Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 1 Cataclysm and the Gene Store

Yang Xiao opened his eyes and found himself lying in a rubble.

When I touched it with my hand, there were broken bricks and tiles all around, and the air was filled with the smell of dust.

"Grip the grass, what's the situation?!"

Yang Xiao was instantly terrified. He vaguely remembered that last night was the first day of college freshmen, and he slept well. How could he be lying in the rubble?

Did an earthquake happen?

He turned his head, the light was blurry, and vaguely saw a collapsed steel bed above his head. When he chose the bed last night, he chose the bottom bunk, and the steel structure bed in front of him. Although it was twisted and bent, it still supported a small space for him, protecting his head from being crushed.

If this is the case, the fat freshman sleeping in the upper bunk is probably miserable.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao shouted to the bent upper bunk:

"Fatty, Fatty, are you here? Please answer if you are alive..."

Yang Xiao shouted twice, but didn't respond. Looking at the bent bed above his head, it was estimated that the fat man was more fortunate than good.

He moved his hands, both hands were able to move without being pinched or broken, and then tried moving his legs again.

No, my legs seem to be pinned down by something and I can't move.

No broken legs, right?

Thinking of this, the excitement that had just been generated by surviving was immediately swept away.

What the hell is wrong with me!

After finally getting into a university, I encountered such unfortunate things on the first day of school.

Yang Xiao decided that there was a sudden earthquake last night, remembered the common sense of self-help in those earthquakes, quickly calmed down, and then shouted:

"Help! Help! There are people here, there are living people..."

Then it was useless, the surroundings were very quiet, and he did not hear any sound of the rescue team.

How to do? Can't wait to die here?

Yang Xiao tried his best to control his panic and began to calmly observe the situation around him. What surprised him was that he was not buried deep in the ruins, because he had already seen light shining in, but it was just now. At dawn, the light is still weak.

There seems to be wind in my ears.

This steel-structured bunk bed gave him a small living space. He slowly sat up with his hands and looked down from his waist.

The bed seemed to be bent in the middle, pressing down on his thighs.

He tried to push the plank on his legs, it didn't seem too heavy and could move a little bit.

The discovery surprised him.

He took a deep breath, observed carefully, and carefully removed the bricks and slag around his legs slowly. He didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of causing a second collapse.

After about half an hour of work, the space for my thighs has increased a little bit, and I feel that my legs can also move in a small range.

This discovery surprised him again, at least showing that his legs were not broken, and he would not have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

This is really good luck among misfortunes!

Yang Xiao became a little excited, and carefully pushed the wooden board on his legs with both hands.

This time it was actually able to lift a few centimeters.

Yang Xiao quickly moved his legs back and pulled out about 3 or 4 centimeters.

Push the plank on your leg again and move your body back again.

After several times, Yang Xiao finally pulled out his legs and moved his legs briefly. He felt that his legs were intact, and the whole person cried with joy.

Yang Xiao suddenly remembered something, and after fumbling around for a while, he actually found his mobile phone.

Immediately turn on the phone, see what's going on in the circle of friends, and prepare to release a live broadcast of the earthquake.

When he turned on his phone, he found that there was no network signal, not even a 4G signal.

"Okay, then dial 110."

Yang Xiao pressed the three numbers 110, but found that he couldn't get through at all.

Now, the light around him seems to be a little brighter. He can see the scene outside the ruins through the gaps around him. However, this is really frightening. Several dormitory buildings around him have collapsed. Yes, there are ruins everywhere.

Is it really a big earthquake?

In addition to being shocked, Yang Xiao began to think about how to get out of the ruins. No one knew when the rescue team would come. Instead of waiting to die, he might as well try to save himself.

Fortunately, he was not under the thick ruins. The dormitory building has 6 floors in total. He happened to live in 601. Maybe when the building collapsed, he was lucky enough to land on the ruins. If you live on the first floor, I am afraid that you will be crushed by the thick ruins, then there is really only despair.

Yang Xiao also knows that after an earthquake, secondary disasters are prone to occur. For example, these ruins are not stable. Too much movement can easily cause collapse. If they are buried again, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yang Xiao didn't dare to push the broken bricks and tiles on his body with all his strength, so he could only carefully remove some small wooden planks and bricks. If nothing else, he should be able to dig an escape route along the light outside.

After half an hour, after hard work, Yang Xiao finally climbed out of the ruins.

At this moment, the sky is getting brighter.

Yang Xiao stood up and walked down the ruins carefully.

A gust of breeze blew, and Yang Xiao felt cold all over, only to realize that he was only wearing a T-shirt and a pair of underwear.

