Super Finding App

Chapter 992: Rainbow Hospital

Dongzhou Road, Dongzhou City.

A black car was driving fast on the streets of Dongzhou. Guo De was excited and sweat was flowing on his forehead. Dongzhou is a well-known Dongzhou Road. Yes, the traffic inside is quite heavy.

If it was normal, Guo De would have been accustomed to the crowded traffic here, and would not be upset and restless, but at this moment he was very anxious, pressing the horn desperately, his face became low, always feeling this Such a short distance in Dongzhou City has now become extremely distant, which can be said to be difficult.

"Guo De is calm, calm down, don't get excited. Eighteen years have passed, and the whole eighteen years have passed. Do you still care about these two hours? If you drive too fast, you will encounter a traffic accident. In case of trouble, it can take longer, calm down ... "

Sitting in the front passenger seat, Cheng Yiping opened his pupils. The pupils were twinkling, and Cheng Yiping, who was traveling by car to Dongzhou City, was more accustomed to finding things.

It is just like the super-hunting app has not evolved before it had a flat map. It can zoom in and out of the surrounding maps. It can clearly know the environment on the way of searching, although it is not clear what the people encountered on the way of searching are. Yes, but you can also use white silhouettes instead.

Now that the Super Hidden App and the host have integrated 80% of the opened faith system.

The original flat map is completely complete, and becomes immersive ...

The most important thing is that Cheng Yiping found that he can easily find the soul avatar through the mind controller ’s belief after finding the object, and can control the time at will. Of course, the passage of time must be related to the object being found. Cheng Yiping can clearly understand that Han Ting kidnapped and extorted any time node of Zhao Kexin, as if watching a movie, followed behind Han Ting and clearly watched how Zhao Kexin was kidnapped by Han Ting and threatened to kill him. Buried in the backyard of Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital, and even now 18 years, how did Han Ting spend it?

You are now.

Even Cheng Yiping can control the avatar of the soul to walk on the road at the same time period, and look at the surrounding environment and road. Of course, all he can see is the range centered on the object being found, and Can't go too far.

But even so, the role and function of faith-seeking can only be described by magical powers, far beyond the flat map.

"The power of faith in this super finder app, the belief search that has already passed, if it is used to solve cases in the future, it will be a complete artifact. It can even achieve the effect of going back in time. The look of the item and the time elapsed after the item fell. Those places that have been shown are really powerful. They can only be described by fairy magic ... "

Cheng Yiping was frightened. At this moment, he seemed to understand something. In the devil's zone, the fairy wearing casual clothes and two ponytails and a princess skirt licking a lollipop. Liuli, their power and spells. Where did it come from?

New God!

Sure enough, it really exists.

Guo De, who is driving the car, certainly does not know at this moment that in his co-pilot seat, the thoughts of a policeman who had hoped that he had leveled up in his mind have flew a thousand miles away.

At this moment, his expression was tense and agitated, and his heart was irritable. He opened his mouth, took a few breaths, and swallowed it, which calmed down the very flustered and nervous mood, word by word.

"Sorry, Comrade Cheng Yiping, I'm really too nervous. Eighteen years, eighteen years of rectification. When I think of finding Zhao Kexin, my heart can't calm down, but Mr. Cheng, you really Are you sure? Zhao Kexin is really in Tianhong Mental Hospital? "

Until now, Guo De still felt like reading a heavenly book. If it wasn't because the other party was Yiping, the police was a police adviser, Guo Deyong would even suspect that the other party was a so-called liar.

"Guo De, rest assured, if my inferences are correct, then Zhao Kexin should be in the Tianhong Mental Hospital. As to whether it is true or not, I believe it will be easy to see at a glance as long as it is ..."

Cheng Yiping naturally understands Guo De's doubts, but he will definitely not tell Guo De honestly, you can rest assured, I have a super-hunting app, and I ’m still following up, using faith-seeking, not only can I know ten Who was Zhao Kexin's prisoner who abducted eight years ago, and can even see how Zhao Kexin was killed.

That's what the brain is saying.

"I know……"

Guo De nodded and nodded. He knew that the situation had reached the point where he could not help but doubt it. As Cheng Yiping said, it was true or false, as long as everyone went to the Tianhong Mental Hospital together to know.

Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital is located on the outskirts of Dongzhou City. This is a psychiatric hospital with a public welfare nature. It collects mental patients all year round.

After all, in recent years, mental illness is not a crime. It is not possible to touch or mess with it, but it is most secure to lock it up.

"Hello, this is Guo De from Dongzhou Interpol Brigade. This is Mr. Cheng Yipingcheng, a police consultant in Jiangzhen City ..."

In the Rainbow Hong Kong Mental Hospital, Guo Dehe Cheng Yiping showed the identity of the police and easily met the director of the mental hospital.

"Hello, hello. It turned out to be a police officer of the Interpol Brigade. I don't know what happened to the police officer when we came to our Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital. If anything, please tell us that the hospital will cooperate with you as much as possible ..."

I have to say that the status of the police in Tiantang Kingdom is still very high. Basically, as long as you show your identity, you will get the full cooperation of local authorities.


Guo De opened his mouth and turned to look at Cheng Yiping. He could not follow the director of Tianhong Mental Hospital to say that there is a corpse buried in you in the backyard for 18 years.

Speaking of it is estimated that the other party will treat themselves as a mental hospital.

"Hello, Dean, I would like to ask, the original address of your Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital should not be here ..."

To Guo De's surprise, Cheng Yiping frowned slightly, looked around, and looked at the director of the mental hospital.

"Well, yes, yes, our Tianhong Mental Hospital was originally located in Dongzhou City, but you also know that with the development of the city, many large demolitions have been carried out. Went to a hospital, so we moved here too, I do n’t know what you mean ...

The director of Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital was slightly surprised and said quickly.

"Yes, we have a case involving the original address of the Tianhong Psychiatric Hospital, so if it is convenient, can you tell us your original address ..."

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