The computer in front of the plane seemed to be poisoned and sent a weird symbol, and then the backup system of the Super Hidden Object app was loaded and logged on to the Internet, and it was not included in the websites that loaded files one after another.

On this day, as long as anyone uses the mobile phone to download things on the Internet, no matter what, the Super Hidden Object app will download like a virus.

This is the power of faith.

Cheng Yiping took a sigh of cold air and uploaded the backup system of the Super Hidden Object to the Internet like a virus. This is just one of his ideas, but Cheng Yiping didn't really think that this idea was under the influence of faith. Check it out perfectly in real time.

This shows how powerful and incredible the role of the power of faith is. It is no wonder that in the devil zone, the fairy wearing casual clothes can carry more than 1,200 passengers of Dongping 7348 and everyone on board the Eagle. Memorizing all the tampering is almost like magic power.

"Next, I just need to wait. I just need to wait slowly, waiting for the super finder app to explode on the Internet, and then I will be able to gain a lot of faith."

"Cheng Yiping, is Mr. Cheng here?"


At the door of Group Six of the serious case, a thin-faced man wearing a police uniform, leaned his head cautiously and asked.

Hello, I am Cheng Yiping, I wonder who you are?

Cheng Yiping showed a slight look of surprise. He didn't know why someone would come to him. Although he felt a little strange, he asked aloud.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng, I know you are a police adviser. I have one thing I would like to ask for your help. Please don't get me wrong. I am also a policeman. I am the Interpol Brigade in Dongzhou, Guo De."

The man in the police uniform had some hesitation, but he reached out his hand and took out his own ID.

Guo De, Criminal Police Brigade of Dongzhou City.

What's wrong with me?

Cheng Yiping raised his eyebrows slightly, with some surprises and doubts.

In the recreation area of ​​Jiangzhen Police Station, Guo De was wearing a police uniform, his face became tangled and hesitant. He took a deep breath, looked up into one, and took out a document from the bag behind his bag. Passed it.

"Mr. Cheng, hello, I learned through friends. They said that you have the ability to help people find and find things, and it is very magical. Although I am a materialist, I do n’t believe it, but I really don't have a solution. I would like to ask you to help me find her. If I can find it for you, I would be grateful ... "

That's it.

Cheng Yiping looked slightly surprised, and it seemed that his reputation in the police station had started.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping took the file, took it apart carefully and looked it up. When in Jiangzhen City, he often helped other groups to find prisoners. Although there were some losses for this, he could still get value for money. worth it.

But now that the super-hunting app has evolved, I don't know if it will be the value-seeking value or the power of faith.

It's very curious, maybe you can try it now ...

Find things by faith!

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