There are a lot of clothes in the ruins. He randomly picked up a pair of jeans and a jacket from the ruins, and picked up two different sneakers, shook the dust on them, and put them on.

Yang Xiao sat paralyzed on an open space and let out a long sigh. Except for a few scratches, he was not seriously injured. He was lucky to have survived such a tragic earthquake.

I thought to myself, if the catastrophe does not die, there must be good luck!

I stood up and looked around. Yesterday was a beautiful campus, but now it is almost in ruins. The nearby dormitory buildings and teaching buildings have collapsed and are in a mess.

Yang Xiao turned his gaze behind him. A road away from the dormitory building was the school's large playground. Yesterday, the college's freshmen registration work was held in the playground.

At this moment, the big playground is very quiet in the morning light. All kinds of tents that were temporarily erected yesterday have disappeared. The turf planted on the ground is green, and the 800-meter circular runway is covered with red and green rubber, which is clean and tidy.

However, Yang Xiao still found something strange.

A strange two-story building appeared in the center of the playground, with lights shining from it.

How is this possible? He visited this playground yesterday, and there are no such tall and strange buildings. Moreover, the center of the playground is a football field, so how can there be buildings?

Under the light, I saw two figures in the distance, standing in front of the building, occasionally walking around and then standing still.

what's the situation?

Is it the earthquake relief headquarters?

According to the logic of the past, this must be the case.

At this time, the campus was dead silent, and Yang Xiao did not see any other survivors nearby, nor did he see any rescue team.

Yang Xiao patted the dust on his body and walked to the temporary building in the center of the playground.

Originally, there was a wall between the dormitory building and the road, but it had already collapsed at this moment. He directly crossed the road and walked into the playground.

As he got closer, Yang Xiao could clearly see the appearance of the building, but he was surprised.

The style of this building is completely unlike any buildings in the Huaxia Kingdom that you see every day, let alone a prefabricated house, obviously with an extremely strong foreign style.

The entire building is round, with a diameter of at least about 30 meters and a height of two floors. The exterior of the building is bright orange.

Yang Ming stopped when he was still 30 meters away from the orange building.

Because he saw two people in strange clothes standing at the door of the building, the picture was a bit inconsistent. The two people were at least 2 meters tall, full of armor, and hung a wide sword more than one meter long at their waists.

What the hell is going on here?

Yang Xiao rubbed his eyes and pinched himself again.

Not dreaming!

Another ten meters.

Yang Xiao saw a horizontal plaque hanging outside the gate of the orange building with four big characters written on it:

"Gene Shop"


Yang Xiao felt a buzzing sound, he must have been dreaming, he was enchanted, all the scenes in front of Nima were wrong.

Earthquake, ruins, no living people, and no rescue team. A strange orange house appeared on the playground, with the words "Gene Shop" written in big characters, and two warriors in full armor like an iron tower stood at the door.

what's going on?

Yang Xiao felt that his IQ was completely insufficient.

Well, even if you're dreaming, let's play in the dream.

Yang Xiao timidly glanced at the two tower-like warriors at the door and walked over slowly.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Yang Xiao asked.

The two warriors glanced at Yang Xiao without making a sound, standing like two wooden figures with arrogant expressions.

Yang Xiao hesitated for a moment, then walked into the orange building boldly, and unexpectedly saw a little old man standing behind a counter with a bright light above the counter.

"Hehe, welcome to the gene store!"

said the little old man.

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Gene store? What game are you playing?"

The little old man smiled slightly:

"My name is Gubo, the owner of the gene store."

"Gene store? What does it sell?"

There are 10,000 **** rushing past in Yang Xiao's heart at this moment, and he really can't understand what is going on.

"Hehe, after seven days, all creatures on the earth will mutate. After different creatures are hunted, they will drop different gene fragments. You can hunt these creatures and take the collected gene fragments to our gene store for sale. "

"After seven days, biological mutation?"

Yang Xiao was completely stunned, little old man, how can I not understand what people say?

What kind of a foolish dream is this? Could it be that I play games too much?

The little old man Gu Bo looked at Yang Xiao, suddenly smiled, and said:

"Did you think you were dreaming?"

Yang Xiao was taken aback,

"Is not it?"

"Hehe, Earth's civilization has been destroyed overnight. You are now entering a new era, the era of genetic mutation. It is estimated that less than one-tenth of human beings survived. Seven days later, when other creatures mutate, human will no longer be the master of the earth, and the whole earth will be ruled again by those mutated creatures..."

"Old man, are you telling a story or playing a game?"

Yang Xiao interrupted the little old man Gu Bo with panic.

"Hehe, young man, I hope you can survive these seven days. After seven days, your destiny will begin. I will give you a piece of advice. Find a way to live for seven days first."

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