Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 83 The first team battle

Early the next morning, Yang Xiao took more than 300 people up the mountain. Among these 300 people, more than 100 people had bird and beast souls, which could fly and attack, and more than 100 people had various elemental attacks. Ability, the other hundred people are werewolves, bears, buffalo, porcupines and other beast souls, these people have the characteristics of great strength and high defense, suitable for close combat defense.

Huang Wen, Chen Fei, and Dai Yun each led a team.

The people who stayed on the playground, under the arrangement of Xiao Zhe, Zhao Gang and others, formed several mixed combat teams to go to nearby hills, or distant fields and valleys to hunt mutant creatures.

Those who do not have beast souls will be divided into several teams, and they will follow behind the team to pick up the mutant creatures that everyone has killed.


Yang Xiao and others came to the water pool and heard the sound of birds chirping from a distance.

The water in the pool has dropped a little more. The huge tilapia in the pool has disappeared, only some other small fish remain. Of course, the so-called small fish are at least 20 pounds or more.

All mutant creatures are much larger than before.

There are more than a hundred birds circling near the water pool. Birds keep swooping down, skimming the water, grabbing mutated fish, and then feasting with their companions on the nearby mudflat.

Many people came to the water pool for the first time. They only heard that there were water monsters in the water pool. They ate several people, and there were even more powerful mutant birds, which also killed many people, so they did not dare to come here.

Now, I have seen with my own eyes more than 100 huge birds circling and dancing in the air, catching mutated big fish from the water from time to time. Everyone saw this scene and it was a little scary. Fortunately, there are now more than 300 people, and Yang Yang Xiao led the team, and everyone was not so panic.

"Okay, everyone pay attention to stand in line, the elemental attackers and the melee defenders stand with each other, the melee defenders pay attention to the defense, the elemental attackers attack with all their strength, Huang Wen, you fly over with a dozen people, and mutate the sky Birds lead over, Qin Yu, Deng Xiao, you two lead the rest of the people into two teams, spread out from left to right, wait for Huang Wen to attract mutant birds, and immediately encircle and attack."

After the explanation, Huang Wen took a dozen people, turned into giant birds, and flew to the center of the pool, more than ten meters away from the mutant birds, Huang Wen and others immediately released feather arrows.


Dozens of feathered arrows burst out of the air and shot at the birds.

Huang Wen and others turned around and flew back after the launch. After the mutant birds were attacked, they immediately became angry and screamed. In an instant, forty or fifty huge birds flew over and rushed towards Huang Wen and others. .

Huang Wen and the others flew while dodging the feather arrows flying behind them.

The distance of tens of meters was reached in the blink of an eye. Seeing that the group of mutant birds entered the encirclement, Qin Yu and Deng Xiao took hundreds of people from left to right and flew into the sky with a "bang", directly sending forty to fifty people. Surrounded by mutant birds.

The flock of birds only pursued and killed Huang Wen and the others angrily, but they did not expect so many people with bird and beast souls to appear all of a sudden.

Huang Wen immediately turned around and attacked with the team.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

More than 100 people fired feather arrows, which were densely shot at the mutant birds, and the group of mutant birds immediately panicked.

Standing on the ground, Chen Fei shouted:


Immediately, more than a hundred elemental attacks such as ice balls, fireballs, wind blades, and lightning erupted, slamming into the giant bird in the sky.

Those giant birds were a little panicked when they faced the siege of Huang Wen and others. They didn't expect such a powerful attack on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom...

Various elemental attacks exploded in mid-air, and the mutant giant birds were attacked one after another. There was a shrill scream, the sky was full of flying feathers, and dozens of giant birds fell from the air.

In dozens of seconds, forty or fifty mutant giant birds were surrounded and eliminated by everyone.

All the little friends are excited for a while, if this is on a weekday, I can't imagine it at all.

In terms of fighting alone, except for a few people in Yang Xiao, the rest are not the opponents of the giant bird, but now after the organization, the situation is completely one-sided.

Dai Yun looked at Yang Xiao with an unusually depressing look:

"Boss, I haven't done it yet?"

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"I didn't do it either...Huang Wen, go and bring a group of birds over, and you can go after the rest with all your strength. Everyone should use this opportunity to exercise their psychological quality before the battle."

"Yes, boss."

Huang Wen took a dozen people to fly over the water pool again, so they repeated the plan, and attracted forty or fifty mutant giant birds to come.

Another dozens of seconds, all annihilated.

Forty or fifty mutant giant birds remained in the sky in the distance.

"Okay, let's go chase and kill yourself. Be careful not to run too far alone. You need to cooperate with the air and ground attack and defense, and you can form a team freely."

As soon as Yang Xiao finished speaking, more than 300 people rushed out with a bang. Needless to say, Huang Wen and others flew the fastest and immediately exchanged fire with the remaining mutant giant birds.

Chen Fei and others did not show weakness, they ran and opened fire at the giant birds in the air. Some birds flew too high for them to reach, so they could only rely on Huang Wen and others to suppress those giant birds.

Dai Yun and others are so popular that Nima can't even reach three or four meters when he jumps up.

Dai Yun, who had been charging ahead, felt extremely aggrieved and jumped violently several times in a row. The height was only more than 4 meters, which was not enough to kill the birds in the air.

