Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 69 Salt Lack

(Thanks to the book friends for the 500 starting point coins, thank you for your support!)

"Yang Xiao, do you mean that this giant eagle is not alone, there are other giant eagles?"

Qin Yu asked.

"I'm just guessing. It is estimated that this giant eagle's nest is on Mount Yue, and there should be a group of children."


Deng Xiao and the others looked at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"The reason is very simple. If the rest are adult giant eagles, they can fly over together and catch the fish directly. Why should one giant eagle catch the fish alone and transport it to a distant nest?"

The three Huang Wen nodded in agreement.

Huang Wen's eyes lit up and suddenly said:

"If we find the giant eagle's lair, wouldn't we be able to find a lot of genetic fragments, and even some magic weapons and skill cheats? Think about it, this giant eagle is so powerful, how many powerful mutant creatures will become its prey, Like King Tilapia."

When Qin Yu and Deng Xiao heard this, they also had excited expressions on their faces, and their eyes lit up.

Yang Xiao glared at the three of them angrily and funny:

"Bo Da has no brains! Let's not say that we can't find the giant eagle's nest in this thick fog. Even if the giant eagle's nest is in front of you, you dare to take food from the giant eagle's mouth?"

The three girls were stunned for a moment, then angrily raised their Xiaofan boxing and hit Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao was hit hard by the pink fists of the three girls, and felt that the nosebleed was about to come out.

Qin Yu even raised his chest and said:

"Can't we be happy? We have to break our dreams."

After speaking, the three girls all laughed.

Yang Xiao could only shake his head helplessly, his eyes did not dare to look directly at the choppy breasts of the three girls, and said:

"We can't touch the giant eagle's nest, but there is a cornucopia in front of us. The puddles and mudflats are full of genetic fragments left by birds after killing fish. There are at least dozens of them. You don't want to pick them up. ?"

Huang Wen and others had long seen the gleaming gene fragments on the beach near the water pool, and they were jealous.

"Take it for granted, but with so many giant birds, we are not rivals."

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"There are two ways. The first is to wait for all the fish in the puddle to be caught, and these birds will naturally leave the place. Then you can come and pick it up."

"How long will it take? Besides, maybe Xiao Zhe and the others will come to pick up cheap ones. Today Xiao Zhe came to ask us how we caught so many mutant sparrows, and about the water pool. I didn't tell him. ."

Huang Wen said.

"Well, then I have a second way."

"any solution?"

The three girls looked at Yang Xiao together.

Yang Xiao suddenly said with a serious expression:



Deng Xiao almost didn't jump up.

"I heard it right, the four of us directly challenged these hundreds of birds? Wasn't that meant to be shot into a hedgehog? Xu Hua's copper-skinned skin was shot into a hedgehog, and we didn't die directly through the heart? "

"It's not the four of us, but all of us girls, more than 30 people. I plan to have a big exercise, so that everyone can participate in the battle with the giant bird and improve their skills."

Seeing Yang Xiao's seriousness, Huang Wen nodded, not joking.

"This is also an opportunity. It can indeed train everyone, Yang Xiao, do you need me to call Feifei and the others to come up now?"

"No, today is not a good day. Let's go down the mountain first and come over early tomorrow morning. Everyone has a good rest today."

The four went down the mountain, and Yang Xiao asked Huang Wen and others to roast all the remaining 8 sparrows.

"Boss, are you sure you can finish it?"

"What do you say? Well,

It is best to have some seasonings such as chili sauce. Now they are eaten directly. The only seasoning is just a little salt. It is really not delicious! "

Huang Wen spread her hands and said:

"There's nothing I can do about it. Maybe in a few days, we'll run out of salt."

Yang Xiao was taken aback and said:

"Do other teams have salt now?"

"Xiao Zhe's team has stored the most salt, and it is estimated that it will not last for a few months. After we support for another half a month, I am afraid that there will be no salt available. We have turned over the ruins of several nearby supermarkets and shopping malls several times, and we have already found them. No more salt."

Huang Wen sighed.

Now is the end of the world. There is no company that sells salt. Everyone can only rely on some salt and seasonings that were in stock before. Although the meat of these mutant creatures is delicious, if there is no salt, it will be difficult to eat for a long time. .

Besides, although our bodies are also undergoing genetic mutations, some basic physiological needs have not changed, such as salt.

"Got to find a way to find salt."

Qin Yu said:

"The living substances of these genes naturally exist in large quantities in urban areas. Even if they become ruins, salt and some condiments are still there, and they will not deteriorate. There are large supermarkets and shopping malls in urban areas. If we send people into the city, we should be able to find more basic household items."

Yang Xiao nodded,

"You're right, but the city doesn't know what's going on right now, and I don't dare to send you to the city rashly. In fact, isn't Jinwan Town a bustling business district? Even if the people from Xianan University control it. The food in Jinwan Town can’t be eaten raw with so much salt, right? We can send someone to exchange some food, such as smoked fish or sparrow meat.”

Yang Xiao's words reminded everyone, but someone immediately said:

"Zhao Gang from our place went to Jinwan Town to look for food a few days ago, didn't he just kill a few people from Xianan University and finally be beaten back?"

"Yeah, boss, it's the end of the world now, and I don't know what's going on in Xianan University. We're weak now, so we can't take risks easily."

All the girls expressed concern.

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"I will find a way to solve the problem of salt slowly. Anyway, there is no shortage of half a month. Today's task is to eat well and have a good rest. We will go to the water pool for a fight tomorrow morning, everyone is ready, I am here. There are more than twenty genetic fragments."

After Yang Xiao finished speaking, he took out the gene fragment and handed it to Huang Wen.

"You can add up the genetic fragments you have collected these days, and see who needs to buy some basic equipment. Take them to the gene store to buy them."

Huang Wen took some girls to the gene store to buy simple equipment, and Yang Xiao, Chen Fei and others started roasting sparrow meat.

These girls are basically full after eating a pound or two of meat. Thirty girls are almost enough for one roasted sparrow. The remaining 7 roasted sparrows belong to Yang Xiao.

Everyone was used to Yang Xiao's mass, and they didn't even bother to watch. They went to rest after eating, or did their own things.

Qin Yu and Deng Xiao helped Yang Xiao roast the sparrows, while Yang Xiao devoured it.

Fatty watched for a while, felt a little sick, and retched a few times and ran away.

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, tore off a piece of meat, and said while chewing:

"Am I so disgusting to eat?"

Qin Yu smiled and said:

"It's not disgusting for you to eat, it's just that eating so much makes it a little disgusting to watch."

In fact, these girls are not stupid, they have long guessed that Yang Xiao may be absorbing energy through these foods.

Yang Xiao gave Qin Yu a white look and ate to himself.

Six sparrows, Yang Xiao ate it all by himself for three hours. Seeing the pile of sparrow bones around him, he was a little suspicious. I ate all these things?

Of course, after eating so much mutated sparrow meat, plus some of the energy accumulated before, Yang Xiao's genetic data system showed two prompts in a row.

"Now you can increase your genetic attributes by 1 point, please choose."

"Now you can increase your genetic attributes by 1 point, please choose."

Yang Xiao chose to increase his strength and agility by 1 point. In this way, his current genetic data is as follows:

Strength: 7

Agility: 6

Defense: 5

Wisdom: 5

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