I don't know who found that there are many fish in the puddle. Everyone jumped into the puddle, regardless of the mud, wolf claws, bear paws, and long swords, and finally found some sense of existence.

Yang Xiao stood on the mudflat of the water pool, watching everyone chasing and killing the mutant birds in the sky, and watching Dai Yun and others killing the mutant fish in the water pool, he felt quite emotional.

With the right organizational leadership, a flock of sheep can turn into wolves!

For more than half an hour, more than a dozen birds in the sky escaped, and the rest were all wiped out by Huang Wen, Chen Fei and others. When they were caught, each one weighed 10 to 20 pounds, and the larger ones weighed 30 to 40 pounds.

More than 100 birds, each weighing more than 50 jins, plus more than 100 fish, there are tens of thousands of jins of high-protein food, this is the first collective harvest of Hunan University.

Huang Wen took someone to count them. There were more than 180 genetic fragments, most of which were left by birds that hunted the fish in the pool.

There were 3 bird leaders who were killed, dropped 3 bows, 3 Feather Arrow cheats, and 3 complete gene discs.

Yang Xiao called Dai Yun and gave her a bow and a feather arrow cheat book.

"Aren't you very depressed? With bows and arrows, after learning archery, there is no need to worry."

When Dai Yun heard this, he was overjoyed.

"Thank you boss."

"Hehe, don't thank me, everyone will gradually equip them in the future. People with melee defense and high agility attributes can equip bow and arrow skills, so that they can be used for long-range combat. We are still relatively poor now, and we will have more crystal coins in the future. Now, everyone can equip the weapon they want."

"Boss, I think I'm too excited today, why don't we go hunting a mountain now, there must be more mutant creatures in it than here."

Chen Fei said that she didn't think it was too much fun. After only a few shots, she won't have to fight. Today's big credit was taken away by Huang Wen, Qin Yu, Deng Xiao and others.

"Hehe, don't worry, so much food, let's transport it down the mountain to deal with it first. Today, we will have a big dinner to celebrate the rebirth of our Hunan University in the apocalypse. Let's make it fun, how about it?"

"It's a good idea, I agree!"

"I agree too!"

The crowd applauded.

Yang Xiao also asked Dai Yun to lead a few people to re-block the sluice gate of the water pool with stones and soil.


"Why? You're stupid. It rained in a few days, and the pond will be filled with water. It will still be an important water source in the future. If it is not a special situation this time, I will not dry up and fish. I hope there are still some fish fry in the puddle. Seed, slowly multiply."

Yang Xiao took everyone down the mountain, Xiao Zhe and Zhao Gang said in surprise:

"Just came back? Less than 3 hours before and after?"

When they saw more than 100 mutant giant birds and more than 100 fish, they were even more surprised, and the hundreds of people who stayed on the playground were even more excited.

There are still hundreds of people who have formed several teams to hunt mutant creatures and have not returned for the time being.

Huang Wen arranged for the logistics staff to handle the food and prepare the celebratory feast.

Yang Xiao handed the two bows and two feather arrow cheats to Xiao Zhe and Zhao Gang respectively.

"Xiao Zhe is a werewolf beast soul, and Zhao Gang is a bearman beast soul. You can learn archery, which will be useful for long-range combat in the future."

Although Xiao Zhe and Zhao Gang's agility attributes are not as high as Yang Xiao's, having feather and arrow skills is a huge advantage after all, and this sparrow bow can directly increase agility by 3 points.

Xiao Zhe was a little excited. He didn't expect Yang Xiao to be so kind to him, and he felt ashamed for his sleazy thoughts before.

"Yang Xiao, I..."

Xiao Zhe looked at Yang Xiao with excitement.

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"A bow is also polite to me? In the future, this thing will be rubbish, and you won't want it if you give it to you. That's why we use such a poor bow at a low level."

This sentence made Xiao Zhe laugh.

"Yang Xiao, don't worry, I will try my best to help you manage Hunan University."

Yang Xiao patted Xiao Zhe on the shoulder:

"Brother, it's not helping me, it's helping yourself and everyone. It's not easy to survive in the last days. Let's live and cherish. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Since we live for a day, we should cherish and work hard. I believe that as long as we If we don’t give up, God will not give up on us.”

Zhao Gang on the side also said excitedly:

"Boss, we will die together, and we will live together. You saved my life, and I will give it to you in the future."

"Don't, don't, you can live together, you can die. Besides, I don't want your life, I'd rather have Feifei than you, right? Feifei is at least a woman who can have children, hahaha …”

"Boss, are you calling me? What's the matter?"

Outside the tent, Fei Fei hurried in, and a pair of E-cup tits were bouncing up and down.

Yang Xiao was stunned, opened his eyes, opened his mouth wide, his legs softened, and he slumped on the ground.

Nima, telling a joke can be so unlucky?

"Ha ha......"

Xiao Zhe and Zhao Gang laughed wildly, their stomachs hurt from laughing, they squatted down slowly while covering their stomachs.

Only Feifei is a little baffled, thinking, is my charm so great? The boss was so excited when he saw me!

(Two chapters are sent out in a row, asking for recommendations and rewards, and I am asking for all kinds of things, thank you for your support!)

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